Changeset 199 for anr/section-2.2.tex

Feb 16, 2010, 9:04:54 AM (15 years ago)


1 edited


  • anr/section-2.2.tex

    r191 r199  
    3636    The SoCLib ANR platform (2007-2009) is an open infrastructure developped by
    3737    10 academic laboratories and and 6 industrial companies.
    38 %    \mustbecompleted{10 FIXME il y a 11 noms dans la liste :(} academic laboratories
    39 %    (TIMA, LIP6, Lab-STICC, IRISA, ENST, Gipsa-Lab, CEA-LIST, CEA-LETI, CITI, INRIA-Futurs, LIS) and 6
    40 %    industrial companies (Thales Communications, Thomson R\&D, STMicroelectronics, Silicomp, MDS, TurboConcept).
     38    (TIMA, LIP6, Lab-STICC, IRISA, ENST, CEA-LIST, CEA-LETI, CITI, INRIA-Futurs, LIS) and 6
     39    industrial companies (Thales Communications, Thomson R\&D, STMicroelectronics, Silicomp, MDS, TurboConcept).
    4140    It supports system level virtual prototyping of shared memory, multi-processors
    4241    architectures, and provides tools to map multi-tasks software application on these
    4948    this project enhances SoCLib by providing the synthesisable VHDL models required
    5049    for FPGA synthesis.
    51   \item[ROMA] The ROMA ANR project (, 2007-2010)
     50  \item[ROMA] The ROMA ANR project (2007-2010)
    5251    involving IRISA (CAIRN team), LIRMM, CEA List THOMSON France R\&D,
    5352    proposes to develop a reconfigurable processor, exhibiting high
    189188Finally, it is worth to note that this project covers priorities defined by the commission
    190189experts in the field of Information Technolgies Society (IST) for Embedded
    191 Systems: $<<$Concepts, methods and tools for designing systems dealing with systems complexity
     190Systems: \textit{ $<<$Concepts, methods and tools for designing systems dealing with systems complexity
    192191and allowing to apply efficiently applications and various products on embedded platforms,
    193192considering resources constraints (delays, power, memory, etc.), security and quality
    194 services$>>$.
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