This directory has the verilog and pif files that are consistent with the tutorial on ping_pong. So this directory should be put in the examples directory for regression testing. For the language containment test on properties never_no_balls and infinitely_often_hit, these have been put into ping_pong.v as monitors. Without their fairness constraints, they have no effect (except for expanding the state space). It turns out that the ioh property cannot be expressed with just Buchi fairness constraints. So there are not special fairness constraints and the property is stated in terms of a CTL formula (prop2.ctl). The various commands that should be run on it are: read_blif_mv init compute_reach -v 1 # reachable # states is 5 read_fairness prop1.fair compute_reach -v 1 # reachable # states is still 5 mc lang_empt.ctl #this should pass read_fairness ping_pong.fair mc prop2.ctl #this should pass mc lang_empt.ctl #this should fail mc ping_pong.ctl # Both formulas should pass # now flush the fairness constraints. read_fairness all.fair mc ping_pong.ctl #The first one should pass and the last should fail