
Version 15 (modified by fpecheux, 13 years ago) (diff)


The deliverables can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.


Project web site web LIP6 T0+6
Specification of the SW survey tasks & HW monitoring tasks DONE but subject to massive changes Report document WP1 LETI T0+6 DONE
First version of SW tasks and HW mechanisms Data files and report WP1 LETI T0+12 DONE
Second version of SW tasks and HW mechanisms and final event modeling Data files and report WP1 LETI T0+24 DONE
Technical report describing the methodology used by online functional/structural test Data files and report WP2 LIP6 T0+24 DONE
Technical report describing how to write statistical analysis and instrumentation threads that eventually trigger actions Data files and report WP2 LIP6 T0+24 DONE
Technical report describing the internals of the event database, and its API in C language Data files and report WP2 LIP6 T0+24 DONE
Evaluation and benchmarking of the proposed strategies for the application set exposed (MJPEG, H264 and MP3) and the complete 3GPP-LTE application Data files and report WP3 LIRMM T0+36 DONE
Synthesis and analysis of the proposed remapping strategies and HW/SW self-adaptive mechanisms overhead for the studied set of applications Data files and report WP3 LIRMM T0+36 DONE



WP1 tasks

Task 1.a : Performance measurement, Task manager : LETI Partners : LETI, LIRMM T0 → T0+18
Status : achieved

Task 1.b : PVT management, Task manager : LETI Partners : LETI, LIP6 T0 → T0+24
Status : achieved

Task 1.c : HW fault detection, Task manager : LETI Partners : All T0 → T0+24
Status : achieved

Task 1.d : Event shaping and logging, Task manager : LETI Partners : All T0 → T0+24
Status : achieved

WP2 tasks

Task 2.a : Statistical analysis, Task manager : LIRMM Partners : LIRMM T0+12 → T0+24
Status : achieved

Task 2.b : Hard/Soft? alert triggering, Task manager : LIP6, Partners : ALL T0+6 → T0+24
Status : achieved

Task 2.c : Functional/structural test, Task manager : LIP6, Partners : LIP6 T0 → T0+24
Status : achieved

Task 2.d : Event database access/history primitives, Task manager : LIP6, Partners : ALL T0+6 → T0+24
Status : achieved

WP3 tasks

Task 3.a : Multi-constrained centralized remapping scenario, Task manager : LIP6, Partners : LIP6, LIRMM, LETI T0+12 → T0+36
Status : achieved

Task 3.b : Multi-constrained distributed remapping scenario, Task manager : LIRMM, Partners : LIRMM, LETI T0+12 → T0+36
Status : achieved

Task 3.c : Mutualized System-level Case studies, Task manager : LIRMM, Partners : ALL T0+18 → T0+36
Status : achieved

Attachments (8)