
Version 18 (modified by alain, 17 years ago) (diff)


A) Interconnects

A.1) Vgmn

  • functionality : a generic VCI compliant micro-network
  • Mandatory arguments:
    • instance name
  • Optional arguments:
    • min_latency (one-way)
  • Example:
    my_vgmn = Vgmn("my_vgmn", 10)
  • Defined ports:
    • getBoth(), getInit() and getTarget(): local ports, allocated on demand

A.2) LocalCrossbar

  • functionality : a VCI compliant crossbar interconnect
  • Mandatory arguments:
    • instance name
  • Example:
    my_lc = LocalCrossbar("lc0")
  • Defined ports:
    • getBoth(), getInit() and getTarget(): local ports, allocated on demand
    • upstream, bidirectional port to upper-level interconnect

B) VCI Initiators

B.1) Xcache

  • functionality: a direct mapping cache controler (separated instruction & data cache)
  • Mandatory arguments:
    • instance name
  • Optional arguments:
    • dcache_lines : number of lines in data cache
    • dcache_words : number of words per line in data cache
    • icache_lines : number of lines in instruction cache
    • icache_words : number of words per line in instruction cache
  • Example:
    my_cache = Xcache( "my_cache",
                       dcache_lines = 32,
                       dcache_words = 8,
                       icache_lines = 32,
                       icache_words = 8 )
  • Defined ports:
    • cache: to the CPU
    • vci: to the VCI micro-network

C) Processors

C.1) Mips

  • Functionality : a MIPS R3000 micro-processor
  • Mandatory arguments:
    • name
  • Example:
    my_proc = Mips("my_proc")
  • Defined ports:
    • cache: to the cache's cache port
    • irq[n]: interrupt line (0 <= n < 6)

D) VCI Targets

D.1) MultiRam

  • !Mandatory arguments:
    • name
  • Optional arguments:
    • a list of segments, allocated with Segment()
  • Example:
    my_ram = MultiRam("my_ram", seg1, seg2, seg3)
  • Defined ports:
    • vci: to the micro-network

D.2) MultiTty

  • functionality: a TTY controler (up to 256 TTYs)
  • Mandatory arguments:
    • instance name
    • an ordered list ot names (one name per emulated terminal)
  • Example:
    my_tty = MultiTty("my_tty_controler", "TTY0", "TTY1", "TT2")
  • Defined ports:
    • vci: to the micro-network
    • irq[n]: interrupt line (0 <= n < nb of ttys)

D.3) Locks

  • functionality : a locks controler
  • Mandatory arguments:
    • instance name
  • Example:
    my_locks = Locks("my_locks_controler")
  • Defined ports:
    • vci: to the micro-network