1 | \anrdoc{On présentera ici la justification scientifique et technique des moyens |
2 | demandés dans le document de soumission A par chaque partenaire et |
3 | synthétisés à l'échelle du projet dans la fiche «Tableaux récapitulatifs» |
4 | du document de soumission A.\\ |
5 | Chaque partenaire justifiera les moyens qu'il demande en distinguant les |
6 | différents postes de dépenses.\\ |
7 | Pour chaque partenaire on precisera: |
8 | \begin{itemize} |
9 | \item Equipment: 1) Préciser la nature des équipements* et justifier le |
10 | choix des équipements. 2) Si nécessaire, préciser la part de financement |
11 | demandé sur le projet et si les achats envisagés doivent être complétés |
12 | par d'autres sources de financement. Si tel est le cas, indiquer le |
13 | montant et l'origine de ces financements complémentaires.\\ |
14 | * Attention: Un devis sera demandé si le projet est retenu pour |
15 | financement. |
16 | \item Personnel costs |
17 | 1) Le personnel non permanent (thÚses, post- doctorants,CDD...) |
18 | financé sur le projet devra être justifié. |
19 | 2) Fournir les profils des postes à pourvoir pour les personnels à |
20 | recruter (1/2 page maximum par type de poste) |
21 | 3) Pour les thÚses, préciser si des demandes de bourse de thÚse sont |
22 | prévues ou en cours, en préciser la nature et la part de financement |
23 | imputable au projet. |
24 | \item Subcontracting. Préciser: 1) la nature des prestations |
25 | 2) le type de prestataire. |
26 | \item Travel. Préciser: 1) les missions liées aux travaux d'acquisition |
27 | sur le terrain (campagnes de mesures), |
28 | 2) les missions relevant de colloques, congrÚs. |
29 | \item Costs justified by internal procedures of invoicing. Préciser la nature |
30 | des prestations. |
31 | \item Other expense. Toute dépense significative relevant de ce poste |
32 | devra être justifiée. |
33 | \end{itemize}} |
34 | % |
35 | \def\resstablestyletitle#1{\begin{small}{\textit{#1}}\end{small}} |
36 | % |
37 | \def\ressources#1#2#3#4#5{{% |
38 | \def\tmp{} |
39 | \begin{description} |
40 | \setlength{\itemsep}{1pt} |
41 | \setlength{\parskip}{0pt} |
42 | \setlength{\parsep}{0pt} |
43 | \item[Equipment] |
44 | \def\cont{#2} |
45 | \ifx\cont\tmp\def\cont{No specific equipment acquisition is required for this project.}\fi |
46 | \cont |
47 | \item[Personnel costs] |
48 | #3\\ |
49 | \begin{minipage}{\linewidth}\center\input{table_#1_short.tex}\end{minipage} |
50 | \item[Subcontracting] No subcontracting costs. |
51 | \item[Travel] |
52 | The travel costs are associated to project meeting as well as participation to |
53 | conferences. The travel costs are estimated to #4\% of the total requested ANR funding. |
54 | \item[Expenses for inward billing] |
55 | \def\cont{#5} |
56 | \ifx\cont\tmp\def\cont{None.}\else\def\cont{% |
57 | The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated |
58 | to #5\% of the total requested ANR funding.}\fi |
59 | \cont |
60 | %\item[Other working costs] None |
61 | \end{description} |
62 | }} |
63 | |
64 | \newcount\mycnt |
65 | \def\AcademicPersonalCost#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{ |
66 | \mycnt=#4\multiply\mycnt100\divide\mycnt#3 |
67 | The #2 effort is \textbf{#3} \hommemois, the table below details it by tasks and the |
68 | table in annexe~\ref{table-livrables-#1} (page \pageref{table-livrables-#1}) |
69 | details it by deliverables. |
70 | The permanent personnels are #5. |
71 | The effort due to the non permanent personnels is \textbf{#4} \hommemois |
72 | (\textbf{\the\mycnt\%} of the total effort). |
73 | %All non permanent personnel costs are estimated in \hommemois for senior researchers (post-doc or research engineers). |
74 | The requested funding for non permanent personnels is \textbf{#6\%} of the total ANR |
75 | requested funding. |
76 | #7 |
77 | } |
78 | \def\ressourcesForAcademic#1#2#3#4#5{ |
79 | \ressources{#1}{#2}{\AcademicPersonalCost{#1}#3}{#4}{#5} |
80 | } |
81 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
82 | |
83 | The global effort is 358 \hommemois (\hommemoislong), |
84 | the part of academic partners is 236 \hommemois (66\% of the global effort) |
85 | and the part of the industrial partners is 122 \hommemois (\textbf{34\%} of the |
86 | global effort). |
87 | The tables of annexe~\ref{effort:by:livrable} gives this global effort by deliverables, |
88 | those of annexe~\ref{effort:by:partner:livrable} shows this global effort by partner and |
89 | deliverables.\\ |
90 | \textbf{NOTICE:} In these tables and in the following sections the units is the |
91 | \hommemois of a senior researcher (post-doc or research engineers). |
92 | |
93 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
94 | \subsection{Partner 1: \mdslong} |
95 | \ressources{mds} |
96 | {} |
97 | { |
98 | \mds employees involved in the project are permanent managers, engineers and PhD graduates. |
99 | The man power detail in \hommemois by deliverables is given in |
100 | annexe~\ref{table-livrables-mds} (page \pageref{table-livrables-mds}). |
101 | and a summary by task in the following table. |
102 | \mustbecompleted{\\MDS: Vous n'etes dans aucuns projets annexe 7.3 ?} |
103 | } |
104 | {2} |
105 | {} |
106 | % |
107 | % \begin{description} |
108 | % \item[Equipment] |
109 | % No specific equipment acquisition is required for this project. |
110 | % \item[Personnel costs] |
111 | % \mds employees involved in the project are permanent managers, engineers and PhD graduates. |
112 | % The man power detail in \hommemois by deliverables is given in |
113 | % annexe~\ref{table-livrables-mds} (page \pageref{table-livrables-mds}). |
114 | % and a sumary by task in the following table. |
115 | % \begin{center}\input{table_mds_short.tex}\end{center} |
116 | % \item[Subcontracting] |
117 | % No subcontracting costs. |
118 | % \item[Travel] |
119 | % The travel costs are associated to project meeting as well as participation to |
120 | % conferences. The travel costs are estimated to 2\% of the total requested ANR funding. |
121 | % \item[Expenses for inward billing] none |
122 | % \item[Other working costs] none |
123 | % \end{description} |
124 | |
125 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
126 | \subsection{Partner 2: \upmc} |
127 | \ressourcesForAcademic |
128 | {upmc} |
129 | { In order to validate the COACH design flow, \upmc will buy FPGA development |
130 | boards (especially 1 PCI/E FPGA \xilinx board). |
131 | The cost for these boards is estimated to 4500 \euro (3\% of the total ANR funding).} |
132 | {{\upmc}{52}{24}{Alain Greiner and Ivan Aug\'e}{87}{ |
133 | We are looking for a profile with strong skills in SW development and good |
134 | knowledge in SoC design and virtual prototyping. |
135 | }} |
136 | {7}{3.5} |
137 | % |
138 | % \begin{description} |
139 | % \item[Equipment] |
140 | % In order to validate the COACH design flow, \upmc will buy FPGA development |
141 | % boards (especially 1 PCI/E FPGA \xilinx board). |
142 | % The cost for these boards is estimated to 6 k\euro (4\% of the total ANR funding). |
143 | % \item[Personnel costs] |
144 | % The permanent personnels involved in the project are professors or assistant |
145 | % professors (Alain Greiner and Ivan Aug\'e). |
146 | % All non permanent personnel costs are estimated in \hommemois for senior researchers |
147 | % (post-doc or research engineers). |
148 | % The table below sumarizes the man power by tasks in \hommemois for both permanent and |
149 | % non-permanent personnels. |
150 | % The detail by deliverables is given in annexe~\ref{table-livrables-upmc} (page \pageref{table-livrables-upmc}). |
151 | % The non-permanent personnels costs (24 \hommemois) represent 46\% of the personnal costs. |
152 | % The requested funding for non permanent personnels is 79\% of the total ANR |
153 | % requested funding. |
154 | % \begin{center}\input{table_upmc_short.tex}\end{center} |
155 | % \item[Subcontracting] |
156 | % No subcontracting costs. |
157 | % \item[Travel] |
158 | % The travel costs are associated to management and coordination meeting as |
159 | % well as participation to conferences. The travel costs are estimated |
160 | % to 10\% of the total requested ANR funding. |
161 | % \item[Expenses for inward billing] |
162 | % The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated to 4\% |
163 | % of the total requested ANR funding. |
164 | % \end{description} |
165 | |
166 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
167 | \def\t{\hspace*{.5cm}} |
168 | \subsection{Partner 3: \ubs} |
169 | \ressourcesForAcademic |
170 | {ubs} |
171 | { In order to validate the design flow project, the Lab-STICC laboratory will buy FPGA |
172 | development boards. The cost for these FPGA boards is estimated to 3\% of the total |
173 | ANR funding. |
174 | \mustbecompleted{INCOHERENCE avec SITE ANR} |
175 | } |
176 | {{\ubs}{48}{24}{Philippe COUSSY, Cyrille CHAVET and Dominique HELLER}{83}{ |
177 | \mustbecompleted{\\UBS: A) manque 1 profil ici, B) dans annexe 7.2 il ne faut que 5 |
178 | publis de moins de 5 ans, C) Vous n'etes dans aucuns projets annexe 7.3 ?} |
179 | \mustbecompleted{\\UBS: ./gantt < anr.gant\\ |
180 | \t WARNING: ubs :D511 probleme sur l'an 1 (in table=7.0, in gantt=6.0 \\ |
181 | \t ERROR: ubs :D840 probleme sur l'an 1 (in table=0.5, in gantt=0.0} |
182 | }} |
183 | {10}{4} |
184 | |
185 | % \begin {description} |
186 | % \item [Equipment] |
187 | % In order to validate the design flow project, the Lab-STICC laboratory will buy FPGA |
188 | % development boards. The cost for these FPGA boards is estimated to 3\% of the total |
189 | % ANR funding. |
190 | % \item [Personnel costs] |
191 | % The faculty members involved in the project are associate professors (Philippe COUSSY, |
192 | % Cyrille CHAVET) or research engineers (Dominique HELLER). All non-permanent personnel |
193 | % costs are estimated in \hommemois for senior researchers (post-doc or research |
194 | % engineers). |
195 | % \parlf |
196 | % The table below summarizes the man power in \hommemois by tasks for both permanent and |
197 | % non-permanent personnels. The detail by deliverables is given in |
198 | % annexe~\ref{table-livrables-usb} (page \pageref{table-livrables-usb}). |
199 | % The non-permanent personnels costs represent 50\% of the personnel costs. |
200 | % The requested funding for non permanent personnels is about 83\% of the total ANR |
201 | % requested funding. |
202 | % \begin{center}\input{table_ubs_short.tex}\end{center} |
203 | % \item [Subcontracting] |
204 | % No subcontracting costs. |
205 | % \item [Travel] |
206 | % The travel costs are associated to management and meeting as well as participation to |
207 | % conferences. The travel costs are estimated to 10\% of the total requested ANR funding. |
208 | % \item [Expenses for inward billing] |
209 | % The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated to 4\% of the total |
210 | % requested ANR funding. |
211 | % \end {description} |
212 | |
213 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
214 | \subsection{Partner 4: \liplong} |
215 | \ressourcesForAcademic |
216 | {inria_compsys}{} |
217 | {{\lip}{46}{22}{Christophe Alias and Paul Feautrier}{100}{ |
218 | \\We are looking for a candidate with both theoretical and |
219 | practical skills, that will be able to get a sufficient |
220 | understanding of the polyhedral techniques. |
221 | \mustbecompleted{\\LIP: DANS FIG.8 vous avez 28 hm. 46-28=18 --> 40\%\\ |
222 | IL FAUT ETRE <= 50\%, le max de non permanent est 23.} |
223 | \mustbecompleted{\\LIP: Vous n'etes dans aucuns projets annexe 7.3 ?} |
224 | \mustbecompleted{\\LIP: ./gantt < anr.gant\\ |
225 | \t WARNING: lip :D432 probleme sur l'an 2 (in table=7.0, in gantt=6.0 \\ |
226 | \t WARNING: lip :D432 probleme sur l'an 3 (in table=13.0, in gantt=12.0\\ |
227 | \t ERROR: lip :D730 probleme sur l'an 3 (in table=0.0, in gantt=3.0} |
228 | }} |
229 | {\mustbecompleted{(LIP: ca fait beaucoup) }20}{4} |
230 | % |
231 | % \begin{description} |
232 | % \item [Equipment] |
233 | % No specific equipment acquisition. The costs for depreciation of |
234 | % workstations is evaluated to 4\% of the total requested ANR funding. |
235 | % \item [Personnel costs] The faculty members involved in the project |
236 | % are Christophe Alias (INRIA researcher) and Paul Feautrier (emeritus |
237 | % professor at ENS-Lyon). The non-permanent personel required is a |
238 | % post-doc that will work on FIFO construction, then on extensions of |
239 | % process construction and memory optimization to non-polyhedral |
240 | % loops. We are looking for a candidate with both theoretical and |
241 | % practical skills, that will be able to get a sufficient |
242 | % understanding of the polyhedral techniques to produce a working |
243 | % implementation. |
244 | % \parlf |
245 | % The table below summarizes the \hommemois by tasks for both permanent |
246 | % and non-permanent personnels. |
247 | % Annexe~\ref{table-livrables-lip} (page \pageref{table-livrables-lip}) |
248 | % details this table at the deliverable level. |
249 | % The effort of permanent personnels represents 61\% of |
250 | % the total effort. The non-permanent personnels costs represents |
251 | % 52\% of the personal costs. The requested funding for non permanent |
252 | % personnels is 100\% of the total ANR requested |
253 | % funding. |
254 | % \begin{center}\input{table_inria_compsys_short.tex}\end{center} |
255 | % \item [Subcontracting] |
256 | % No subcontracting costs. |
257 | % \item [Travel] |
258 | % The travel costs are associated to project meeting as well as |
259 | % participation to conferences. The travel costs are estimated to 20\% |
260 | % of the total requested ANR funding. |
261 | % \item [Expenses for inward billing] |
262 | % The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated |
263 | % to 4\% of the total requested ANR funding. |
264 | % \end{description} |
265 | |
266 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
267 | \subsection{Partner 5: \tima} |
268 | \ressourcesForAcademic |
269 | {tima}{} |
270 | {{\tima}{48}{24}{Fr\'ed\'eric P\'etrot, Olivier Muller and Adrien Prost-Boucle}{86}{ |
271 | \\We are looking for profiles with strong informatic skills, good knowledge in |
272 | computer architecture, and advanced digital design. |
273 | }} |
274 | {10}{4} |
275 | % |
276 | % \begin{description} |
277 | % \item [Equipment] |
278 | % No specific equipment acquisition. |
279 | % \item [Personnel costs] |
280 | % The permanent personnels involved in the project are professor and associate professor |
281 | % (Fr\'ed\'eric P\'etrot and Olivier Muller). |
282 | % The non permanent personnels are Phd students and post-doc researchers. |
283 | % Related costs are estimated in \hommemois. |
284 | % One phd student (Adrien Prost-Boucle), funded by the French ministry of research, will |
285 | % be working on the project. |
286 | % One 100\% funded phd student will be hired in September 2011. |
287 | % A post-doc researcher will be hired at the end of 2012 for one year. |
288 | % The PhD student will mainly work on the evolution of UGH HLS tool. Thus, we are looking |
289 | % for a profile with strong informatic skills and good knowledge in computer architecture. |
290 | % The post-doc will mainly work on HPC. The required profile |
291 | % will be more oriented on computer architecture and advanced digital design. |
292 | % \parlf |
293 | % The table below summarizes the man power in \hommemois by tasks for both permanent and |
294 | % non-permanent personnels. The detail by deliverables is given in |
295 | % annexe~\ref{table-livrables-tima} (page \pageref{table-livrables-tima}). |
296 | % The effort of permanent personnels represents 50\% of the total effort. |
297 | % The requested funding for non permanent personnels is 86\% of the total ANR requested |
298 | % funding. |
299 | % \begin{center}\input{table_tima_short.tex}\end{center} |
300 | % \item [Subcontracting] |
301 | % No subcontracting costs. |
302 | % \item [Travel] |
303 | % The travel costs are associated to project meeting as well as participation to |
304 | % conferences. The travel costs are estimated to 10\% of the total requested ANR funding. |
305 | % \item [Expenses for inward billing] |
306 | % The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated to 4\% of the total |
307 | % requested ANR funding. |
308 | % \end{description} |
309 | |
310 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
311 | \subsection{Partner 6: \inria} |
312 | \ressourcesForAcademic |
313 | {inria_cairn}{} |
314 | {{\inria}{42}{20}{ François Charot and Steven Derrien}{100}{ |
315 | We are looking for a profile with strong skills in SW development and good |
316 | knowledge in computer architecture. |
317 | \mustbecompleted{\\IRISA figure 8 vous avez 18 hm vous devez avoir 22.} |
318 | \mustbecompleted{\\IRISA: Vous n'etes dans aucuns projets annexe 7.3 ?} |
319 | \mustbecompleted{\\IRISA: ./gantt < anr.gant\\ |
320 | \t ERROR: inria :D420 probleme sur l'an 3 (in table=0.0, in gantt=3.0} |
321 | }} |
322 | {7.5}{4} |
323 | % |
324 | % \begin{description} |
325 | % \item [Equipment] |
326 | % No specific equipment acquisition. |
327 | % \item [Personnel costs] The faculty members involved in the project |
328 | % are François Charot (INRIA researcher) and Steven Derrien (associate |
329 | % professor). |
330 | % The non-permanent personal required is a PhD |
331 | % student that will mainly work on ASIP generation. We are looking for |
332 | % a profile with strong informatic skills and good knowledge in |
333 | % computer architecture. |
334 | % \parlf |
335 | % The table below summarizes the manpower in \hommemois by tasks for both permanent and |
336 | % non-permanent personnels. The detail by deliverables is given in |
337 | % annexe~\ref{table-livrables-inria} (page \pageref{table-livrables-inria}). |
338 | % The non-permanent personnels costs represent {48\%} of the personnal |
339 | % costs. The requested funding for non permanent personnels is 100\% of |
340 | % the total ANR requested funding. |
341 | % \begin{center}\input{table_inria_cairn_short.tex}\end{center} |
342 | % \item [Subcontracting] |
343 | % No subcontracting costs. |
344 | % \item [Travel] |
345 | % The travel costs are associated to project meeting as well as participation to |
346 | % conferences. The travel costs are estimated to {7,5\%} of the total |
347 | % requested ANR funding. |
348 | % \item [Expenses for inward billing] |
349 | % The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated to 4\% of the total |
350 | % requested ANR funding. |
351 | % \end{description} |
352 | |
353 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
354 | \subsection{Partner 7: \bull} |
355 | \ressources |
356 | {bull} |
357 | { Acquisition of a FPGA development board will represent the main equipment cost for |
358 | Bull in COACH. It is estimated at about 5\% (tbc) of the total funding. |
359 | \mustbecompleted{INCOHERENCE avec SITE ANR} |
360 | } |
361 | { |
362 | The man power detail in \hommemois by deliverables is given in |
363 | annexe~\ref{table-livrables-bull} (page \pageref{table-livrables-bull}). |
364 | and a summary by task in the following table. |
365 | \bull employees involved in the project are a manager for 9 \hommemois |
366 | and an engineer for 27 \hommemois.} |
367 | {10}{5} |
368 | |
369 | % \begin{description} |
370 | % \item[Equipment] |
371 | % Acquisition of a FPGA development board will represent the main equipment cost for |
372 | % Bull in COACH. It is estimated at about 5\% (tbc) of the total funding. |
373 | % \item[Personnel costs] |
374 | % A permanent engineer will be assigned full time to the project for a duration of 36 |
375 | % months as shown in the table below that summarizes the man power in \hommemois. |
376 | % The detail by deliverables is given in |
377 | % annexe~\ref{table-livrables-bull} (page \pageref{table-livrables-bull}). |
378 | % \begin{center}\input{table_bull_short.tex}\end{center} |
379 | % \item[Subcontracting] |
380 | % No subcontracting costs. |
381 | % \item[Travel] |
382 | % Application of a standard 10\% of the total funding to travel costs. |
383 | % \item[Expenses for inward billing] |
384 | % Costs justified by inward billing are estimated to about 5\% of the total funding. |
385 | % \item[Other working costs] none |
386 | % \end{description} |
387 | |
388 | |
389 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
390 | \subsection{Partner 8: \thales} |
391 | \ressources |
392 | {thales} |
393 | { In order to validate the design flow,TRT will buy FPGA developpement boards. The cost |
394 | for these FPGA boards is estimated to 11 k\euro (6\% of the total ANR funding). |
395 | \mustbecompleted{INCOHERENCE avec SITE ANR} |
396 | } |
397 | { The man power detail in \hommemois by deliverables is given in |
398 | annexe~\ref{table-livrables-thales} (page \pageref{table-livrables-thales}). |
399 | and a summary by task in the following table. |
400 | \thales employees involved in the project are a manager for 18 \hommemois |
401 | and an engineer for 18 \hommemois.} |
402 | {5}{} |
403 | |
404 | % \begin{description} |
405 | % \item[Equipment] |
406 | % In order to validate the design flow,TRT will buy FPGA developpement boards. The cost |
407 | % for these FPGA boards is estimated to 10 k\euro (6\% of the total ANR funding). |
408 | % \item[Personnel costs] |
409 | % The effort to adapt SPEAR DE to generate the input files to COACH framework is |
410 | % estimated to 13 \hommemois. |
411 | % The effort to describe and develop the application is estimated to 14 \hommemois. |
412 | % Finally we need one man*month for the participation to the global specification in task 2. |
413 | % This is summarized in the table below and detailed by deliverables in |
414 | % annexe~\ref{table-livrables-thales} (page \pageref{table-livrables-thales}). |
415 | % \begin{center}\input{table_thales_short.tex}\end{center} |
416 | % \item[Subcontracting] |
417 | % No subcontracting costs. |
418 | % \item[Travel] |
419 | % The travel costs are associated to meeting, plenaries as well as participation to |
420 | % conferences. The travel costs are estimated to 10 k\euro. The travel costs are estimated to |
421 | % 5\% of the total requested ANR funding. |
422 | % \item[Expenses for inward billing] none |
423 | % \item[Other working costs] none |
424 | % \end{description} |
425 | |
426 | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
427 | % |
428 | % \begin{landscape} |
429 | % \begin{figure} |
430 | % \begin{small} |
431 | % \settowidth\desclen{XILINX RTL optimisation (5)} |
432 | % \def\resstablestyletitle#1{\parbox{\desclen}{\textit{#1}}} |
433 | % \begin{minipage}[b]{.47\linewidth}\center |
434 | % \input{table_inria_cairn_full.tex}\vspace{.5ex}\\ \inria \vspace{2.5ex}\\ |
435 | % \input{table_mds_full.tex}\vspace{.5ex}\\ \mds \\ |
436 | % \end{minipage}\hfill\begin{minipage}[b]{.47\linewidth}\center |
437 | % \input{table_tima_full.tex}\vspace{.5ex} \\ \tima |
438 | % \end{minipage} |
439 | % \end{small} |
440 | % \caption{\label{table-livrables-1} Man power in \hommemois for the deliverables (1)} |
441 | % \end{figure} |
442 | % % |
443 | % \begin{figure} |
444 | % \begin{small} |
445 | % \settowidth\desclen{XILINX RTL optimisation (5)} |
446 | % \def\resstablestyletitle#1{\parbox{\desclen}{\textit{#1}}} |
447 | % \begin{minipage}[b]{.47\linewidth}\center |
448 | % \input{table_ubs_full.tex}\vspace{.5ex}\\ \ubs \vspace{2.5ex}\\ |
449 | % %\input{table_thales_full.tex}\vspace{.5ex}\\ \thales \\ |
450 | % \end{minipage}\hfill\begin{minipage}[b]{.47\linewidth}\center |
451 | % \input{table_upmc_full.tex}\vspace{.5ex} \\ \upmc |
452 | % \end{minipage} |
453 | % \end{small} |
454 | % \caption{\label{table-livrables-2} Man power in \hommemois for the deliverables (2)} |
455 | % \end{figure} |
456 | % \end{landscape} |
457 | % % |
458 | % %\begin{landscape} |
459 | % %\begin{figure} |
460 | % %\begin{small} |
461 | % %\settowidth\desclen{XILINX RTL optimisation (5)} |
462 | % %\def\resstablestyletitle#1{\parbox{\desclen}{\textit{#1}}} |
463 | % %\hfill |
464 | % %\begin{minipage}[b]{.47\linewidth}\center |
465 | % %\input{table_inria_compsys_full.tex}\vspace{.5ex}\\ \lip \vspace{2.5ex}\\ |
466 | % %\end{minipage}\hfill |
467 | % %\end{small} |
468 | % %\caption{\label{table-livrables-2} Man power in \hommemois for the deliverables (3)} |
469 | % %\end{figure} |
470 | % %\end{landscape} |