Nov 1, 2018, 12:10:42 PM (6 years ago)

Improve signals.

1 edited


  • trunk/kernel/kern/thread.h

    r580 r583  
    7272#define THREAD_FLAG_JOIN_DONE    0x0002  /*! Parent thread made a join request        */
    7373#define THREAD_FLAG_KILL_DONE    0x0004  /*! This thread received a kill request      */
    74 #define THREAD_FLAG_SCHED        0x0008  /*! Scheduling required for this thread      */
    7574#define THREAD_FLAG_REQ_ACK      0x0010  /*! Acknowledge required from scheduler      */
    7675#define THREAD_FLAG_REQ_DELETE   0x0020  /*! Destruction required from scheduler      */
    334333 * is marked for delete. This include the thread descriptor itself, the associated
    335334 * CPU and FPU context, and the physical memory allocated for an user thread local stack.
    336  * The destroyed thread is removed from the local process th_tbl[] array, and returns
    337  * true when the destroyed thread was the last thread registered in process.
    338335 ***************************************************************************************
    339336 * @ thread  : pointer on the thread descriptor to release.
    340337 * @ return true, if the thread was the last registerd thread in local process.
    341338 **************************************************************************************/
    342 bool_t thread_destroy( thread_t * thread );
     339void thread_destroy( thread_t * thread );
    390387 * to asynchronously delete the target thread, at the next scheduling point.
    391388 * The calling thread can run in any cluster, as it uses remote accesses, but
    392  * the target thread cannot be the main thread of the process identified by the <pid>,
    393  * because the main thread must be deleted by the parent process argument.
     389 * the target thread cannot be the main thread of the process identified by the <pid>
     390 * argument, because the main thread must be deleted by the parent process argument.
    394391 * If the target thread is running in "attached" mode, and the <is_forced> argument
    395392 * is false, this function implements the required sychronisation with the joining
    396  * thread, blocking the calling thread until the pthread_join() syscall is executed.
     393 * thread, blocking the killer thread until the pthread_join() syscall is executed
     394 * by the joining thread.
    397395 ***************************************************************************************
    398396 * @ thread_xp   : extended pointer on the target thread.
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