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» Hassan Aboushady » Seminars
Ph.D. Thesis Defense
PhD. Candidate: Doaa Mahmoud
Title: "Bandpass Sigma-Delta Modulators with one and two op-amp resonators".".
Date: December 15, 2021, at 2.00pm.
Committee in Charge:
- Mr. | Aziz Benlarbi-Delai, | Sorbonne University, | France, | President. |
- Mr. | Philippe Benabes, | Centrale Supelec, | France, | Reviewer. |
- Mr. | Khaled Salama, | KAUST, | KSA. | Reviewer.
- Mr. | Marc Sabut, | STMicroelectronics, | France. |
- Mr. | Geoffroy Klisnick, | Sorbonne University, | France. |
- Mr. | Marie-Minerve Louerat, | Sorbonne University, | France. |
- Mr. | Hassan Aboushady, | Sorbonne University, | France. |