Changeset 337

Jan 31, 2011, 2:50:29 PM (14 years ago)

language modifications (Paul)

1 edited


  • anr/section-1.tex

    r335 r337  
    11% les objectifs globaux,
    22The market of digital systems is about 4,600 M\$ today and is estimated to
    3 5,600 M\$ in 2012. However the ever growing applications complexity involves
     35,600 M\$ in 2012. However the ever growing application complexity involves
    44integration of heterogeneous technologies and requires the design of
    55complex Multi-Processors System on Chip (MPSoC).
    2323However, the increasing sophistication of FPGAs has accelerated the need for FPGA-based ESL design
    2424methodologies. ESL methodologies hold the promise of streamlining the design approach by accepting
    25 designs written in C/C++ language and implementing the function straight into FPGA.
     25designs written in the C/C++ language and implementing the function directly into FPGA.
    2626We believe that coupling FPGA technologies and ESL methodologies
    2727will allow both SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprise) and major companies to design innovative
    2828devices and to enter new, low and medium volume markets.
    29 Furthermore, today there is an increasing industrial interest to IC
     29Furthermore, today there is an increasing industrial interest into IC
    3030that integrates both hardwired CPU cores or MPSoC and a configurable area (FPGA)
    31 such as ATOM E600C (Intel).
    32 Probably in few years, one can expect that such chips will become current and even standard
    33 general purpose CPU cores will contains a configurable area%
    34 %paul
     31such as the ATOM E600C chip (Intel).
     32In few a years, one can expect that such chips will become current. Even standard
     33general purpose CPU cores will contains a configurable area
    3534bringing an explosion in low and medium volume markets.
    6059    COACH will allow the automatic generation of hardware accelerators when required.
    6160    Hence, High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tools, Application Specific Instruction Processor
    62     (ASIP) design environment and source-level transformation tools (loop transformations
     61    (ASIP) design environments and source-level transformation tools (loop transformations
    6362    and memory optimization) will be provided.
    6463    This will allow further exploration of the micro-architectural design space.
    7170    COACH will define architectural templates that can be customized by adding
    7271    dedicated coprocessors and ASIPs and by fixing template parameters such as
    73     the number of embedded processors, the number of sizes of embedded memory banks
     72    the number of embedded processors, the number and size of embedded memory banks
    7473    or the embedded operating system.
    7574    However, the specification of the application will be independent of both the
    106105%architecture, algorithm and logic).
    107106To reach this ambitious goal, the project will rely on the experience and the
    108 complementariness of partners in the following domains:
     108synergy of the partners in the following domains:
    109109Operating system and communication middleware (\tima, \upmc),
    110110MPSoC architectures (\tima, \ubs, \upmc),
    111111ASIP architectures (\inria),
    112112High Level Synthesis (\tima, \ubs, \upmc), and compilation (\lip),
    113 HPC (\bull, \thales), tools integration in IP-XACT flow (\mds).
     113HPC (\bull, \thales, \lip), tools integration in IP-XACT flow (\mds).
    115115The COACH project does not start from scratch.
    160160this project.
    161161Finally, the COACH project is already supported by a large number of SMEs, as demonstrated by the
    162 "letters of interest" (see Annex B), that have collected during the preparation of the project :
     162"letters of interest" (see Annex B), that have been collected during the preparation of the project :
    164164ABOUND Logic, EADS-ASTRIUM.
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