Changeset 315

Jan 18, 2011, 8:33:56 PM (14 years ago)
6 edited


  • anr/annexe-reponse.tex

    r311 r315  
    2020    les environnements industriels QUARTUS \& ISE.
    2121    \t%\note{O.2}
    22     Pour la synthÚse de SoC, on pourrait effectivement utilisé des outils
     22    Pour la synthÚse de SoC, on pourrait effectivement utiliser des outils
    2323    tels \mustbecompleted{XXX ou XXX}.
    2424    Nous avons choisi DSX/SoCLib, car il est open source, et c'est celui que
    25     nous maitrisons le plus et nous savons déjà que sont moteur couvre une
     25    nous maitrisons le plus et nous savons déjà que son moteur couvre une
    2626    grande partie des besoins de COACH à ce niveau.
    2727    \t\note{INT}
  • anr/section-consortium-people.tex

    r312 r315  
    3535coordinator & Vaumorin    & Emannuel    & Strategic Project Manager & ESL      & 20 & Project leader \\\hline
    3636contributor & Spasevski   & Cyril       & CTO                 & EDA            & 6 & Technical specifications \\\hline
    37 contributor & Guntz       & St\'ephane  & VP of Engineering   & EDA            & 12 & Demonstrator specification and management \\\hline
    38 contributor & Lucas       & Ronan       & R\&D Engineer       & HW/SW Codesign & 12 & Tools and demonstrator implementation \\\hline
     37contributor & Guntz       & St\'ephane  & VP of Engineering   & EDA            & 6 & Demonstrator specification and management \\\hline
     38contributor & Lucas       & Ronan       & R\&D Engineer       & HW/SW Codesign & 9 & Tools and demonstrator implementation \\\hline
     39contributor & Olivier     & Garry       & R\&D Engineer       & SW development & 9 & Tools and demonstrator implementation \\\hline
  • anr/section-dissemination.tex

    r305 r315  
    7575of the project and presented in annexe~\ref{lettre-soutien}.
    77 \subsection{Indusrial Interest in COACH}
     77\subsection{Industrial Interest in COACH}
    7979\subsubsection*{Partner: \textit{\mds}}
     80The interest for \mds in this project is multiple.
    81 \mustbecompleted{A COMPLETER: Emmanuel ....}
     82- We will collaborate in experiments for the integration of High Level Synthesis engines into IP-XACT based flow.
     83This point will be very valuable because more and more system integrators are using or considering to use
     84HLS in their flow (e.g. Astrium, Airbus, etc.)
     86- \mds has already a leading position in the usage of IP-XACT standard for managing innovative SoC design
     87methodologies. This project will allow to keep the advance in regards with competition by anticipating
     88the next generation platforms hosting mutli cores and programmable logic for coprocessors.
     90- HPC is a topic that was not covered yet by \mds with its customers. Thanks to this project, \mds will
     91collaborate with BULL on this point and this will open us doors for new customers market.
     93- This project has been set up for maximizing the industrial exploitation of results. The role of \mds will
     94be to ensure this objective and after the project, we expect a growing contribution for rising the turnover (2015: 3 new customers = 150keuros,
     952016: 5 new customers = 400keuros, 2017: 10 new customers = 1Meuros)
    8398\subsubsection*{Partner: \textit{\bull}}
  • anr/section-etat-de-art.tex

    r313 r315  
    229229% EV: SPIRIT IP-XACT Controlled ESL Design Tool Applied to a Network-on-Chip Platform: \cite{mds2}\\
    230230% EV: SocKET design flow and Application on industrial use cases: \cite{socketflow}\\
     231% IA: \cite{dandr}\\
    231232IP-XACT is an XML based open standard defined by the Accellera consortium.
    232233This non-profit organisation provides a unified set of high quality IP-XACT
    239240systems from concept to production. The last IEEE 1685 release of IP-XACT incorporates
    240241both RTL and TLM (transaction level modelling) capabilities. Thus it can be used to
    241 package IP portfolios and describe their assembly in complex hardware architectures.
     242package IP portfolios~\cite{dandr} and describe their assembly in complex hardware architectures.~\cite{mds1}~\cite{mds2}
    242243These description files are the basis for tool interoperability and data exchange
    243 through a common structured data management. Today more than two hundred companies
     244through a common structured data management\cite{socketflow}. Today more than two hundred companies
    244245are members of the consortium and the board is incorporating top actors
    245246(STM, NXP, TI, ARM, FREESCALE, LSI, Mentor, Synopsys and Cadence), ensuring the
  • anr/section-position.tex

    r307 r315  
    3838environment, suitable for co-operative and distributed development.
    3939\item Integration of the solutions and engines being developped into a state of the art SoC and system
    40 design flow, using the IP-XACT IEEE 1685 standard.
     40design flow, using the IP-XACT IEEE 1685 standard
    4242COACH outcome will contribute to strengthen Europe's competitive position by developing
    152152\subsubsection*{Relevance to the call axis}
    153 The COACH project totally fulfills the objectives of the axis 2 "METHODES,
     153This project answer to the global statement of the call "INGENIERIE NUMERIQUE ET SECURITE (INS)" by proposing
     154methods and tools for the design of application to be ran on platforms of the next generation. Results will be gained in term of productivity,
     155time-to-market (automation and code generation) and safety (management of high level sepcifications down to implementation).
     156In this call, the COACH project totally fulfills the objectives of the axis 2 "METHODES,
    155 \mustbecompleted{BEGIN-FIXME}
    156158COACH will address new embedded systems architectures by allowing the design of
    157159Multi-Core Systems-on-Chip (possibly heterogeneous) on FPGA according to the design
    161163API and using hardware accelerator automatically generated. It will also permit to use
    162164efficiently different dynamic system management techniques and re-configuration mechanisms.
     165The results will be tailored in order to be integrated in standard design flow of critical systems.
    164167COACH will address High-Performance Computing (HPC) by helping designers to accelerate an
    167170configurations, COACH will allow to easily migrate critical parts into an FPGA plugged to the
    168171PC bus (through a communication link like PCI/X).
    169 \mustbecompleted{END-FIXME}
    171 The COACH project well fits also the axis 5 "USAGES".
    172 \mustbecompleted{BEGIN-FIXME}
     173The COACH project has been also shaped to answer to the axis 5 "USAGES".
    173174COACH will address robotic and control applications by
    174175allowing to design complex systems based on MPSoC architecture.
    184185process productivity of the cryptographic algorithms hardware synthesis, improving the
    185186quality and reducing the design time and the cost of synthesised cryptographic devices.
    186 \mustbecompleted{END-FIXME}
    188188\subsubsection*{European and international positionning}
  • anr/section-ressources.tex

    r304 r315  
    205205\subsection{Partner 6: \mdslong}
    207 \mustbecompleted{A COMPLETER: Emmanuel ....}
    211210  No specific equipment acquisition is required for this project.
    212211\item[Personnel costs]
    213   \xilinx employees involved in the project are permanent Software Engineers.
     212  \mds employees involved in the project are permanent managers, engineers and doctors.
    214213  The man power detail in \hommemois by deliverables is given in
    215214  figure~\ref{table-livrables-1} and a sumary by task in the following table.
    223222\item[Other working costs] none
    225 \end{ADDEDENV}
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