Feb 2, 2011, 4:14:14 PM (14 years ago)


1 edited


  • anr/section-ressources.tex

    r348 r350  
    7474  No specific equipment acquisition. The costs for depreciation of
    7575  workstations is evaluated to 4\% of the total requested ANR funding.
    76 \item [Personnel costs]
    77   The faculty members involved in the project are Christophe Alias
    78   (INRIA researcher) and Paul Feautrier (emeritus professor at
    79   ENS-Lyon). The non-permanent personel required is a post-doc that
    80   will work on FIFO construction, then on extensions of process
    81   construction and memory optimization to non-polyhedral loops.  We
    82   are looking for a candidate with both theoretical and practical
    83   skills, that will be able to get a sufficient understanding of the
    84   polyhedral techniques to produce a working implementation.  \parlf
    85   The table below summarizes the \hommemois by deliverables and tasks
    86   for both permanent and non-permanent personnels.  The non-permanent
    87   personnels costs represents \mustbecompleted{??}\% of the personnal costs. The
    88   requested funding for non permanent personnels is 100\% of the
    89   total ANR requested
     76\item [Personnel costs] The faculty members involved in the project
     77  are Christophe Alias (INRIA researcher) and Paul Feautrier (emeritus
     78  professor at ENS-Lyon). The non-permanent personel required is a
     79  post-doc that will work on FIFO construction, then on extensions of
     80  process construction and memory optimization to non-polyhedral
     81  loops.  We are looking for a candidate with both theoretical and
     82  practical skills, that will be able to get a sufficient
     83  understanding of the polyhedral techniques to produce a working
     84  implementation.  \parlf The table below summarizes the \hommemois by
     85  deliverables and tasks for both permanent and non-permanent
     86  personnels.  The effort of permanent personnels represents 61\% of
     87  the total effort. The non-permanent personnels costs represents
     88  52\% of the personnal costs. The requested funding for non permanent
     89  personnels is 100\% of the total ANR requested
    9090  funding.  \begin{center}\input{table_inria_compsys_full.tex}\end{center}
    9191\item [Subcontracting]
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