comb_verify - verify the combinational equivalence of two flattened networks _________________________________________________________________ comb_verify [-b] [-f ] [-h] [-o ] [-t ] [-1 ] [-2 ] [-i] [] This command verifies the combinational equivalence of two flattened networks. In particular, any set of functions (the roots), defined over any set of intermediate variables (the leaves), can be checked for equivalence between the two networks. Roots and leaves are subsets of the nodes of a network, with the restriction that the leaves should form a complete support for the roots. The correspondence between the roots and the leaves in the two networks is specified in a file given by the option -f . The default option assumes that the roots are the combinational outputs and the leaves are the combinational inputs. When there is a pseudo input in the set of leaves, the range of values it can take should be the same as that of the multi-valued variable corresponding to it, for comb_verify to function correctly. This restriction will be removed in future. There are two ways to do combinational verification. In the first mode, two BLIF-MV files are given as arguments to the command, e.g. vis> comb_verify Verification is done for the flattened networks at the root nodes of the two BLIF-MV hierarchies. In any error messages printed, "network1" refers to the first file, and "network2" refers to the second. Both of these networks are freed at the end of the command. This mode is totally independent from any existing hierarchy previously read in. In the second mode, it is assumed that a hierarchy has already been read in. Then, comb_verify can be called with a single BLIF-MV file, and this will do the comparison between the network present at the current node ("network1") and the network corresponding to the root node of the hierarchy in the BLIF-MV file("network2"). A typical sequence of commands is: vis> read_blifmv vis> init_verify vis> comb_verify If a hierarchy has been read in but a flattened network does not exist at the current node (flatten_hierarchy has not been invoked), the command does nothing. If a network exists at the current node, but the variables haven't been ordered, then the variables are ordered and a partition created. This partition is freed at the end. A side-effect is that the variables are ordered. If a partition exists, then it is used if the vertices corresponding to the roots specified are present in it, otherwise a new partition is created with the current ordering. The partition created for the new network read in is always freed at the end. Command options: -b Specifies that the files are BLIF files and not BLIF-MV files. -f Provides the correspondence between the leaves and roots of network1 and network2. If this option is not used, it is assumed that the correspondence is by name, leaves are the combinational inputs, and roots are the combinational outputs. -h Print the command usage. -t Time in seconds allowed to perform equivalence checking. The default is infinity. -o Specifies the ordering method to be used for assigning a common ordering to the leaves of network1 and network2. If this option is not used, ordering is done using a default method. Currently, only the default method is available. -1 Specifies the partitioning method to be used for network1. Supported methods are "total", "partial", and "inout" (see the command build_partition_mdds for more information). If this option is not specified, then the default method "inout" is used. -2 Specifies the partitioning method to be used for network2. Supported methods are "total", "partial", and "inout" (see the command build_partition_mdds for more information). If this option is not specified, then default method "inout" is used. -i Print Bdd statistics. This is the only way to see bdd stastics during this command. print_bdd_stats after this command doesn't show information related to this command. _________________________________________________________________ Last updated on 20050519 10h16