Changeset 52 for anr/task-1.tex

Jan 31, 2010, 10:17:25 PM (14 years ago)

IA: modification des macros livrable & sortie des tableaux de ressources.

1 edited


  • anr/task-1.tex

    r47 r52  
    13 \begin{workpackage}{D1}
    1414\item This \ST specifies COACH for the system designer. At this
    1515    level COACH is a black box. The deliverables are documents allowing the system
    1818    MPSoC and its 3 targets hardware mapping).
    1919    \begin{livrable}
    20     \item{V1}{0}{6}{d}{\Supmc}{COACH user manual} \setMacroInAuxFile{specGenManualI}
     20    \itemV{0}{6}{d}{\Supmc}{COACH user manual} \setMacroInAuxFile{specGenManualI}
    2121        It is the first milestone of the COACH user manual that will allow the demonstrator
    2222        \STs to start.
    2626        to the CSG manual (delivrable \specCsgManual) for the COACH input
    2727        descriptions.
    28     \item{VF}{6}{12}{d}{\Supmc}{COACH user manual} \setMacroInAuxFile{specGenManual}
     28    \itemL{6}{12}{d}{\Supmc}{COACH user manual}{1:0:0} \setMacroInAuxFile{specGenManual}
    2929        The COACH user manual of the {\specGenManualI} delivrable updated with the feed-backs
    3030        of the demonstrator \STs.
    31     \item{V1}{0}{6}{d}{\Stima}{CSG user manual} \setMacroInAuxFile{specCsgManualI}
     31    \itemV{0}{6}{d}{\Stima}{CSG user manual} \setMacroInAuxFile{specCsgManualI}
    3232        It is the first milestone of the CSG (COACH System Generator) user manual that
    3333                will allow the demonstrator \STs to start.
    3838        Nevertheless, these basic schemes will be enhanced to allow more efficent
    3939        synthesis.
    40     \item{VF}{6}{12}{d}{\Stima}{CSG user manual} \setMacroInAuxFile{specCsgManual}
     40    \itemL{6}{12}{d}{\Stima}{CSG user manual}{1:0:0} \setMacroInAuxFile{specCsgManual}
    4141        The CSG user manual of the {\specGenManualI} delivrable updated with the feed-backs
    4242        of the demonstrator \STs.
    43     \item{V1}{0}{6}{d}{\Subs}{HAS user manual} \setMacroInAuxFile{specHasManualI}
     43    \itemV{0}{6}{d}{\Subs}{HAS user manual} \setMacroInAuxFile{specHasManualI}
    4444        It is the first milestone of the HAS (Hardware Accelerator Synthesis) user manual that
    4545                will allow the demonstrator \STs to start.
    4747        communication schemes defined in the {\specCsgManual} delivrable must be described for
    4848        coprocessor synthesis.
    49     \item{VF}{6}{12}{d}{\Subs}{HAS user manual} \setMacroInAuxFile{specHasManual}
     49    \itemL{6}{12}{d}{\Subs}{HAS user manual}{0:0:0} \setMacroInAuxFile{specHasManual}
    5050        The HAS user manual of the {\specGenManualI} delivrable updated with the feed-backs of
    5151        the demonstrator \STs.
    5454    document listing all the COACH software components and how they cooperate.
    5555    \begin{livrable}
    56     \item{}{0}{6}{d}{\Supmc}{decription of \ganttlf software architecture}
     56    \itemL{0}{6}{d}{\Supmc}{decription of \ganttlf software architecture}{1:0:0}
    5757        It contains the software list and the data flow among them.
    5858    \end{livrable}
    5959\item This \ST specifies the \xcoach format.
    6060    \begin{livrable}
    61     \item{V1}{0}{6}{d+x}{\Slip}{specification of \xcoach format}
     61    \itemV{0}{6}{d+x}{\Slip}{specification of \xcoach format}
    6262        \setMacroInAuxFile{specXcoachDocI}
    6363        First release of the XML specification of the \xcoach format (DTD)
    6464        and its associated documentation allowing to start HLS tools development.
    65     \item{V2}{6}{12}{d+x}{\Slip}{specification of \xcoach format}
     65    \itemV{6}{12}{d+x}{\Slip}{specification of \xcoach format}
    6666        \setMacroInAuxFile{specXcoachDocII}
    6767        Second release of XML specification of the \xcoach format
    6868        taking into account the corrections and modifications that the
    6969        developers of HAS tools suggested.
    70     \item{VF}{12}{18}{d+x}{\Slip}{specification of \xcoach format}
     70    \itemL{12}{18}{d+x}{\Slip}{specification of \xcoach format}{0:0:0}
    7171        \setMacroInAuxFile{specXcoachDoc}
    7272        Last release of XML specification of the \xcoach format enhanced with
    7373        the expression of loop potential parallelism.
    74     \item{V1}{6}{12}{x}{\Subs}{C++ to/from \xcoach format (1)}
     74    \itemV{6}{12}{x}{\Subs}{C++ to/from \xcoach format (1)}
    7575        \setMacroInAuxFile{specXcoachToCAI}
    7676        Proposition of a GCC plugin that generates a \xcoach description
    7777        (defined in {\specXcoachDocI} deliverable) from a C++ task description
    7878        (defined in {\specHasManual} deliverable).
    79     \item{VF}{12}{18}{x}{\Subs}{C++ to/from \xcoach format step 1}
    80         \setMacroInAuxFile{specXcoachToCA}
     79    \itemL{12}{18}{x}{\Subs}{C++ to/from \xcoach format (1)}{0:0:0}
     80        \setMacroInAuxFile{specXcoachToCA}{::}
    8181        The same software as the former (\specXcoachToCAI) but for \xcoach format defined
    8282        in the {\specXcoachDoc} deliverable and HAS input defined in the {\specHasManual}
    8383        deliverable.
    84     \item{V1}{7}{12}{x}{\Subs}{C++ to/from \xcoach format (2)}
     84    \itemV{7}{12}{x}{\Subs}{C++ to/from \xcoach format (2)}
    8585        \setMacroInAuxFile{specXcoachToCBI}
    8686        This second tool regenerates a C description from a \xcoach
    8787        description.
    88     \item{VF}{12}{18}{x}{\Subs}{C++ to/from \xcoach format (2)}
     88    \itemL{12}{18}{x}{\Subs}{C++ to/from \xcoach format (2)}{0:0:0}
    8989        \setMacroInAuxFile{specXcoachToCB}
    9090        The same software as the former (\specXcoachToCBI) but for the \xcoach format as defined
    9191        in the {\specXcoachDoc} deliverable and HAS input as defined in the {\specHasManual}
    9292        deliverable.
    93     \item{V1}{12}{18}{x}{\Supmc}{\xcoachplus format to SystemC}
     93    \itemV{12}{18}{x}{\Supmc}{\xcoachplus format to SystemC}
    9494        \setMacroInAuxFile{specXcoachToSystemCI}
    9595        The first release of a program that translates \xcoachplus description to CABA
    9696        and TLM-DT SystemC module.
    97     \item{VF}{18}{24}{x}{\Supmc}{\xcoachplus format to SystemC}
     97    \itemL{18}{24}{x}{\Supmc}{\xcoachplus format to SystemC}{0:2:0}
    9898        \setMacroInAuxFile{specXcoachToSystemC}
    9999        Maintenance work of the former software (\specXcoachToSystemCI).
    100     \item{V1}{12}{18}{x}{\Subs}{\xcoachplus format to VHDL}
     100    \itemV{12}{18}{x}{\Subs}{\xcoachplus format to VHDL}
    101101        \setMacroInAuxFile{specXcoachToVhdlI}
    102102        The first release of a program that translates \xcoachplus description to
    103103        synthesizable VHDL description.
    104     \item{VF}{18}{24}{x}{\Subs}{\xcoachplus format to VHDL}
     104    \itemL{18}{24}{x}{\Subs}{\xcoachplus format to VHDL}{0:0:0}
    105105        \setMacroInAuxFile{specXcoachToVhdl}
    106106        Maintenance work of the former software (\specXcoachToVhdlI).
    112112    and by extracting their delays. This is done by using RTL synthesis.
    113113    \begin{livrable}
    114     \item{}{0}{6}{d}{\Subs}{macro-cell definition}
     114    \itemL{0}{6}{d}{\Subs}{macro-cell definition}{0:0:0}
    115115        The document define the macro cell and the file format describing them.
    116     \item{}{6}{12}{x}{\Subs}{macro-cell library generator}
     116    \itemL{6}{12}{x}{\Subs}{macro-cell library generator}{0:0:0}
    117117        A program that generates automatically the characterized macro-cell library
    118118        for a FPGA device.
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