Changeset 307 for anr/section-issues.tex

Jan 13, 2011, 7:14:58 PM (14 years ago)

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  • anr/section-issues.tex

    r289 r307  
    66indicateurs de réduction de coûts, perspectives de marchés (champs
). Indicateurs des gains environnementaux, cycle de vie.}
     9\subsubsection*{Predominance of FPGA in the global electronic market}
    3838Consequently, it is more and more unaffordable to design and fabricate ASICs for low and medium
    3939volume markets.
    40 \parlf
     41\subsubsection*{FPGAs and Embedded Systems}
    4142Today, FPGAs become important actors in the computational domain that was originally dominated
    4243by microprocessors and ASICs. Just like microprocessors, FPGA based systems can be reprogrammed
    5960%This boosts the developpment of automatic design tools and methodologies.
    61 \parlf
     62\subsubsection*{FPGAs and High Performance Computing}
    6263Today, several companies (Atipa, blue-arc, Bull, Chelsio, Convey, CRAY, DataDirect, DELL, hp,
    6364Wild Systems, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Myricom, NEC, nvidia etc) are making systems where demand
    7071This market is dominated by Multi-core CPUs and GPUs based solutions and the expansion
    7172of FPGA-based solutions is limited by the lack of design automation.
    72 \\
    73 \\
     74\subsubsection*{Evolution of architectures}
     75Nowadays processors mixing core and programmable matrix are available on the market (eg. Intel ATOM E600C).
     76"Donald Newell, AMD technical manager, envisions that such circuits will be at the heart of most of the electronic
     77products (eg. PDAs and nomad items) and even personal computers.
     78To take benefit of such architecture, developping and deploying application will require innovative codesign methods and tools.
     81\subsubsection*{COACH's contribution to this evolution}
    7482Nowadays, there are no commercial or academic tools covering the whole design flow
    7583from the system level specification to the bitstream generation neither for embedded system design
    7684nor for HPC.
    78 %PC => IA et Alain
    79 %Le paragraphe ci dessous n'a rien a faire dans la partie Economic et societal issue
    80 %Je le mets donc en commentaire
    82 %By using SOPC Builder~\cite{spoc-builder} from \altera, designers can select and
    83 %parameterize components from an extensive drop-down list of IP cores (I/O core, DSP,
    84 %processor,  bus core, ...) as well as incorporate their own IP.
    85 %Designers can then generate a synthesized netlist, simulation test bench and custom
    86 %software library that reflect the hardware configuration.
    87 %Nevertheless, SOPC Builder does not provide any facilities to synthesize coprocessors and to
    88 %simulate the platform at a high design level (systemC).
    89 %In addition, SOPC Builder is proprietary and only works together with \altera's Quartus compilation
    90 %tool to implement designs on \altera devices (Stratix, Arria, Cyclone).
    91 %PICO~\cite{pico} and CATAPULT-C~\cite{catapult-c} allow to synthesize
    92 %coprocessors from a C++ description.
    93 %Nevertheless, they can only deal with data dominated applications and they do not handle
    94 %the platform level.
    95 %Similarly, the System Generator for DSP~\cite{system-generateur-for-dsp} is a plug-in to
    96 %Simulink that enables designers to develop high-performance DSP systems for \xilinx FPGAs.
    97 %Designers can design and simulate a system using MATLAB and Simulink. The tool will then
    98 %automatically generate synthesizable Hardware Description Language (HDL) code mapped to
    99 %\xilinx pre-optimized macro-cells.
    100 %However, this tool targets only DSP based algorithms.
    101 %\\
    102 %Consequently, a designer developping an embedded system needs to master four different
    103 %design environments:
    104 %\begin{enumerate}
    105 %  \item a virtual prototyping environment such as SoCLib for system level exploration,
    106 %  \item an architecture compiler (such as SOPC Builder from \altera, or System generator
    107 %  from \xilinx) to define the hardware architecture,
    108 %  \item one or several HLS tools (such as PICO~\cite{pico} or CATAPULT-C~\cite{catapult-c}) for
    109 %        coprocessor synthesis,
    110 %  \item and finally backend synthesis tools (such as Quartus or Synopsys) for the bit-stream generation.
    111 %\end{enumerate}
    112 %Furthermore, mixing these tools requires an important interfacing effort and this makes
    113 %the design process very complex and achievable only by designers skilled in many domains.
    11686The aim of the COACH project is to integrate all these design steps into a single design framework
    11787and to allow \textbf{pure software} developpers to design embedded systems.
    120 %PC => IA et Alain
    121 % le paragraphe suivant est coupé collé de la section suivante 2.2
    124 \parlf
    12590The COACH project proposes an open-source framework for mapping multi-tasks software applications
    12691on Field Programmable Gate Array circuits (FPGA).
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