read_fairness - read a fairness constraint _________________________________________________________________ read_fairness [-h] Read a fairness constraint, and associate this constraint with the FSM of the flattened network. An existing constraint associated with the FSM is lost. Subsequent verification procedures are performed relative to the new constraint. Note that, by default, the flattened network has the constraint TRUE, indicating that all paths are fair. The command build_partition_mdds (or init_verify) must have already been invoked on the flattened network, before this command is called. Currently, only Buchi constraints are supported. A Buchi fairness constraint is given by a list of individual Buchi conditions, B1, B2, ..., Bk, where Bi is a set of FSM states. A state is fair if there exists an infinite path from that state that intersects each Bi infinitely often. The conditions are specified by a file containing at least one CTL formula (see the [1]VIS CTL and LTL syntax manual). In particular, Bi is defined by a CTL formula, which represents the set of states that makes the formula true (in the absence of any fairness constraint). References to signal names in the network should be made using the full hierarchical names. Note that the support of any wire referred to in a formula should consist only of latches. Each CTL formula is terminated by a semicolon. Example: In the three conditions below, B1 contains those states that have a next state where cntr.out is RED, B2 contains those where is 1, and B3 contains those states for which every path from the state has tlc.request=1 until tlc.acknowledge=1. EX(cntr.out=RED); (; A(tlc.request=1 U tlc.acknowledge=1); Command options: -h Print the command usage. File containing the set of Buchi conditions. _________________________________________________________________ Last updated on 20050519 10h16 References 1. file://localhost/projects/development/hsv/vis/common/doc/ctl/ctl/ctl.html