read_blif - read a blif file _________________________________________________________________ read_blif [-c] [-e ] [-h] [-v] Reads a file in blif format into VIS. All the synthesis-specific constructs of blif are ignored. Internally the blif file is automatically translated into an equivalent blif-mv file, which is then read in with read_blif_mv. Note that, currently this command cannot read blif files which describe mapped circuits. To get around this problem, please use SIS synthesis tool to generate an ordinary blif file. Command options: -c Semi-canonicalize all the tables in each model. See the documentation of [1]read_blif_mv for details. -e If set, the program reads in a blif file using the encoding information specified in the encoding_file_name. Only the current hnode is altered in the process, and hence the read is incremental. Typically the encoding file is written out by a write_blif operation. Note that this option cannot be used if no file has been read in. Internally, the encoding file is used in combination with the blif file to create a blif-mv file which is compatible with the I/O interface of the current node. -h Print the command usage. -v If set, the program prints out all the unused variables in the blif file. Name of a blif file to be read in. This can be the output written by SIS. in the blif file. _________________________________________________________________ Last updated on 20050519 10h16 References 1. file://localhost/projects/development/hsv/vis/common/doc/html/read_blif_mvCmd.html