bounded_model_check - Performs a SAT-based LTL model checking on a flattened network _________________________________________________________________ bounded_model_check [-h] [-v ] [-m ] [-k ] [-s ] [-r ] [-e] [-F ] [-S ] [-E ] [-C ] [-I ] [-d ] [-t ] [-o ] [-i] Performs a SAT-based LTL bounded model checking (BMC) on a flattened network. This command looks for a counterexample of length k ( minimum_length =< k =< maximum_length). If -r is specified, this command performs check for termination after each termination_check_step . If no counterexample is found, this command increases k by step_value (specifies by the -s option) until a counterexample is found, the search becomes intractable (timed out), or k reaches a bound (determine by the check for termination), and then we conclude that the LTL property passes. This command implements the basic encoding of Bounded Model Checking (BMC) as descibed in the paper "Symbolic Model Checking without BDDs". However, the -E option can be used to select other encoding scheme. We also applied some of the improvements in the BMC encoding described in the paper "Improving the Encoding of LTL Model Checking into SAT". To prove that an LTL property passes, we implement the termination methods that are descirebed in the papers "Checking Safety Properties Using Induction and a SAT-Solver" and "Proving More Properties with Bounded Model Checking". Before calling this command, the user should have initialized the design by calling the command [1]flatten_hierarchy. If the user uses the -r option and the LTL property is a general LTL property, the command [2]build_partition_maigs must be called. The aig graph must be built by calling the command [3]build_partition_mdds Command options: -h Print the command usage. -m Minimum length of counterexample to be checked (default is 0). -k Maximum length of counterexample to be checked (default is 1). -s Incrementing value of counterexample length (default is 1). -r Check for termination for each termination_check_step (default is 0). 0 means don't check for termination. -e Activate early termination check. Check if there is no simple path starts from an initial state. Valid only for general LTL and safety properties. Must be used with -r option. -S Specify SAT solver sat_solver must be one of the following: 0: CirCUs (Default) 1: zChaff -E Specify encoding scheme encoding must be one of the following: 0: The original BMC encoding (Default) 1: SNF encoding 2: Fixpoint encoding -C Specify clause type encoding must be one of the following: 0: Apply CirCUs SAT solver on circuit (Default) 1: Apply SAT solver on CNF generated form circuit 2: Apply SAT solver on CNF -I Specify increment sat solver type encoding must be one of the following: 1: Trace Objective (Default) 2: Distill 3: Trace Objective + Distill -F Read fairness constraints from . Each formula in the file is a condition that must hold infinitely often on a fair path. -o Save CNF formula in -t Specify the time out period (in seconds) after which the command aborts. By default this option is set to infinity. -v Specify verbosity level. This sets the amount of feedback on CPU usage and code status. verbosity_level must be one of the following: 0: No feedback provided. This is the default. 1: Feedback on code location. 2: Feedback on code location and CPU usage. -d Specify the amount of debugging performed when the BMC models check the LTL formula. dbg_level must be one of the following: 0: No debugging performed. dbg_level=0 is the default. 1: Debugging with minimal output: generate counter-example if the LTL formula fails and the counterexample length. -i Print input values causing transitions between states during debugging. File containing LTL formulae to be checked. _________________________________________________________________ Last updated on 20050519 10h16 References 1. file://localhost/projects/development/hsv/vis/common/doc/html/flatten_hierarchyCmd.html 2. file://localhost/projects/development/hsv/vis/common/doc/html/build_partition_maigsCmd.html 3. file://localhost/projects/development/hsv/vis/common/doc/html/build_partition_mddsCmd.html