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» Hassan Aboushady » Seminars
Speaker: Ahmed Ashry, University of Paris VI, UPMC.
Date: Friday May 15th, 2009, at 10:10 am.
Room: To Be Defined, 4, Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris.
Title: "CMOS RFID".
This Presentation demonstrates the design of a CMOS RFID. It begins with an introduction to RFID. The RFID is compared to the other identification techniques. Next, it presents a design of UHF RFID tag. The system architecture and the communication protocol are explained, and the circuit design of the UHF RFID tag in CMOS technology is presented. Finally, the system design of an inductively coupled RFID tag for temperature sensing is presented. The system architecture and the communication protocol are explained, and the circuit design of the inductively coupled RFID tag for temperature sensing in CMOS technology is presented.