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Appropriate copyright notice shall // be placed on all software copies, and a complete copy of this notice // shall be included in all copies of the associated documentation. // No right is granted to use in advertising, publicity or otherwise // any trademark, service mark, or the name of Princeton University. // // // --- This software and any associated documentation is provided "as is" // // PRINCETON UNIVERSITY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THOSE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A // PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR THAT USE OF THE SOFTWARE, MODIFICATIONS, OR // ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, // TRADEMARKS OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF A THIRD PARTY. // // Princeton University shall not be liable under any circumstances for // any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages // with respect to any claim by USER or any third party on account of // or arising from the use, or inability to use, this software or its // associated documentation, even if Princeton University has been advised // of the possibility of those damages. // ********************************************************************* #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #include "SAT.h" const int MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 65536; const int MAX_WORD_LENGTH = 64; void read_cnf_omit(SAT_Manager mng, char * filename, vector & omit) { char line_buffer[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char word_buffer[MAX_WORD_LENGTH]; set clause_vars; set clause_lits; unsigned omit_idx = 0; int line_num = 0; ifstream inp(filename, ios::in); if (!inp) { cerr << "Can't open input file" << endl; exit(1); } int cl_id = -1; while (inp.getline(line_buffer, MAX_LINE_LENGTH)) { ++line_num; if (line_buffer[0] == 'c') { continue; } else if (line_buffer[0] == 'p') { int var_num; int cl_num; int arg = sscanf(line_buffer, "p cnf %d %d", &var_num, &cl_num); if (arg < 2) { cerr << "Unable to read number of variables and clauses" << "at line " << line_num << endl; exit(3); } SAT_SetNumVariables(mng, var_num); // first element not used. } else { // Clause definition or continuation char *lp = line_buffer; do { char *wp = word_buffer; while (*lp && ((*lp == ' ') || (*lp == '\t'))) { lp++; } while (*lp && (*lp != ' ') && (*lp != '\t') && (*lp != '\n')) { *(wp++) = *(lp++); } *wp = '\0'; // terminate string if (strlen(word_buffer) != 0) { // check if number is there int var_idx = atoi(word_buffer); int sign = 0; if (var_idx != 0) { if (var_idx < 0) { var_idx = -var_idx; sign = 1; } clause_vars.insert(var_idx); clause_lits.insert((var_idx << 1) + sign); } else { // add this clause ++cl_id; if (omit_idx < omit.size()-1 && omit[omit_idx] < cl_id ) ++omit_idx; if (omit_idx < omit.size()) { if (omit[omit_idx] == cl_id) { clause_lits.clear(); clause_vars.clear(); } } if (clause_vars.size() != 0 && clause_vars.size() == clause_lits.size()) { vector temp; for (set::iterator itr = clause_lits.begin(); itr != clause_lits.end(); ++itr) { temp.push_back(*itr); } SAT_AddClause(mng, & temp.begin()[0], temp.size() ); } clause_lits.clear(); clause_vars.clear(); } } } while (*lp); } } if (!inp.eof()) { cerr << "Input line " << line_num << " too long. Unable to continue..." << endl; exit(2); } if (clause_lits.size() && clause_vars.size() == clause_lits.size()) { vector temp; for (set::iterator itr = clause_lits.begin(); itr != clause_lits.end(); ++itr) { temp.push_back(*itr); } SAT_AddClause(mng, & temp.begin()[0], temp.size() ); } clause_lits.clear(); clause_vars.clear(); } int get_num_clause(char * filename) { char line_buffer[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; ifstream inp(filename, ios::in); if (!inp) { cerr << "Can't open input file" << endl; exit(1); } while (inp.getline(line_buffer, MAX_LINE_LENGTH)) { if (inp.fail()) { cerr << "Too large an input line. Unable to continue..." << endl; exit(2); } if (line_buffer[0] == 'p') { int var_num; int cl_num; int arg = sscanf(line_buffer, "p cnf %d %d", &var_num, &cl_num); if (arg < 2) { cerr << "Unable to read number of variables and clauses" << endl; exit(3); } return cl_num; } } cerr << "Can't find the header in CNF: p cnf NumVar NumCls " << endl; exit(1); return 0; } void handle_result(SAT_Manager mng, int outcome, char * filename) { string result = "UNKNOWN"; switch (outcome) { case SATISFIABLE: cout << "Instance satisfiable" << endl; // following lines will print out a solution if a solution exist for (unsigned i = 1, sz = SAT_NumVariables(mng); i <= sz; ++i) { switch (SAT_GetVarAsgnment(mng, i)) { case -1: cout << "(" << i<< ")"; break; case 0: cout << "-" << i; break; case 1: cout << i; break; default: cerr << "Unknown variable value state"<< endl; exit(4); } cout << " "; } result = "SAT"; cout << endl; break; case UNSATISFIABLE: result = "UNSAT"; cout << "Instance unsatisfiable" << endl; break; case TIME_OUT: result = "ABORT : TIME OUT"; cout << "Time out, unable to determine the outcome of the instance"; cout << endl; break; case MEM_OUT: result = "ABORT : MEM OUT"; cout << "Memory out, unable to determine the outcome of the instance"; cout << endl; break; default: cerr << "Unknown outcome" << endl; exit(5); } cout << "Max Decision Level\t\t\t" << SAT_MaxDLevel(mng) << endl; cout << "Num. of Decisions\t\t\t" << SAT_NumDecisions(mng) << endl; cout << "Num. of Variables\t\t\t" << SAT_NumVariables(mng) << endl; cout << "Original Num Clauses\t\t\t" << SAT_InitNumClauses(mng) << endl; cout << "Original Num Literals\t\t\t" << SAT_InitNumLiterals(mng) << endl; cout << "Added Conflict Clauses\t\t\t" << SAT_NumAddedClauses(mng) - SAT_InitNumClauses(mng)<< endl; cout << "Added Conflict Literals\t\t\t" << SAT_NumAddedLiterals(mng) - SAT_InitNumLiterals(mng) << endl; cout << "Deleted Unrelevant clause\t\t" << SAT_NumDeletedClauses(mng) <= 0; cl_idx = SAT_GetNextClause(mng, cl_idx)) { int len = SAT_GetClauseNumLits(mng, cl_idx); int * lits = new int[len+1]; SAT_GetClauseLits(mng, cl_idx, lits); int i; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { int v_idx = lits[i] >> 1; int sign = lits[i] & 0x1; int var_value = SAT_GetVarAsgnment(mng, v_idx); if ((var_value == 1 && sign == 0) || (var_value == 0 && sign == 1)) break; } if (i >= len) { cerr << "Verify Satisfiable solution failed, please " << "file a bug report, thanks. " << endl; exit(6); } delete [] lits; ++num_verified; } cout << num_verified << " Clauses are true, Verify Solution successful. "; } int main(int argc, char ** argv) { if (argc != 2) { cerr << "ZMinimal: Find Minimal Core. " << endl; cerr << "Copyright 2003-2004, Princeton University" << endl << endl; cerr << "Usage: "<< argv[0] << " cnf_file " << endl; return 2; } vector omit; int num_cls = get_num_clause(argv[1]); cout << "Total : " << num_cls << " passes"; for (int i = 0; i < num_cls; ++i) { if (i % 50 == 0) cout << endl << i << ":\t"; if (i % 10 == 0) cout << " "; cout.flush(); SAT_Manager mng = SAT_InitManager(); omit.push_back(i); read_cnf_omit(mng, argv[1], omit); int result = SAT_Solve(mng); if (result != SATISFIABLE) { cout << "*" ; } else { cout << "-"; omit.pop_back(); } cout.flush(); SAT_ReleaseManager(mng); } cout << endl; cout << "Instance Cls: " << num_cls << " MinCore Cls: " << num_cls - omit.size() << " Diff: " << omit.size() << endl; cout << "Unneeded clauses are: "; for (unsigned i = 0; i < omit.size(); ++i) { if (i % 20 == 0) cout << endl; cout << omit[i] << " "; } cout << endl; return 0; }