Mar 26, 2014, 6:44:44 PM (11 years ago)

Introducing a major release, to suppoort the tsar_generic_leti platform
and the various (external or internal) peripherals configurations.
The map.xml format has been modified, in order to support the new
vci_iopic componentand a new policy for peripherals initialisation.
The IRQs are nom described in the XICU and IOPIC components
(and not anymore in the processors).
To enforce this major change, the map.xml file signature changed:
The signature value must be: 0xDACE2014

This new release has been tested on the tsar_generic_leti platform
for the following mappings:

  • 4c_4p_sort_leti
  • 4c_4p_sort_leti_ext
  • 4c_4p_transpose_leti
  • 4c_4p_transpose_leti_ext
  • 4c_1p_four_leti_ext
1 edited


  • soft/giet_vm/giet_libs/stdio.h

    r267 r295  
    1818#define SYSCALL_TIMER_START       0x04
    1919#define SYSCALL_TIMER_STOP        0x05
    20 #define SYSCALL_FREE_06           0x06
    21 #define SYSCALL_FREE_07           0x07
     20#define SYSCALL_TTY_GET_LOCK      0x06
     21#define SYSCALL_TTY_RELEASE_LOCK  0x07
    2222#define SYSCALL_HEAP_INFO         0x08
    2323#define SYSCALL_LOCAL_TASK_ID     0x09
    3232#define SYSCALL_FB_SYNC_READ      0x11
    3333#define SYSCALL_THREAD_ID         0x12
    34 #define SYSCALL_TTY_LOCK          0x13
     34#define SYSCALL_FREE_13           0x13
    3535#define SYSCALL_FREE_14           0x14
    3636#define SYSCALL_FREE_15           0x15
    101 // MIPS32 related system calls
    102 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    104 extern int giet_procid();
    106 extern int giet_proctime();
    108 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    109 // TTY device related system calls
    110 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    112 extern int giet_tty_putc(char byte);
    114 extern int giet_tty_puts(char* buf);
    116 extern int giet_tty_putw(unsigned int val);
    118 extern int giet_tty_getc_no_irq(char* byte);
    120 extern int giet_tty_getc(char* byte);
    122 extern int giet_tty_gets(char* buf, unsigned int bufsize);
    124 extern int giet_tty_getw(unsigned int* val);
    126 extern int giet_tty_printf(char* format,...);
    128 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    129 // TIMER device related system calls
    130 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    132 extern int giet_timer_start();
    134 extern int giet_timer_stop();
     102//               MIPS32 related system calls
     108//             TTY device related system calls
     113// This function is a modified version of the mutek_printf().
     114// It uses a private terminal allocated to the calling task in the boot.
     115// ("use_tty" argument in xml mapping), and does not take the TTY lock.
     116// It calls several times the _tty_write system function.
     117// Only a limited number of formats are supported:
     118//   - %d : signed decimal
     119//   - %u : unsigned decimal
     120//   - %x : 32 bits hexadecimal
     121//   - %l : 64 bits hexadecimal
     122//   - %c : char
     123//   - %s : string
     124// In case or error returned by syscall, it makes a giet_exit().
     126extern void giet_tty_printf( char* format, ... );
     129// This function is a modified version of the mutek_printf().
     130// It uses the kernel TTY0 as a shared terminal, and it takes the
     131// TTY lock to get exclusive access during the format display.
     132// It calls several times the _tty_write system function.
     133// Only a limited number of formats are supported:
     134//   - %d : signed decimal
     135//   - %u : unsigned decimal
     136//   - %x : 32 bits hexadecimal
     137//   - %l : 64 bits hexadecimal
     138//   - %c : char
     139//   - %s : string
     140// In case or error returned by syscall, it makes a giet_exit().
     142extern void giet_shr_printf( char* format, ... );
     145// This blocking function fetches a single character from the private
     146// terminal allocated to the calling task in the boot.
     147// It uses the TTY_RX_IRQ interrupt, and the associated kernel buffer.
     148// In case or error returned by syscall, it makes a giet_exit().
     150extern void giet_tty_getc( char* byte );
     153// This blocking function fetches a string from the private terminal
     154// allocated to the calling task to a fixed length buffer.
     155// The terminal index must be defined in the task context in the boot.
     156// It uses the TTY_RX_IRQ interrupt, and the associated kernel buffer.
     157// - Up to (bufsize - 1) characters (including the non printable characters)
     158//   are copied into buffer, and the string is completed by a NUL character.
     159// - The <LF> character is interpreted, and the function close the string
     160//   with a NUL character if <LF> is read.
     161// - The <DEL> character is interpreted, and the corresponding character(s)
     162//   are removed from the target buffer.
     163// - It does not provide an echo.
     164// In case or error returned by syscall, it makes a giet_exit().
     166extern void giet_tty_gets( char* buf, unsigned int bufsize );
     169// This blocking function fetches a string of decimal characters (most
     170// significant digit first) to build a 32-bit unsigned integer from
     171// the private TTY terminal allocated to the calling task.
     172// The terminal index must be defined in the task context in the boot.
     173// It uses the TTY_RX_IRQ interrupt, and the associated kernel buffer.
     174// - The non-blocking system function _tty_read is called several times,
     175//   and the decimal characters are written in a 32 characters buffer
     176//   until a <LF> character is read.
     177// - It ignores non-decimal characters, and displays an echo
     178//   system function) for each decimal character.
     179// - The <DEL> character is interpreted, and previous characters can be cancelled.
     180// - When the <LF> character is received, the string is converted to an
     181//   unsigned int value. If the number of decimal digit is too large for the 32
     182//   bits range, the zero value is returned.
     183// In case or error returned by syscall, it makes a giet_exit().
     185extern void giet_tty_getw( unsigned int* val );
     189//                TIMER device related system calls
     194// This function activates the private user timer allocated
     195// to the calling task in the boot phase.
     196// In case or error returned by syscall, it makes a giet_exit().
     198extern void giet_timer_start();
     201// This function stops the private user timer allocated
     202// to the calling task.
     203// In case or error returned by syscall, it makes a giet_exit().
     205extern void giet_timer_stop();
    137 // Frame buffer device related system calls
    138 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    140 extern int giet_fb_sync_read( unsigned int offset,
    141                               void*        buffer,
     209//                Frame buffer device related system calls
     214// This blocking function use a memory copy strategy to transfer data
     215// from the frame buffer device in kernel space to an user buffer.
     216//     offset : offset (in bytes) in the frame buffer
     217//     buffer : base address of the user buffer
     218//     length : number of bytes to be transfered
     219// In case or error returned by syscall, it makes a giet_exit().
     221extern void giet_fb_sync_read( unsigned int offset,
     222                               void*        buffer,
     223                               unsigned int length );
     226// This blocking function use a memory copy strategy to transfer data
     227// from a user buffer to the frame buffer device in kernel space.
     228//     offset : offset (in bytes) in the frame buffer
     229//     buffer : base address of the memory buffer
     230//     length : number of bytes to be transfered
     231// In case or error returned by syscall, it makes a giet_exit().
     233extern void giet_fb_sync_write( unsigned int offset,
     234                                void*        buffer,
     235                                unsigned int length );
     238// This function initializes the two chbuf SRC an DST used by the CMA
     239// controller and activates the CMA channel allocated to the calling task.
     240// - buf0   : first user buffer virtual address
     241// - buf1   : second user buffer virtual address
     242// - length : buffer size (bytes)
     243// In case or error returned by syscall, it makes a giet_exit().
     245extern void giet_fb_cma_init( void*        buf0,
     246                              void*        buf1,
    142247                              unsigned int length );
    144 extern int giet_fb_sync_write(unsigned int offset,
    145                               void*        buffer,
    146                               unsigned int length);
    148 extern int giet_fb_cma_init(  void*        buf0,
    149                               void*        buf1,
    150                               unsigned int length);
    152 extern int giet_fb_cma_write(unsigned int buf_id);
    154 extern int giet_fb_cma_stop();
    156 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    157 // Network controller related system calls
    158 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    160 extern int giet_nic_cma_start();
    162 extern int giet_nic_cma_stop();
    164 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    165 // FAT related system calls
    166 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
     250// This function initializes the two chbuf SRC an DST used by the CMA
     251// controller and activates the CMA channel allocated to the calling task.
     252// - buf0   : first user buffer virtual address
     253// - buf0   : second user buffer virtual address
     254// - length : buffer size (bytes)
     255// In case or error returned by syscall, it makes a giet_exit().
     257extern void giet_fb_cma_write( unsigned int buf_id );
     260// This function desactivates the CMA channel allocated to the task.
     261// In case or error returned by syscall, it makes a giet_exit().
     263extern void giet_fb_cma_stop();
     267//                  NIC related system calls
     272// This function initializes the memory chbuf used by the CMA controller,
     273// activates the NIC channel allocated to the calling task,
     274// and activates the two CMA channels.
     275// - tx     : RX channel if 0 / TX channel if non 0
     276// - buf0   : first user buffer virtual address
     277// - buf1   : second user buffer virtual address
     278// - length : buffer size (bytes)
     279// In case or error returned by syscall, it makes a giet_exit().
     281extern void giet_nic_cma_start();
     284// This function desactivates the NIC channel and the two CMA channels
     285// allocated to the calling task.
     286// In case or error returned by syscall, it makes a giet_exit().
     288extern void giet_nic_cma_stop();
     292//               FAT related system calls
     297// Open a file identified by a pathname, and contained in the system FAT.
     298// The read/write flags are not supported yet: no effect.
     299// Return -1 in case or error.
    168301extern int giet_fat_open(  const char*  pathname,
    169302                           unsigned int flags );
    171 extern int giet_fat_read(  unsigned int fd,
    172                            void*        buffer,
    173                            unsigned int count,
    174                            unsigned int offset );
    176 extern int giet_fat_write( unsigned int fd,
    177                            void*        buffer,
    178                            unsigned int count,
    179                            unsigned int offset );
    181 extern int giet_fat_lseek( unsigned int fd,
    182                            unsigned int offset,
    183                            unsigned int whence );
    185 extern int giet_fat_fstat( unsigned int fd );
    187 extern int giet_fat_close( unsigned int fd );
    189 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    190 // Miscelaneous system calls
    191 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    193 extern int giet_vobj_get_vbase( char*         vspace_name,
    194                                 char*         vobj_name,
    195                                 unsigned int  vobj_type,
    196                                 unsigned int* vobj_vaddr);
    198 extern int giet_procnumber();
     305// Read "count" sectors from a file identified by "fd", skipping "offset"
     306// sectors in file, and writing into the user "buffer".
     307// The user buffer base address shoulb be 64 bytes aligned.
     308// In case or error returned by syscall, it makes a giet_exit().
     310extern void giet_fat_read(  unsigned int fd,
     311                            void*        buffer,
     312                            unsigned int count,
     313                            unsigned int offset );
     316// Write "count" sectors from a file identified by "fd", skipping "offset"
     317// sectors in file, and reading from the user "buffer".
     318// The user buffer base address shoulb be 64 bytes aligned.
     319// In case or error returned by syscall, it makes a giet_exit().
     321extern void giet_fat_write( unsigned int fd,
     322                            void*        buffer,
     323                            unsigned int count,
     324                            unsigned int offset );
     327// Change the lseek file pointer value for a file identified by "fd".
     328// In case or error returned by syscall, it makes a giet_exit().
     330extern void giet_fat_lseek( unsigned int fd,
     331                            unsigned int offset,
     332                            unsigned int whence );
     335// Returns general informations of a file identified by "fd".
     336// (Only the file_size in sectors for this moment)
     338extern void giet_fat_fstat( unsigned int fd );
     341// Close a file identified by "fd".
     343extern void giet_fat_close( unsigned int fd );
     347//                    Miscelaneous system calls
     352// This function returns the processor identifier.
     354extern int giet_procid();
     357// This function returns the local processor time.
     359extern int giet_proctime();
     362// This functions returns the local task id.
     363// If processor has n tasks the local task index is ranging from 0 to n-1
     365extern int giet_proc_task_id();
     368// This functions returns the global task id, (unique in the system).
     370extern int giet_global_task_id();
     373// This functions returns the thread index of the task in its vspace.
     375extern int giet_thread_id();
     378// This function returns a pseudo-random value derived from the processor
     379// cycle count. This value is comprised between 0 & 65535.
     381extern int giet_rand();
     384// This function stops execution of the calling task with a TTY message,
     385// the user task is descheduled and becomes not runable.
     386// It does not consume processor cycles anymore.
    200388extern void giet_exit();
    202 extern int giet_context_switch();
    204 extern int giet_proc_task_id();
    206 extern int giet_heap_info( unsigned int* vaddr,
    207                            unsigned int* size );
    209 extern int giet_global_task_id();
    211 extern int giet_thread_id();
     391// This function uses the giet_exit() system call
     392// and kill the calling task if the condition is false.
    213394extern void giet_assert( unsigned int,
    214395                         char* string );
    216 extern int giet_rand();
     398// This function writes in argument "vobj_vaddr" the virtual base address
     399// of a vobj (defined in the mapping_info data structure), identified by
     400// the two arguments "vspace_name" and "vobj_name".
     401// In case or error returned by syscall, it makes a giet_exit().
     402// ( vobj not defined or wrong vspace )
     404extern void giet_vobj_get_vbase( char*         vspace_name,
     405                                 char*         vobj_name,
     406                                 unsigned int* vobj_vaddr);
     409// This function returns in the "buffer" argument the number of processors
     410// in the cluster specified by the "cluster_xy" argument.
     411// In case or error returned by syscall, it makes a giet_exit().
     413extern void giet_procnumber( unsigned int cluster_xy,
     414                             unsigned int buffer );
     417// The user task calling this function is descheduled and
     418// the processor is allocated to another task.
     420extern void giet_context_switch();
     423// This function returns the base address and size of the task's heap
     425extern void giet_heap_info( unsigned int* vaddr,
     426                            unsigned int* size );
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