Changeset 152

Feb 15, 2010, 8:50:43 AM (15 years ago)

IA: fixed typos and added lip tables

4 edited


  • anr/section-7.tex

    r143 r152  
    1818  and good knowledge in computer architecture.
    20 The table below summarizes the manpower by task for both permanent and
    21 non-permanent personnels. The detail by delivrables is given in
    22 figure~\ref{ress-detail-irisa}.
    23 The non-permanent personnels costs represent ??\% of the personnal
     20The table below summarizes the manpower by tasks for both permanent and non-permanent
     21personnels. The detail by delivrables is given in figure~\ref{ress-detail-irisa}.
     22The non-permanent personnels costs represent \mustbecompleted{??\%} of the personnal
    2423costs. The requested funding for non permanent personnels is 100\% of
    2524the total ANR requested funding.
    3130The travel costs are associated to project meeting as
    3231well as participation to conferences. The travel costs are estimated
    33 to ??\% of the total requested ANR funding.
     32to \mustbecompleted{??\%} of the total requested ANR funding.
    3433\item [Expenses for inward billing]
    3534The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated to 4\%
    4039\subsection{Partner 2: \lip}
    42 \begin{figure}\leavevmode\center
    43 \input{table_lip_full.tex}
    44 \caption{\label{ress-detail-lip}Man power in $mm$ for the delivrables of \lip.}
    45 \end{figure}
    5852techniques and to produce a working implementation.
    60 The table below summarizes the man power by task for both permanent and
    61 non-permanent personnels. The detail by delivrables is given in
    62 figure~\ref{ress-detail-lip}.
    63 The non-permanent personnels costs represent ??\% of the personnal
     54The table below summarizes the man power by delivrables and tasks for both permanent and
     55non-permanent personnels.
     56The non-permanent personnels costs represent \mustbecompleted{??\%} of the personnal
    6457costs. The requested funding for non permanent personnels is 100\% of
    6558the total ANR requested funding.
    66     \begin{center}\input{table_lip_short.tex}\end{center}
     59    \begin{center}\input{table_inria_compsys_full.tex}\end{center}
    6861\item [Subcontracting]
    7164The travel costs are associated to project meeting as
    7265well as participation to conferences. The travel costs are estimated
    73 to ??\% of the total requested ANR funding.
     66to \mustbecompleted{??\%} of the total requested ANR funding.
    7467\item [Expenses for inward billing]
    7568The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated to 4\%
  • anr/task-1.tex

    r126 r152  
    6767        taking into account the corrections and modifications that the
    6868        developers of HAS tools suggested.
    69     \itemL{12}{18}{d+x}{\Slip}{\xcoach format specification}{0:0:0}
     69    \itemL{12}{18}{d+x}{\Slip}{\xcoach format specification}{9.0:4.5:0}
    7070        \setMacroInAuxFile{specXcoachDoc}
    7171        Last release of XML specification of the \xcoach format enhanced with
  • anr/task-3.tex

    r134 r152  
    2626  instructions definitions along with their occurrence in the application.
    2727    \begin{livrable}
    28       \itemV{0}{18}{X}{\Sirisa}{ASIP compilation flow}
     28      \itemV{0}{18}{x}{\Sirisa}{ASIP compilation flow}
    2929        In this first version of the software, the computations patterns corresponding to
    3030        custom instructions are specified by the user, and then automatically extracted (when
    3131        beneficial) from the application intermediate representation.
    3232        %\mustbecompleted{FIXME .....}
    33       \itemL{18}{24}{X}{\Sirisa}{ASIP compilation flow}{6:9:0}
     33      \itemL{18}{24}{x}{\Sirisa}{ASIP compilation flow}{6:9:0}
    3434        In this second version, the software will also be able to automatically identify
    3535        interesting pattern candidates in the application code, and use them as custom
    4242 of the architecture, along with its architectural extensions
    4343    \begin{livrable}
    44       \itemV{0}{12}{X}{\Sirisa}{SystemC for extensible MIPS }
     44      \itemV{0}{12}{x}{\Sirisa}{SystemC for extensible MIPS }
    4545      { A SystemC simulation model for a simple extensible MIPS architectural template }
    46       \itemL{12}{20}{X}{\Sirisa}{SystemC for extensible MIPS}{2:3:0}
     46      \itemL{12}{20}{x}{\Sirisa}{SystemC for extensible MIPS}{2:3:0}
    4747      {A SystemC simulation model for an extensible MIPS with a tight architectural integration of
    4848      its instruction set extensions}
    49       \itemL{0}{12}{X}{\Sirisa}{SystemC for NIOS processor}{2:0:0}
     49      \itemL{0}{12}{x}{\Sirisa}{SystemC for NIOS processor}{2:0:0}
    5050          { A SystemC simulation model for an extensible NIOS processor template, the VHDL model being
    5151          already available from \altera}
    52       \itemV{12}{18}{H}{\Sirisa}{VHDL for an extensible MIPS}
     52      \itemV{12}{18}{h}{\Sirisa}{VHDL for an extensible MIPS}
    5353      {A synthesizable VHDL model for a simple extensible MIPS architectural template}
    54       \itemL{18}{24}{H}{\Sirisa}{VHDL for an extensible MIPS}{9:12:0}
     54      \itemL{18}{24}{h}{\Sirisa}{VHDL for an extensible MIPS}{9:12:0}
    5555      {A synthesizable VHDL model for an extensible MIPS with a tight architectural integration of
    5656      its instruction set extensions}
    57       \itemL{24}{36}{D}{\Sirisa}{Evaluation report }{0:0:2}
     57      \itemL{24}{36}{d}{\Sirisa}{Evaluation report }{0:0:2}
    5858      {An evaluation report with quantitative analysis of the performance/area trade-off induced by
    5959      the different approaches}
    6767      polyhedral loops. User manual.
    6868      \mustbecompleted{ FIXME :: User manual ou Specification. Si user manual alors le mettre en dissemination}
    69     \itemL{30}{36}{d}{\Slip}{Process generation method}{0:0:0}
     69    \itemL{30}{36}{d}{\Slip}{Process generation method}{4.5:0.0:10.5}
    7070      Final assessment of the method and improved version of the user manual.
    7171      \mustbecompleted {FIXME :: User manual ou Specification. Si user manual alors le mettre en dissemination}
    7979      Extension of automatic parallelization and array contraction
    8080      to non-polyhedral loops. Implementation in the Bee framework.
    81     \itemL{30}{36}{x}{\Slip} {Process and FIFO construction}{0:0:0}
     81    \itemL{30}{36}{x}{\Slip} {Process and FIFO construction}{4.5:12.0:15.0}
    8282      Final release taking into account the feedbacks from the
    8383      demonstrator \STs.
  • anr/task-7.tex

    r143 r152  
    2727        setup, wiki) and secondly in defining the site map and finally in writting and
    2828        installing the pages.
    29       \itemL{6}{36}{}{\Supmc}{dissemination WEB site}{1:.5:.5}
     29      \itemL{6}{36}{d}{\Supmc}{dissemination WEB site}{1:.5:.5}
    3030        This deliverable corresponds to the standard management of a WEB site (modifying,
    3131        adding, suppressing, replacing pages).
    3232        Especialy the user reference manuals provided in the other tasks will be published
    3333        on this site. The published articles will be also be installed in this site.
    34       \itemL{6}{36}{}{\Supmc}{release handling}{1:.5:.5}
     34      \itemL{6}{36}{d+x}{\Supmc}{release handling}{1:.5:.5}
    3535        This deliverable deals with the elaboration of the COACH software milestones and
    3636        final releases with their installation manuals and to publish then into the WEB
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