Mar 18, 2020, 11:16:59 PM (5 years ago)

Introduce remote_buf.c/.h & socket.c/.h files.
Update dev_nic.c/.h files.

1 edited


  • trunk/hal/tsar_mips32/drivers/soclib_dma.h

    r75 r657  
    3939    DMA_SRC                  = 0,    /*! source buffer 32 LSB address bits                         */
    4040    DMA_DST                  = 1,    /*! source buffer 32 LSB address bits                         */
    41     DMA_LEN                  = 2,    /*! number of bytes (on write) / transfer status (on read)    */
     41    DMA_LEN_STS      = 2,    /*! number of bytes (on write) / transfer status (on read)    */
    4242    DMA_RESET            = 3,    /*! desactivate channel (can be usde to acknowledge IRQ)      */
    4343    DMA_IRQ_DISABLED = 4,    /*! no IRQ generated if non zero                              */
    62  * This function access the SOCLIB_DMA hardware register to enable interrupts.
     62 * This function access the SOCLIB_DMA hardware register to disable interrupts,
     63 * because the most frequent operations are supposed to be synchronous accesses.
    6364 ********************************************************************************************
    6465 * @ chdev     : pointer on DMA chdev descriptor.
    69  * This function is called by the server thread associated to the DMA device.
    70  * It access the command embedded in the calling thread descriptor, (format defined in the
    71  * dev_dma.h file) and access the SOCLIB_DMA hardware registers to start command execution.
    72  * Then it blocks on the THREAD_BLOCKED_DEV_ISR and deschedules, because each DMA channel
    73  * can only execute one command at a given time.
    74  * It is re-activated by the ISR signaling the transfer completion.
     70 * This function can be called by the "server" thread associated to the DMA channel, for an
     71 * asynchronous access, or can be directly called by the "client" thread for a synchronous
     72 * access. In both cases, it get the command arguments from the calling thread descriptor,
     73 * and access the DMA registers to launch the DMA transfer.
     74 * Then, the waiting policy depends on the command type:
     75 * - for asynchronous access, it enables the DMA interrupts, blocks on THREAD_BLOCKED_ISR,
     76 *   and deschedules. It will be re-activated by the soclib_dma_isr() function.
     77 * - for a synchronous transfer, it polls the DMA status register until completion,
     78 *   and reports the transfer status in the command registered in the client thread. 
    7579 ********************************************************************************************
    7680 * @ thread_xp  : extended pointer on the client thread.
    8185 * This Interrupt Service Routine is executed when the IRQ signaling the completion of
    82  * a DMA command is received by a core. It acknowledge the IRQ by accessing the proper
    83  * SOCLIB_DMA register, unblock the client thread, and unblock the server thread that
    84  * can starts execution of a new command if the waiting queue is not emppty.
     86 * an asynchronous DMA command is received by a core. It acknowledge the IRQ by accessing
     87 * the proper SOCLIB_DMA register, reports the transfer status in the command registered
     88 * in the client thread descriptor, and unblock the server thread.
    8589 ********************************************************************************************
    8690 * @ chdev     : pointer on DMA chdev descriptor.
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