Dec 27, 2018, 7:38:58 PM (5 years ago)

Fix several bugs in VFS to support the following
ksh commandis : cp, mv, rm, mkdir, cd, pwd

1 edited


  • trunk/kernel/syscalls/syscalls.h

    r594 r610  
    172  * [10] This function implement the exit system call terminating a POSIX process.
    173  * It can be called by any thread running in any cluster.
    174  * It uses both remote accesses to access the owner process descriptor, and the
    175  * RPC_PROCESS_SIGACTION to delete remote process and thread descriptors.
    176  * In the present implementation, this function implements actually the _exit():
    177  * - it does not flush open output streams.
    178  * - it does not close open streams.
    179  ******************************************************************************************
    180  * @ status   : terminaison status (not used in present implementation).
    181  *****************************************************************************************/
    182 int sys_exit( uint32_t status );
     172 * [10] This function causes the file named <old> to be renamed as <new>.
     173 * If new exists, it is first removed.  Both old and new must be of the same type (both
     174 * must be either directories or non-directories) and must reside on the same file system.
     175 * It guarantees that an instance of <new> will always exist, even if the system should
     176 * crash in the middle of the operation.
     177 ******************************************************************************************
     178 * @ old      : old file name.
     179 * @ new      : new file name.
     180 * @ return 0 if success / return -1 if failure.
     181 *****************************************************************************************/
     182int sys_rename( char *old,
     183                char *new );
    303  * [21] This function creates a new directory in file system.
    304  ******************************************************************************************
    305  * @ pathname   : pathname (can be relative or absolute).
    306  * @ mode       : access rights (as defined in chmod).
    307  * @ return 0 if success / returns -1 if failure.
    308  *****************************************************************************************/
    309 int sys_mkdir( char    * pathname,
    310                uint32_t  mode );
     304 * [21] This function implements the "mkdir" system call, creating a new directory in
     305 * the file system, as defined by the <pathname> argument, with the access permission
     306 * defined by the <rights> argument. All nodes but the last in the pathname must exist.
     307 * It can be called by any thread running in any cluster.
     308 ******************************************************************************************
     309 * @ pathname  : pathname defining the new directory location in file system.
     310 * @ rights    : access rights (non used yet).
     311 * @ return 0 if success / return -1 if failure.
     312 *****************************************************************************************/
     313int sys_mkdir( char     * pathname,
     314               uint32_t   rights );
    653657               uint32_t * is_fg );
     660 * [50] This function implements the exit system call terminating a POSIX process.
     661 * It can be called by any thread running in any cluster.
     662 * It uses both remote accesses to access the owner process descriptor, and the
     663 * RPC_PROCESS_SIGACTION to delete remote process and thread descriptors.
     664 * In the present implementation, this function implements actually the _exit():
     665 * - it does not flush open output streams.
     666 * - it does not close open streams.
     667 ******************************************************************************************
     668 * @ status   : terminaison status.
     669 *****************************************************************************************/
     670int sys_exit( uint32_t status );
    655672#endif  // _SYSCALLS_H_
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