Hardware and Software for Embedded System
- 13 Researchers
- 8 PhD students
- 1 Post-doc
- 1 Engineer
- Best paper Award, ModelsWard 2017, Daniela Genius
- Best paper Award, PACT 2016, Karine Heydemann
- Best presentation Award, HIPEAC 2015, Karine Heydemann
ALSOC team is a 11-year old team whose historical research is computer architecture at large. For more than 10 years the research focuses on the design of a manycore architecture TSAR (Tera Scale ARchitecture), its network on chip and its operating system and tools for architectures. Now the team has started to shift to more software aspects dealing with architecture.
The research done in the ALSOC team is mainly applied
research. For the last period, the activities of the ALSOC team
concern methods and tools for multiprocessors system on chip design
(MPSOC) and their soft- ware stack. The team focuses on advanced
hardware manycore architecture, communication protocols, embedded
operating system, real-time constraints, formal verification of
systems, code hardening and optimization, deployment design and
optimization of algorithms specially designed for manycore.

Lionel Lacassagne - Couloir 24-25, 4ième étage, bureau 403.
Keywords: system on chip, multiprocessors, embedded operating system, test, verification, compilation