Changeset 73 for papers/FDL2012

Mar 23, 2012, 6:49:03 PM (13 years ago)


1 edited


  • papers/FDL2012/exp_results.tex

    r72 r73  
    1 We have conducted preliminary experiments to tests and compare the performance of our strategy with existing abstraction-refinement technique available in VIS. As our abstraction representation requires fairness constraints, we have chosen the \emph{incremental\_ctl\_verification} abstraction refinement technique as it supports CTL formulas and fairness constraints \cite{PardoHachtel98incremCTLMC} \cite{PardoHachtel97autoAbsMC}.
     1We have conducted preliminary experiments to tests and compare the performance of our strategy with existing abstraction-refinement technique available in VIS. As our test platforms requires fairness constraints, we have chosen the \emph{incremental\_ctl\_verification} abstraction refinement technique as it supports CTL formulas and fairness constraints \cite{PardoHachtel98incremCTLMC} \cite{PardoHachtel97autoAbsMC}. It is an automatic abstraction refinement algorithm which generates an initial conservative abstraction principally by reducing the size of the latches by a constant factor. If the initial abstraction is not conclusive, a \emph{goal set} will then be computed in order to guide the refinement process.
    3 We have executed and compared the execution time and the number of refinement iterations for two examples: VCI-PI platform consisting of Virtual Component Interface (VCI), a PI-Bus and VCI-PI protocol converter and a simplified version of a CAN bus platform consisting of 3 nodes and a CAN bus. Table \ref{StatsVCI_PI} and Table \ref{StatsCAN_Bus} give the size and the statistics concerning the VCI-PI platform and CAN bus platform respectively. All the values are computed using the \emph{compute\_reach} command with option \emph{-v 1} in VIS except the number of BDD variables, obtained using the \emph{print\_bdd\_stats} command. The experiments have been executed on a PC with an AMD Athlon dual-core processor 4450e and 1.8GB of RAM memory.
     3We have executed and compared the execution time and the number of refinement iterations for two examples: VCI-PI platform consisting of Virtual Component Interface (VCI), a PI-Bus and VCI-PI protocol converter and a simplified version of a CAN bus platform consisting of 3 nodes on a CAN bus. Table \ref{StatsVCI_PI} and Table \ref{StatsCAN_Bus} give the size and the statistics concerning the VCI-PI platform and CAN bus platform respectively. All the values are obtained using the \emph{compute\_reach} command with option \emph{-v 1} in VIS except the number of BDD variables, computed using the \emph{print\_bdd\_stats} command. The experiments have been executed on a PC with an AMD Athlon dual-core processor 4450e and 1.8GB of RAM memory.
    55\begin{table*} [ht]
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