Jan 4, 2018, 10:05:47 AM (7 years ago)

Improve sys_exec.

1 edited


  • trunk/kernel/kern/process.h

    r415 r416  
    269  * This function allows any thread running in any cluster to block, unblock  or delete
    270  * all threads of a given process identified by the <process> argument, dependig on the
    271  * <acion_type> argument.
    272  * It can be called by the sys_kill() or sys_exit() functions to handle the "kill" & "exit"
    273  * system calls, or by the process_make_exec() function to handle the "exec" system call.
    274  * It must be executed in the owner cluster for the target process (using the relevant RPC
    275  * (RPC_PROCESS_SIGNAL or RPC_PROCESS_EXEC) if the client thread in not running in the
    276  * owner cluster.
    277  * It uses the multicast, non blocking, RPC_PROCESS_KILL to send the signal to all process
    278  * copies in parallel, block & deschedule when all signals have been sent, and finally
    279  * returns only when all responses have been received and the operation is completed.
    280  *********************************************************************************************
    281  * @ process     : pointer on the process descriptor.
     269 * This function allows a client thread running in the owner cluster of a process identified
     270 * by the <process> argument to block, unblock or delete all threads of the target process,
     271 * depending on the <action_type> argument.  The scenario is the following:
     272 * - It uses the multicast, non blocking rpc_process_sigaction_client() function to send
     273 *   parallel requests to all remote clusters containing a process copy. Then it blocks
     274 $   and deschedule to wait completion of these parrallel requests.
     275 * - In each remote cluster, the rpc_process_sigaction_server() function, calls directly
     276 *   the relevant process_block(), process_unblock(), or process_delete() function, and
     277 *   decrement the responses counter to signal completion. The last server unblock
     278 *   the client thread.
     279 * - Finally, the client thread calls directly the process_block(), process_unblock(), or
     280 *   process_delete() function in the owner cluster.
     281 * It is used by the sys_kill() & sys_exit() functions to handle the "kill" & "exit" syscalls.
     282 * It is also used by the process_make_exec() function to handle the "exec" syscall.
     283 * WARNING : the DELETE and the BLOCK actions are NOT executed on the client thread.
     284 *********************************************************************************************
     285 * @ process     : pointer on the process descriptor in owner cluster.
    283287 ********************************************************************************************/
    284288void process_sigaction( process_t * process,
    288292 * This function blocks all threads of a given user process in a given cluster.
    289  * It is always called by a local RPC thread, through the multicast RPC_PROCESS_KILL.
    290  * It loop on all local threads of the process, requesting the relevant schedulers to
    291  * block and deschedule these threads, using IPI if required. The threads are not detached
    292  * from the scheduler, and not detached from the local process.
    293  * It acknowledges the client thread in the owner cluster only when all process threads
    294  * are descheduled and blocked on the BLOCKED_GLOBAL condition, using the <rsp_xp> argument.
     293 * It loops on all local threads of the process, set the THREAD_BLOCKED_GLOBAL bit,
     294 * and request the relevant schedulers to acknowledge the blocking, using IPI if required.
     295 * The threads are not detached from the scheduler, and not detached from the local process.
     296 * This function returns only when all blockable threads in cluster are actually blocked.
     297 * WARNING : the client thread defined by the <client_xp> argument is NOT blocked.
    295298 *********************************************************************************************
    296299 * @ process     : pointer on the target process descriptor.
    297  * @ rsp_xp      : extended pointer on the response counter.
    298  * # client_xp   : extended pointer on client thread descriptor.
     300 * @ client_xp   : extended pointer on the client thread, that should not be blocked.
    299301 ********************************************************************************************/
    300302void process_block( process_t * process,
    301                     xptr_t      rsp_xp,
    302303                    xptr_t      client_xp );
    305306 * This function unblocks all threads of a given user process in a given cluster.
    306  * It is always called by a local RPC thread, through the multicast RPC_PROCESS_KILL.
    307  * It loops on local threads of the process, to reset the BLOCKED_GLOBAL bit in all threads.
    308  * It acknowledges directly the client thread in the owner cluster when this is done,
    309  * using the <rsp_xp> argument.
    310307 *********************************************************************************************
    311308 * @ process     : pointer on the process descriptor.
    312  * @ rsp_xp      : extended pointer on the response counter.
    313  * # client_xp   : extended pointer on client thread descriptor.
    314  ********************************************************************************************/
    315 void process_unblock( process_t * process,
    316                       xptr_t      rsp_xp,
    317                       xptr_t      client_xp );
    319 /*********************************************************************************************
    320  * This function delete all threads descriptors, of given user process in a given cluster.
    321  * It is always called by a local RPC thread, through the multicast RPC_PROCESS_KILL.
    322  * It detach all process threads from the scheduler, detach the threads from the local
    323  * process, and release the local memory allocated to threads descriptors (including the
    324  * associated structures such as CPU and FPU context). Finally, it release the memory
    325  * allocated to the local process descriptor itself, but only when the local cluster
    326  * is NOT the process owner, but only a copy.  It acknowledges directly the client thread
    327  * in the owner cluster, using ithe <rsp_xp> argument.
     309 ********************************************************************************************/
     310void process_unblock( process_t * process );
     313 * This function delete all threads, of a given user process in a given cluster.
     314 * It loops on all local threads of the process, and set the THREAD_FLAG_REQ_DELETE bit.
     315 * For each marked thread, the following actions will be done by the scheduler at the next
     316 * scheduling point:
     317 * - the thread will be detached from the scheduler.
     318 * - the thread will be detached from the local process descriptor.
     319 * - the thread will be detached from parent if required.
     320 * - the memory allocated to the thread descriptor is released.
     321 * - the memory allocated to the process descriptor is released, if it is the last thread.
     322 * WARNING : the client thread defined by the <client_xp> argument is NOT deleted.
    328323 *********************************************************************************************
    329324 * @ process     : pointer on the process descriptor.
    330  * @ rsp_xp      : extended pointer on the response counter.
    331  * # client_xp   : extended pointer on client thread descriptor.
     325 * @ client_xp   : extended pointer on the client thread, that should not be deleted.
    332326 ********************************************************************************************/
    333327void process_delete( process_t * process,
    334                      xptr_t      rsp_xp,
    335328                     xptr_t      client_xp );
    392385 * It must be executed by a thread running in the calling process owner cluster.
    393386 * It uses twice the multicast RPC_PROCESS_SIGNAL to first block all process threads
    394  * in all clusters, and then delete all thread  and process descriptors.
    395  *********************************************************************************************
    396  * @ process  : pointer on process descriptor in owner cluster.
     387 * in all clusters, and then delete all threads and process descriptors.
     388 *********************************************************************************************
     389 * @ pid      : process identifier.
    397390 * @ status   : exit return value.
    398391 ********************************************************************************************/
    399 void process_make_exit( process_t * process,
     392void process_make_exit( pid_t       pid,
    400393                        uint32_t    status );
    408401 * all process threads in all clusters, and then delete process descriptors.
    409402 *********************************************************************************************
    410  * @ process  : pointer on process descriptor in owner cluster.
    411  * @ sig_id   : signal type.
    412  ********************************************************************************************/
    413 void process_make_kill( process_t * process,
    414                         uint32_t    sig_id );
     403 * @ pid     : process identifier.
     404 * @ sig_id  : signal type.
     405 ********************************************************************************************/
     406void process_make_kill( pid_t     pid,
     407                        uint32_t  sig_id );
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