iterative_model_check - Perform CTL model checking on an abstracted system with automatic refinement algorithm. _________________________________________________________________ iterative_model_check [-h] [-x] [-t ] [-v ]\ [-D ] [-r ] [-i ] \ [-p ] [-g ] Command options: -h Print the command usage. -x Perform the verification exactly. No approximation is done. -t Time in seconds allowed for verification. The default is no limit. -v Specify verbosity level. Use 0 for no feedback (default), 1 for more, and 2 for maximum feedback. -D Specify extent to which don't cares are used to simplify the MDDs. + 0: No don't cares used. This is the default. + 1: Use reachability information to compute the don't-care set. + 2: Use reachability information, and minimize the transition relation with respect to the `frontier set' (aggresive minimization). + 3: Use approximate reachability information. -r Specify refinement method. + 0: Static scheduling by name sorting. Fast, easy, but less accurate. + 1: Static scheduling by latch affinity. Slow, but more accurate. This is the default. -i The number of state variables to be added for exact computation at each iteration. The default is 4. -l Type of lower-bound approximation method. + 0: Take a subset of each transition sub-relation by BDD subsetting. + 1: Take a subset by universal quantification. This is the default. -p Type of partition method. If 'build_partition_mdds' is already invoked, this option is ignored. Notice that some next state functions might not be available after iterative_model_checking command is performed because of this option. + 0: Build all next state functions. Same as 'build_partition_mdds'. This is the default. + 1: Build the next state functions related to the formulas. Build all next state functions that are necessary to prove all formulas. + 2: Build the next state functions incrementally. None of next state functions are removed. -g Type of operational graph. + 0: Negative Operational Graph. Good to prove a formula true. + 1: Positive Operational Graph. Good to prove a formula false. + 2: Mixed Operational Graph. Good to prove any formula, but it may be slower. This is the default. File containing the CTL formulas to be verified. Related "set" options: ctl_change_bracket Vl2mv automatically converts "[]" to "<>" in node names, therefore CTL parser does the same thing. However, in some cases a user does not want to change node names in CTL parsing. Then, use this set option by giving "no". Default is "yes". See also commands : model_check, incremental_ctl_verification 1. Jae-Young Jang, In-Ho Moon, and Gary D. Hachtel. Iterative Abstraction-based CTL Model Checking. Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), 2000 2. Jae-Young Jang. Iterative Abstraction-based CTL Model Checking. Ph. D. Thesis. University of Colorado, 1999. _________________________________________________________________ Last updated on 20050519 10h16