This is release 2.3 of VL2MV, a system for translating high-level verilog desciption to BLIF-MV (a multi-valued extension of BLIF). BLIF-MV is the input format used by VIS/SIS, an integrated verification/synthesis system. For more information on VL2MV and BLIF-MV visit --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the list of architecture/operating system/compiler combinations we have tested. * Intel ia32/x86_64 / Linux / gcc * Intel ia32 / Windows XP/Vista with Cygwin 1.5 / gcc The following combinations are no longer supported, but should still work. * Sun Sparc / Solaris 5.8 / gcc, cc * Intel i386 / Solaris 5.8 / gcc, cc The following instructions are for the generic build process. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before compiling VL2MV, you will have to build GLU, a set of BDD packages and low-level utilities. You may obtain GLU from the Univeristy of Colorado VLSI lab at To build GLU for a single operating System refer the GLU Readme file - Make sure that the GLU version is same as that of the VL2MV you are building - after you unzip and untar the glu-version#.tar.gz, you will have a directory named glu-version#. If the version # does not match the version number of the VL2MV you are trying to build, then move the directory to the version number that you require. eg. if you have glu-2.2 directory and you are building vl2mv-2.3 (VL2MV version 2.3), then move glu-2.2 to glu-2.3 > mv glu-2.2/ glu-2.3 Also make sure that the variable VERSION in the under glu-version#/ directory is set to that of the VL2MV package being installed (In the above example, you should set VERSION = 2.3 in the Now compile and build (and install) GLU. You are now ready to build VL2MV. 1. Download the verion of VL2MV to the directory say . You should have downloaded and unpacked GLU at too. 2. Unpack VL2MV. Let's say the tar ball you downloaded is vl2mv-2.3.tar.gz > gunzip vl2mv-2.3.tar.gz This will create a vl2mv-2.3.tar file. Untar it using > tar -xvf vl2mv-2.3.tar This creates a directory named vl2mv-2.3/ You can use > gunzip vl2mv-2.3.tar.gz | tar -xvf or > tar -xvzf vl2mv-2.3.tar.gz to do the same as mentioned before. 3. Move into the vl2mv-2.3 directory thus produced and execute the configure script which will create the Makefile after determining some of the system specific parameters. > cd vl2mv-2.3 > ./configure By default, this will use your system's native compiler (cc). If you do not have cc or if you wish to use gcc instead, use > ./configure --enable-gcc Read the configure file for more options ( users developing code for vl2mv or vis may want to take a look ). Do not worry if some of the checks of the configure return "no." Concentrate on the warnings (if any) that the configure script produces. Now a Makefile and configure.status file are created. 4. Build the vl2mv system by > make Sometimes, the build may stop and ask you to excute config.status. Do that by > ./config.status This will create a new Makefile and you will have to start the build process again by typing "make" at the command promt. If the compilation goes through without any seg faults, you will find the vl2mv binary under /vl2mv-2.3/ If you want to install, remove the binary created or run any self-tests that come alongwith the package, use > make install > make clean > make check Read INSTALL file under /vl2mv-2.3/ for install instructions. For more options, read Makefile file created by running configure script as explained under step 3.