Changeset 204 for anr

Feb 16, 2010, 9:21:56 AM (15 years ago)

IA: version qui fait 2 page

1 edited


  • anr/section-2.2.tex

    r199 r204  
    2525COACH outcome will contribute to strengthen Europe's competitive position by developing
    2626technologies and methodologies for product development, focusing (in compliance with the
    27 scope of the above program) on technologies, engineering methodologies, novel tools,
    28 methods which facilitate resource use efficiency. The approaches and tools to be developed
    29 in COACH will enable new and emerging information technologies for the development,
     27%scope of the above program) on technologies, engineering methodologies, novel tools,
     28%methods which facilitate resource use efficiency. The approaches and tools to be developed
     29%in COACH will enable new and emerging information technologies for the development,
     30%methods which facilitate resource use efficiency. The COACH approaches and tools
     31scope of the above program) on technologies, engineering methodologies, novel tools
     32which facilitate resource use efficiency. The COACH approaches and tools
     33will enable new and emerging information technologies for the development,
    3034manufacturing and integration of devices and related software into end-products.
    3539  \item[SOCLIB]
    36     The SoCLib ANR platform (2007-2009) is an open infrastructure developped by
    37     10 academic laboratories and and 6 industrial companies.
     40    The SoCLib ANR platform (2007-2009) is an open infrastructure
     41    for system level virtual prototyping of shared memory, multi-processors
     42    architectures. It provides tools to map multi-tasks software application on these
     43%    The SoCLib ANR platform (2007-2009) is an open infrastructure developped by
     44%    10 academic laboratories and and 6 industrial companies.
    3845    (TIMA, LIP6, Lab-STICC, IRISA, ENST, CEA-LIST, CEA-LETI, CITI, INRIA-Futurs, LIS) and 6
    3946    industrial companies (Thales Communications, Thomson R\&D, STMicroelectronics, Silicomp, MDS, TurboConcept).
    40     It supports system level virtual prototyping of shared memory, multi-processors
    41     architectures, and provides tools to map multi-tasks software application on these
    42     architectures, for reliable performance evaluation.
     47%    It supports system level virtual prototyping of shared memory, multi-processors
     48%    architectures, and provides tools to map multi-tasks software application on these
     49%    architectures, for reliable performance evaluation.
    4350    The core of this platform is a library of SystemC simulation models for
    4451    general purpose IP cores such as processors, buses, networks, memories, IO controller.
    4552    The platform provides also embedded operating systems and software/hardware
    4653    communication middleware.
     54%    The synthesisable VHDL models of IPs are not part of the SoCLib platform, and
     55%    this project enhances SoCLib by providing the synthesisable VHDL models required
     56%    for FPGA synthesis.
    4757    The synthesisable VHDL models of IPs are not part of the SoCLib platform, and
    48     this project enhances SoCLib by providing the synthesisable VHDL models required
    49     for FPGA synthesis.
    50   \item[ROMA] The ROMA ANR project (2007-2010)
    51     involving IRISA (CAIRN team), LIRMM, CEA List THOMSON France R\&D,
     58    this project enhances SoCLib by providing them.
     59%  \item[ROMA] The ROMA ANR project (, 2007-2010)
     60%    involving IRISA (CAIRN team), LIRMM, CEA List THOMSON France R\&D,
     61  \item[ROMA] The ROMA ANR project~\cite{roma}
    5262    proposes to develop a reconfigurable processor, exhibiting high
    5363    silicon density and power efficiency, able to adapt its computing
    5969    ANR project and the ongoing joint INRIA-STMicro
    6070    Nano2012 project to adapt existing pattern extraction algorithms
    61     and datapath merging techniques to the synthesis of customized
    62     ASIP processors.
     71    and datapath merging techniques to ASIP synthesis.
     72%    and datapath merging techniques to the synthesis of customized
     73%    ASIP processors.
    6374  \item[TSAR]
    64     The TSAR MEDEA+ project (2008-2010) involving BULL, THALES and the \upmc targets the design of a
     75%    The TSAR MEDEA+ project (2008-2010) involving BULL, THALES and the \upmc targets the design of a
     76    The TSAR MEDEA+ project (2008-2010) targets the design of a
    6577    scalable, coherent shared memory, multi-cores processor architecture, and uses the SoCLib
    6678    plaform for virtual prototyping. The COACH project will benefit from the synthesizable VHDL
    7688The laboratories involved in the COACH project have a well estabished expertise
    77 in the following domains:
     89%in the following domains:
     90in the domains:
    7992  \item
    130143% IA2PC: comme ce sont des axes tertiaire, il faut faire + court que primaire et
    131144% IA2PC: secondaire.
    132 \item[Axis 3 \& 5] \textit{Robotique et contr\^{o}le/commande} and \textit{S\'{e}curit\'{e} et suret\'{e}} \\
     145%VERS 3
     146\item[Axis 3] \textit{Robotique et contr\^{o}le/commande} \\
     147Manufacturing technology employs more and more SoC.
     148COACH will permit to design such complex digital systems.
     149\textbf{Thereby COACH indirectly answers to axis 3 too}.
     150%\item[Axis 3 \& 5] \textit{Robotique et contr\^{o}le/commande} and \textit{S\'{e}curit\'{e} et suret\'{e}} \\
    133151%VERS 1
    134152%Future control applications employ more and more SoC.
    140158%computation power.
    141159%VERS 2 pour gagner de la place
    142 Manufacturing, controling, security and safety technologies employ more and more SoC.
    143 COACH will permit to design such complex digital systems.
    144 \textbf{Thereby COACH indirectly answers to axis 3 and 5 too}.
     160%Manufacturing, controling, security and safety technologies employ more and more SoC.
     161%COACH will permit to design such complex digital systems.
     162%\textbf{Thereby COACH indirectly answers to axis 3 and 5 too}.
    146164%Axis 3 "Robotique et contr\^{o}le/commande}"
    185203% efficiency, improved business processes and models. The net results: lower costs, faster response times,
    186204% better service, and higher revenue.
    187 \parlf
    188206Finally, it is worth to note that this project covers priorities defined by the commission
    189207experts in the field of Information Technolgies Society (IST) for Embedded
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