simulate - simulate the flattened network _________________________________________________________________ simulate [ -I <0/1> ] [ -O <0/1> ] [ -P <0/1> ] [ -S <0/1> ] [ -h ] [ -i ] [ -n ] [ -o ] [ -p <0|1> ] [ -v ] Simulates a network with a set of input vectors. Before calling this command, the user should create a partition (using the command build_partition_mdds). The simulation vectors can be provided by the user (using -i vectors_file), or generated randomly. Command options: -I <0/1> This option controls the printing the primary input variables. 0 implies printing is disabled, enabled otherwise. The default value is 1. The output file generated with this flag set to 0 may not be used as input file for simulation (if there are some primary inputs to the system). -O <0/1> This option controls the printing the primary output variables. 0 implies printing is disabled, enabled otherwise. The default value is 1. -P <0/1> This option controls the printing the pseudo input variables. 0 implies printing is disabled, enabled otherwise. The default value is 1. The output file generated with this flag set to 0 may not be used as input file for simulation (if there are some pseudo-inputs to the system). -S <0/1> This option controls the printing the state variables. 0 implies printing is disabled, enabled otherwise. The default value is 1. -h Print a help message that details all options. -i Give the simulation vector file name. If this option is not used, vectors are generated randomly. -n Simulate N vectors. This option should be used if vectors_file is not specified. If a vectors_file is given, and if there are more than N vectors in the file, only the first N vectors are simulated. -o Give the name of a file where the simulation result should be written. If this option is not used, the simulation result is directed to standard output. -p <0|1|2> This option is available only with random vector generation mode, and affects how values for pseudo-inputs (non-deterministic constants) are generated. 0: pseudo-inputs are treated by user. 1: pseudo-inputs are treated randomly. 2: pseudo-inputs are treated by choosing the first possibility. -v Enable verbose mode. Prints CPU time usage. The vectors_file has two main parts: Declarations: Inputs list: Gives an ordering of the primary and pseudo inputs. Every input must be reported in this field. Latches list: Gives an ordering of the latches. Every latch must be reported in this field. Outputs list: Gives an ordering of the outputs. This list may be incomplete. Simulation is performed only on outputs present in this list. Initial state: Value of an initial state. This value is given with respect to the latch ordering. Simulation Vectors: One vector per line according to the given order of inputs. Final State: Prints the value of state variables after the last simulation vector is applied. An example of a simulation vectors file is: # ----> Declarations .inputs X1 X2 .latches L1 L2 .outputs O .initial green 0 .start_vectors # ----> Vectors 0 1 1 0 1 1 Note the keywords: .inputs, .latches, .outputs, .initial, .start_vectors. A line started by a '#' is a comment line. The simulation result is printed either in a file (using -o output_file) or to standard output. It has the same format as vectors_file with additional fields for latches and outputs. Here is the result of simulation on last vectors_file example: .inputs X1 X2 .latches L1 L2 .outputs O .initial green 0 .start_vectors #input; current_state; output 0 1 ; green 0 ; 0 1 0 ; blue 0 ; 1 1 1 ; red 1 ; 1 #Final State : green 1 Note that each input line has been extended by its simulation result with current states and outputs listed in order. The output_file can be read by simulate as vectors_file (latches and outputs values are ignored). When starting simulation a good trick is to run simulate with random vectors generation mode; the resulting can be used as a template to write a vectors_file. For example, executing "simulate -n 1 -o foo.output" will generate a representative file. _________________________________________________________________ Last updated on 20050519 10h16