Changeset 161

Feb 15, 2010, 10:53:46 AM (15 years ago)

IA: mise en page tima & ubs

1 edited


  • anr/section-7.tex

    r160 r161  
    6767\subsection{Partner 3: \tima}
    68 \begin{figure}\leavevmode\center
    69 \input{table_tima_full.tex}
    70 \caption{\label{ress-detail-tima}Man power in $mm$ for the deliverables of \tima.}
    71 \end{figure}
    72 \begin{description}
    73 \item [Equipment]
    74 No specific equipment acquisition.
     70\item [Equipment]
     71  No specific equipment acquisition.
    7572\item [Personnel costs]
    76 The permanent personnels involved in the project are professor and
    77 assistant professor (Fr\'ed\'eric P\'etrot and Olivier Muller).
    78 The non permanent personnels are Phd students and post-doc researchers.
    79 Related costs are estimated in men per months.
    80 One phd student (Adrien Prost-Boucle), funded by the
    81 french ministry of research,
    82 will be working on the project.
    83 One 100\% funded phd student will be hired in september 2010. A post-doc researcher
    84 will be hired at the end of 2011 for one year and an half.
    85 The PhD student will mainly work on the evolution of UGH HLS tool. Thus, we
    86 are looking for a profile with strong informatic skills and good knowledge in
    87 computer architecture.
    88 The post-doc will mainly work on dynamic reconfiguration and HPC. The required
    89 profile will be more oriented on computer architecture and advanced digital design.
    91 The table below sumarizes the man power by task for both permanent and non-permanent
    92 personnels. The detail by deliverables is given in figure~\ref{ress-detail-tima}.
    93 The requested funding for personnels represent 50\% of the total personnal costs.
    94 The requested funding for non permanent personnels is 85\% of the total ANR
    95 requested funding.
    96 \begin{center}\input{table_tima_short.tex}\end{center}
    97 \item [Subcontracting]
    98 No subcontracting costs.
    99 \item [Travel]
    100 The travel costs are associated to project meeting as
    101 well as participation to conferences. The travel costs are estimated
    102 to 11\% of the total requested ANR funding.
    103 \item [Expenses for inward billing]
    104 The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated to 4\%
    105 of the total requested ANR funding.\\
     73  The permanent personnels involved in the project are professor and assistant professor
     74  (Fr\'ed\'eric P\'etrot and Olivier Muller).
     75  The non permanent personnels are Phd students and post-doc researchers.
     76  Related costs are estimated in men per months.
     77  One phd student (Adrien Prost-Boucle), funded by the french ministry of research, will
     78  be working on the project.
     79  One 100\% funded phd student will be hired in september 2010. A post-doc researcher will
     80  be hired at the end of 2011 for one year and an half.
     81  The PhD student will mainly work on the evolution of UGH HLS tool. Thus, we are looking
     82  for a profile with strong informatic skills and good knowledge in computer architecture.
     83  The post-doc will mainly work on dynamic reconfiguration and HPC. The required profile
     84  will be more oriented on computer architecture and advanced digital design.
     85  \parlf
     86  The table below sumarizes the man power in man-months by tasks for both permanent and
     87  non-permanent personnels. The detail by deliverables is given in
     88  figure~\ref{table-livrables-1}.
     89  The requested funding for personnels represent 50\% of the total personnal costs.
     90  The requested funding for non permanent personnels is 85\% of the total ANR requested
     91  funding.
     92    \begin{center}\input{table_tima_short.tex}\end{center}
     93\item [Subcontracting]
     94  No subcontracting costs.
     95\item [Travel]
     96  The travel costs are associated to project meeting as well as participation to
     97  conferences. The travel costs are estimated to 11\% of the total requested ANR funding.
     98\item [Expenses for inward billing]
     99  The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated to 4\% of the total
     100  requested ANR funding.
    109104\subsection{Partner 4: \ubs}
    110 \begin{figure}\leavevmode\center
    111 \input{table_ubs_full.tex}
    112 \caption{\label{ress-detail-ubs}Man power in $mm$ for the deliverables of \ubs.}
    113 \end{figure}
    115106\begin {description}
    116107\item [Equipment]
    117 In order to validate the design flow project, the LabSTICC  laboratory will buy FPGA developpement boards.
    118 The cost for these FPGA boards is estimated to 3\% of the total ANR funding.
     108  In order to validate the design flow project, the LabSTICC  laboratory will buy FPGA
     109  developpement boards.  The cost for these FPGA boards is estimated to 3\% of the total
     110  ANR funding.
    119111\item [Personnel costs]
    120 The faculty members involved in the project are
    121 associate professors (Philippe COUSSY, Cyrille CHAVET) or research engineers (Dominique HELLER).
    122 All non-permanent personnel costs are estimated in men*months
    123 for senior researchers (post-doc or research engineers).
    125 The table below sumarizes the man power by task for both permanent and non-permanent
    126 personnels. The detail by deliverables is given in figure~\ref {ress-detail-ubs}.
    127 The non-permanent personnels costs represent 50\% of the personnal costs.
    128 The requested funding for non permanent personnels is about 83\% of the total ANR
    129 requested funding.
    130 \begin{center}\input{table_ubs_short.tex}\end{center}
    131 \item [Subcontracting]
    132 No subcontracting costs.
    133 \item [Travel]
    134 The travel costs are associated to management and meeting as
    135 well as participation to conferences. The travel costs are estimated
    136 to 10\% of the total requested ANR funding.
    137 \item [Expenses for inward billing]
    138 The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated to 4\%
    139 of the total requested ANR funding.
     112  The faculty members involved in the project are associate professors (Philippe COUSSY,
     113  Cyrille CHAVET) or research engineers (Dominique HELLER). All non-permanent personnel
     114  costs are estimated in men*months for senior researchers (post-doc or research
     115  engineers).
     116  \parlf
     117  The table below sumarizes the man power in man-months by tasks for both permanent and
     118  non-permanent personnels. The detail by deliverables is given in
     119  figure~\ref{table-livrables-2}.
     120  The non-permanent personnels costs represent 50\% of the personnal costs.
     121  The requested funding for non permanent personnels is about 83\% of the total ANR
     122  requested funding.
     123    \begin{center}\input{table_ubs_short.tex}\end{center}
     124\item [Subcontracting]
     125  No subcontracting costs.
     126\item [Travel]
     127  The travel costs are associated to management and meeting as well as participation to
     128  conferences. The travel costs are estimated to 10\% of the total requested ANR funding.
     129\item [Expenses for inward billing]
     130  The costs justified by internal invoicing procedures are evaluated to 4\% of the total
     131  requested ANR funding.
    140132\end {description}
    285 \caption{\label{table-livrables-1} Man power in $mm$ for the delivrables (1)}
     277\caption{\label{table-livrables-1} Man power in man-months for the deliverables (1)}
    299 \caption{\label{table-livrables-2} Man power in $mm$ for the delivrables (2)}
     291\caption{\label{table-livrables-2} Man power in man-months for the deliverables (2)}
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