ltl_to_aut - translate LTL formulae into Buechi automata _________________________________________________________________ ltl_to_aut [-f ] [-m ] [-o ] [-t ] [-w] [-b] [-p] [-d] [-r] [-i] [-M] [-v ] [-h] Translate the given LTL formulae into Buechi automata, and output the automaton into a file. The translation algorithms are the same as the one used in [1]ltl_model_check . However, more flexible combination of the options can be used with this command. The automaton can be displayed on the screen and written into a file. The format of the output can be dot, blifmv, verilog and smv. Command options: -f The input file containing LTL formulae. -m Specify the algorithm used in LTL formula -> Buechi automaton translation algorithm. algorithm must be one of the following: 0: GPVW. 1: GPVW+. 2: LTL2AUT. 3: WRING (default). -o Write the automata into this file. -t Specify the output format of the automata. output_format must be one of the following: 0: dot. 1: blif_mv. 2: verilog. 3: all of the formats above (default). -w Rewriting the formula before translation. -b Boolean minimization during the translation. -p Pruning the fair states in the Buechi automaton. -d Direct-simulation minimization of the Buechi automaton. -r Reverse-simulation minimization of the Buechi automaton. -i Minimization based ont the I/O structural information. -M Maximize (adding arcs to) Buechi automaton using Direct Simulation. -v Specify verbosity level. It must be one of the following: 0,1,2,3. -h Print the command usage. _________________________________________________________________ Last updated on 20050519 10h16 References 1. file://localhost/projects/development/hsv/vis/common/doc/html/ltl_model_checkCmd.html