Changeset 155 for anr/task-6.tex

Feb 15, 2010, 9:57:43 AM (14 years ago)


1 edited


  • anr/task-6.tex

    r146 r155  
    5252      \itemV{0}{6}{d}{\Sthales}{\thales demonstrator (step 1)}
    5353        \setMacroInAuxFile{trtAppSpecification}
    54         This delivrable is a document that specifies the application.
     54        This deliverable is a document that specifies the application.
    5555      \itemL{6}{12}{x}{\Sthales}{\thales demonstrator (step 1)}{4:0:0}
    56         This delivrable is the code of the application spcecified former
    57         delivrable (\trtAppSpecification).
     56        This deliverable is the code of the application spcecified former
     57        deliverable (\trtAppSpecification).
    5858    \end{livrable}
    7676    \begin{livrable}
    7777      \itemV{18}{24}{d+x}{\Sthales}{\thales demonstrator (step 2)}
    78         This delivrable is a document describing the result got for the application
     78        This deliverable is a document describing the result got for the application
    7979        (\trtAppSpecification) with SPEAR-DE (\trtSpearde) using COACH milestone of T0+18.
    8080        The updated code of the application will be also provide.
    8181      \itemV{24}{30}{d+x}{\Sthales}{\thales demonstrator (step 2)}
    82         This delivrable is a document describing the result got for the application
     82        This deliverable is a document describing the result got for the application
    8383        (\trtAppSpecification) with SPEAR-DE (\trtSpearde) using COACH milestone of T0+24.
    8484        The updated code of the application will be also provide.
    8585      \itemL{30}{36}{d+x}{\Sthales}{\thales demonstrator (step 2)}{0:5:5}
    86         This delivrable is a document that validates and evaluates COACH (final release)
     86        This deliverable is a document that validates and evaluates COACH (final release)
    8787        for the \thales demonstrators (\trtAppSpecification).
    8888        The updated code of the application will be also provide.
    112112        FLEXRAS will use IPs provided by LIP6 (vhdl models of SoCLIB) and its eFPGA IP to
    113113        generate the SoC architecture.
    114         This delivrable is a document that describes this architecture.
     114        This deliverable is a document that describes this architecture.
    115115      \itemL{6}{18}{h}{\Szied}{eFPGA/VCI component}{3.6:3.6:0}
    116116        FLEXRAS has to adapt the eFPGA interface to connect it to the VCI bus.
    117         This delivrable is a VHDL description.
     117        This deliverable is a VHDL description.
    118118%      \itemL{12}{18}{x}{\Szied}{bitstream loader port}{0:3.6:0}
    119119%        Port of the bitstream loader to the MUTEKH operating system.
    122122        throught a basic application.
    123123        This applicattion will containt 3 communicating tasks under the COACH format specified
    124         in {\novers{\specGenManual}} delivrable.
     124        in {\novers{\specGenManual}} deliverable.
    125125        The first one is a hardware task generated by the HAS tools and transformed into
    126126        a bit stream by the \zied tools.
    129129        The third is a software task that communicates with the hw task for testing it.
    130130      \itemL{24}{30}{x}{\Szied}{eFPGA characterisation}{0:0:2.4}
    131         This delivrable is a file under the format defined by the delivrable
     131        This deliverable is a file under the format defined by the deliverable
    132132        {\specMacroCell} that characterizes the eFPGA. This will allow the COACH HLS tools
    133133        to take into account the eFPGA delays.
    134134      \itemL{30}{36}{d}{\Szied}{\zied evaluation}{0:0:3.6}
    135         This delivrable is a document that describes the tests, the validation and the
     135        This deliverable is a document that describes the tests, the validation and the
    136136        evaluation of COACH with the \zied architecture and tools.
    137137    \end{livrable}
    162162    \itemL{18}{36}{d}{\Snavtel}{\navtel evaluation}{0:2:4}
    163163                \navtel will test the COACH HLS tools on the processing units that are described
    164         in the {\navtelSpecification} delivrable.
     164        in the {\navtelSpecification} deliverable.
    165165                A document will be written that describes the results obtained taking into
    166166        account: 1) the performance in terms of space, 2) the performance in terms of
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