Changeset 385 for anr

Feb 22, 2011, 11:30:07 PM (14 years ago)

ia: bull to 24 hm + correction MDS.

2 added
7 edited


  • anr/anr.tex

    r383 r385  
    155155    \vspace*{0.5ex}Total requested \\ funding
    156156  \end{minipage}
    157     & \makebox[3cm]{ \mustbecompleted{???} \euro}
     157    & \makebox[3cm]{ 999399.88 \euro}
    158158      & \begin{minipage}{4.15cm}\center Project Duration \end{minipage}
    159159        & \begin{minipage}{3cm}\center 36 months \end{minipage} \\\hline
  • anr/section-1.tex

    r383 r385  
    66an implementation path directly from HLLs to hardware. Thus, Electronic System
    77Level (ESL) design methodologies (Virtual Prototyping, Co-design, High-Level
    8 Synthesis...) are now mature and but don’t allow still the full automation of a
     8Synthesis...) are now mature but don’t allow still the full automation of a
    99system-level design flow.
    1010Unfortunately, ESL tool development today has primarily focused on the design of
    37 Finally,a large number of SMEs and large companies, (see "letters of interest" Annex \ref{lettre-soutien}),
     37Finally, a large number of SMEs and large companies, (see "letters of interest" Annex \ref{lettre-soutien}),
    3838have expressed their interest for this project:
    3939\altera, FLEXRAS, INPIXAL, CAMKA System, RENESAS Design, EADS-ASTRIUM,
    41 \mustbecompleted{ADACSYS, ATEME, ALSIM, SILICOMP-AQL, ABOUND Logic.}.\\
    42 \altera, a major FPGA company provides FPGA cards to the project.
     41\altera, a major FPGA company provides FPGA boards to the project.
    4342These companies are either FPGA providers (engaged to collaborate by delivering FPGA board to partners),
    4443design houses, EDA companies, or system integrators.
  • anr/section-dissemination.tex

    r383 r385  
    170170\letterOfInterest{CAMKA System}{lettres-2011/Camka.pdf},
    171171\letterOfInterest{RENESAS Design}{lettres-2011/Renesas-dossier.jpg},
    172 \letterOfInterest{EADS-ASTRIUM}{lettres-2011/Astrium.pdf}.
    173 \letterOfInterest{CONTINENTAL}{lettres-2011/Continental.pdf}.
    174 \letterOfInterest{CONTINENTAL}{lettres-2011/Continental.pdf}.
    175 \letterOfInterest{CONTINENTAL}{lettres-2011/Continental.pdf}.
    176 \letterOfInterest{CONTINENTAL}{lettres-2011/Continental.pdf}.
    177 \letterOfInterest{CONTINENTAL}{lettres-2011/Continental.pdf}.
  • anr/section-position.tex

    r383 r385  
    3030More specifically, COACH focuses on:
    32 \item High level methods and concepts (esp. Requirements and architectural level) for system
     32\item High level methods and concepts (esp. eequirements and architectural level) for system
    3333design, development and integration, addressing complexity aspects and modularity.
    3434\item Open and modular design environments, enabling flexibility and extensibility by
    3838environment, suitable for co-operative and distributed development.
    3939\item Integration of the solutions and engines being developed into a state of the art SoC and system
    40 design flow, using the IP-XACT IEEE 1685 standard
     40design flow, using the IP-XACT IEEE 1685 specification.
    4242The COACH results will contribute to strengthen Europe's competitive position by developing
  • anr/section-project-description.tex

    r384 r385  
    155155other tasks.
    157 Nevertheless, we are confident becausein preparation to this project,
     157Nevertheless, we are confident because in preparation to this project,
    158158academic partners are already working close together and know well each other's
    159159technologies, and also a lot of face to face meeting are planned at the
  • anr/section-ressources.tex

    r383 r385  
    82 The global effort is \textbf{367} \hommemois (\hommemoislong),
    83 the part of academic partners is \textbf{245} \hommemois (\textbf{67\%} of the global effort)
    84 and the part of the industrial partners is 122 \hommemois (\textbf{33\%} of the
     82The global effort is \textbf{355} \hommemois (\hommemoislong),
     83the part of academic partners is \textbf{245} \hommemois (\textbf{69\%} of the global effort)
     84and the part of the industrial partners is 110 \hommemois (\textbf{31\%} of the
    8585global effort).
    8686The tables in annexe~\ref{effort:by:livrable} gives this global effort by deliverables,
    170170    and a summary by tasks in the following table.
    171171    \bull employees involved in the project are a manager for 9 \hommemois
    172     and an engineer  for 27 \hommemois.}
     172    and an engineer for 15 \hommemois.}
    173173  {10}{}
  • anr/task-demonstrator.tex

    r383 r385  
    2828        The deliverable is the specification of the demonstrator in COACH input format
    2929        defined in the {\NOVERSuseModelSpecification} deliverable.
    30       \itemL{12}{36}{d}{\Sbull}{\bull demonstrator}{3:7:10}
     30      \itemL{12}{36}{d}{\Sbull}{\bull demonstrator}{2:4:5}
    3131        \setMacroInAuxFile{bullAppSpecification}
    3232        Validation of the demonstrator, the deliverable is a document
    119119        using the COACH milestone of T0+18.
    120120      \itemL{27}{36}{d+x}{\Smds}{Evaluation}{0:3:3}
    121         \OtherPartner{18}{36}{Sbull}{0:4:4.5}
     121        \OtherPartner{18}{36}{Sbull}{0:2:3.5}
    122122        \OtherPartner{18}{36}{Sthales}{0:4:4.5}
    123123        This deliverable is a document that validates and evaluates the COACH final release
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