Changeset 316

Jan 19, 2011, 6:09:47 PM (14 years ago)
4 edited


  • anr/annexe-reponse.tex

    r315 r316  
    77Dans la premiÚre section, nous présentons nos réponses aux suggestions et
    88remarques des experts en suivant l'ordre du dossier d'évaluation qui nous a été
    9 retourné. La seconde section quant à elle, synthétise ces réponses.
     9retourné. La seconde section, quant à elle, synthétise ces réponses.
    1111\subsection{Réponses séquentielles}
    1313\subsubsection{Pertinence de la proposition au regard de l'appel à projet}
    14 Pas de faiblesses signalées.
     14Pas de faiblesse signalée.
    1515\subsubsection{Qualité scientifique et technique de la proposition}
    3737    possibilité.
    3838  \item[Point 2 (\textit{pas de dimension recherche})]\mbox{}
    39     \\ La dimension recherche se trouve à plusieurs niveaux.
     39    \\ La dimension recherche est présente à différents niveaux de ce projet.
    4040    \t%\note{R.1}
    41     D'abord, synthétiser la même description de haut niveau soit par HLS
     41    Tour d'abord, le fait de synthétiser la même description de haut niveau soit par HLS
    4242    soit par ASIP, est à notre connaissance non encore réalisé à ce jour.
    4343    \t%\note{R.2}
    44     L'utilisation de transformations polyédriques  dans des outils de HLS
     44    De plus, l'utilisation de transformations polyédriques  dans des outils de HLS
    4545    opérationnels n'est pas courant.
    4646    \t%\note{R.3}
    47     Les IPs sont d'abord des composants matériels génériques, COACH permettra
     47    \mustbecompleted{je ne comprends pas cet argument}
     48        Les IPs sont d'abord des composants matériels génériques, COACH permettra
    4849    de concevoir des IPs trÚs paramétrables (hardware + software), il sera
    4950    intéressant de voir ce que de tel IP peuvent apporter à la micro
    5253    Les outils de conception de SoC actuels ont soit une approche matérielle
    5354    (sans limite sur les choix architecturaux), soit massivement parallÚle à
    54     gros grain (MPSoC à mémoire cohérente).
    55     Il en résulte des systÚmes trÚs complexes nécessitant des spécialistes en
    56     matériel (approche matérielle) ou en programmation parallÚle.\\
     55    gros grain (MPSoC à mémoire cohérente). Il en résulte des systÚmes trÚs complexes nécessitant des spécialistes en
     56    matériel (approche matérielle) ou en programmation parallÚle.
    5757    A l'opposé, dans COACH l'architecture matérielle  est simple et quasiment fixée.
    58     Le moyen d'accélération est  parallélisme à grain trÚs fin généré au sein
     58    Le moyen d'accélération est  le parallélisme à grain trÚs fin généré au sein
    5959    des coprocesseurs par HLS. Il en résulte que des développeurs de logiciel
    6060    standard pourront utiliser COACH. \\
    6161    La démonstration de la pertinence ou de la non pertinence de ces choix est
    62     notre avis l'axe de recherche principal du projet.
     62    Ã notre avis l'axe de recherche principal du projet car il impactera les orientations
     63    technologiques liées à l'exploitation des plateformes matérielles de demain.
    6364  \item[Point 3 (\textit{lien entre HPC et SoC embarqué})]\mbox{}
    6465    \\ %\note{X.1}
  • anr/section-1.tex

    r311 r316  
    55complex Multi-Processors System on Chip (MPSoC).
    7 During the last decade, the design of ASICs (Application Specific
     7During the last decade, the use of ASICs (Application Specific
    88Integrated Circuits) appeared to be more and more reserved to high volume markets, because
    99the design and fabrication costs of such components exploded, due to increasing NRE (Non
  • anr/section-dissemination.tex

    r315 r316  
    3636Following the general policy of the SoCLib platform, the COACH project will be an
    3737open infrastructure, and the COACH tools and libraries will be available in the framework
    38 of the SoCLib WEB server. This server will be maintened by the UPMC/LIP6 laboratory. 
     38of the SoCLib WEB server. This server will be maintened by the UPMC/LIP6 laboratory.
    40 \subsection{Exploitation of results}
     40On the standardization side, some effort will be made for analysing how the work around IP-XACT
     41could be donated for the evolution of the IEEE 1685 standard. Magillem is board member of
     42Accellera, TRT, TIMA and LIP6 are members, so we'll try to have some influence and at least
     43communicate on the fact that our solutions will be compatible with the standard.
    42 The main goal of the COACH project is to help SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises)
    43 to enter the world of MPSoC technologies. For small companies, the cost is a primary concern.
     45\subsection{Industrial exploitation of results}
     47The main goal of the COACH project is to help SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) and even small design team in bigger entities
     48to enter the world of MPSoC technologies. For small companies or design services, the cost is a primary concern.
    4449Moreover, these companies have not always in-home expertise in hardware design and VHDL modelling.
    4550As the fabrication costs of an ASIC is generally too high for SMEs, the COACH project focus
    6974that are not involved by the free software policy, but these libraries will be supported by the
    7075synthesis tools developed in the COACH project.
     77\mds will propose a commercial version of COACH, integrated into Magillem tool suite and compatible with a standard IP-XACT flow.
     78This version will integrate some generic features, already available for production (some of them from standard Magillem pack, some other developped in COACH). Other COACH features will have to be tailored for the specifics of the customer framework and will generate service business.
    93101- This project has been set up for maximizing the industrial exploitation of results. The role of \mds will
    94 be to ensure this objective and after the project, we expect a growing contribution for rising the turnover (2015: 3 new customers = 150keuros,
    95 2016: 5 new customers = 400keuros, 2017: 10 new customers = 1Meuros)
     102be to ensure this objective and after the project, we expect a growing contribution for rising the turnover (2015: 2 new customers = 100keuros,
     1032016: 4 new customers = 250keuros, 2017: 5 new customers = 400Keuros). These numbers are not high but we tried to keep them realistic.
     104The return on investment is nevertheless important and we can also expect side effects of this project on sales with existing
     105*customers and prospects interrested in the global magillem solution.
  • anr/task-dissemination.tex

    r312 r316  
    77This task relates to the diffusion of the project results.
    8 The objective is to ensure the COACH dissemination
     8The classical objective is to ensure the dissemination of the result into the community
    99by writing papers,
    1010by presenting COACH in trade shows
    1111and by publishing on a public WEB site all the information that a COACH user requires.
    12 Those lasts are:
     12The main objective is to prepare the further industrial exploitation of the results.
     13The deliverables to reach these goals will be:
    1415  \item The packaging of COACH milestones and final release and their associated
    3940    \begin{livrable}
    4041    \itemV{6}{12}{d+x}{\Supmc}{Tutorial}
    41         It will illustrate the features the T0+12 milestone provides especially:
     42        It will illustrate the features that the T0+12 milestone provides especially:
    4243        \begin{description}
    4344        \item[HPC] This tutorial section shows how an application can be split into
    5758            FPGA.
    5859          \item[Inegration (\Smds)] This section is dedicated to the integration of
    59             COACH generated IP into an IP-XACT based design flow such as SOCKET.
     60            COACH generated IP into an IP-XACT based design flow such as the one define in the SoCket project for critical systems
     61                and which is generic enough to support a wide range of application domains.
    6062        \end{description}
    6163    \end{livrable}
    8890        This deliverable groups the effort to make to know COACH. It consists
    8991        mainly in writing/submitting papers and in presenting COACH in to trade
    90         show and workshop and organizing a final white paper.
     92        show and workshop and organizing a final white paper.
     93        This white paper will facilitates the dissemination towards industrial prospects.
    9194   \end{livrable}
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