
Compiling simulator with debugging enabled

Edit dsx.conf in current directory and add the following line in it:

soclib_mode = 'debug'

Getting compilation details

Embedded software

You may run your description file with -v option. You'll get compilation commands echoed on the terminal for the embedded software.

Using GDB to debug embedded software

You may use GDB on your platform, replace your processor implementation by a GDB-wrapped one:

# Replace
hard.create( 'caba:iss_wrapper', 'cpu0', iss_t = 'common:mipsel', ident = 0 )
# by
hard.create( 'caba:iss_wrapper', 'cpu0', iss_t = 'common:gdb_iss', gdb_iss_t = 'common:mipsel', ident = 0 )

Then you may use GDB wiki:Tools/GdbServer on muteks/soft/bin.soft binary.

Last modified 16 years ago Last modified on Oct 29, 2008, 10:26:43 AM