Aug 13, 2018, 1:43:20 PM (6 years ago)

Introduce the math library, to support the floating point
data used by the multi-thread fft application.
Fix several bugs regarding the FPU context save/restore.
Introduce support for the %f format in printf.

1 edited


  • trunk/kernel/kern/thread.h

    r457 r459  
    118118 * This structure defines a thread descriptor.
    119119 * It is used for both the user threads and the kernel threads.
    120  * In a process, a user thread is identified by a unique TRDID (thread identifier),
    121  * that is returned by the kernel to the user:
     120 * In a process, a user thread is identified by a unique TRDID (thread identifier):
    122121 * - The TRDID 16 LSB bits contain the LTID (Local Thread Index).
    123122 * - The TRDID 16 MSB bits contain the CXY of cluster containing the thread.
    124  * - The LTID is used to index the th_tbl[] array in the local process descriptor.
    125  _* This TRDID is computed by the process_register_thread() function, when the user
     123 * The main thread LTID value is always 0.
     124 * The LTID is used to index the th_tbl[] array in the local process descriptor.
     125 * This TRDID is computed by the process_register_thread() function, when the user
    126126 * thread is registered in the local copy of the process descriptor.
    127  *
    128127 * WARNING : Don't modify the first 4 fields order, as this order is used by the
    129128 * hal_kentry assembly code for the TSAR architecture.
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