Jul 8, 2015, 3:57:15 PM (9 years ago)

Modify all applications to support two new rules:
1) introduce a local Makefile for each application.
2) change "application.elf" name to "application/appli.elf" name in the application.py" file.
Introduce the shell application.

1 edited


  • soft/giet_vm/applications/ocean/slave1.C

    r581 r589  
    1 /*************************************************************************/
    2 /*                                                                       */
    3 /*  Copyright (c) 1994 Stanford University                               */
    4 /*                                                                       */
    5 /*  All rights reserved.                                                 */
    6 /*                                                                       */
    7 /*  Permission is given to use, copy, and modify this software for any   */
    8 /*  non-commercial purpose as long as this copyright notice is not       */
    9 /*  removed.  All other uses, including redistribution in whole or in    */
    10 /*  part, are forbidden without prior written permission.                */
    11 /*                                                                       */
    12 /*  This software is provided with absolutely no warranty and no         */
    13 /*  support.                                                             */
    14 /*                                                                       */
    15 /*************************************************************************/
     1#line 115 "/Users/alain/soc/giet_vm/applications/ocean/null_macros/c.m4.null.GIET"
    17 /*    ****************
    18       subroutine slave
    19       ****************  */
    23 #include <stdio.h>
    24 #include <math.h>
    25 #include <stdlib.h>
    27 #include "decs.h"
    29 void slave(long *ptr_procid)
    30 {
    31     long i;
    32     long j;
    33     long nstep;
    34     long iindex;
    35     long iday;
    36     double ysca1;
    37     double y;
    38     double factor;
    39     double sintemp;
    40     double curlt;
    41     double ressqr;
    42     long istart;
    43     long iend;
    44     long jstart;
    45     long jend;
    46     long ist;
    47     long ien;
    48     long jst;
    49     long jen;
    50     double fac;
    51     long dayflag = 0;
    52     long dhourflag = 0;
    53     long endflag = 0;
    54     long firstrow;
    55     long lastrow;
    56     long numrows;
    57     long firstcol;
    58     long lastcol;
    59     long numcols;
    60     long psiindex;
    61     double psibipriv;
    62     double ttime;
    63     double dhour;
    64     double day;
    65     long procid;
    66     long j_off = 0;
    67     unsigned long t1;
    68     double **t2a;
    69     double **t2b;
    70     double *t1a;
    71     double *t1b;
    72     double *t1c;
    73     double *t1d;
    76     /*
    77        LOCK(locks->idlock)
    78        procid = global->id;
    79        global->id = global->id+1;
    80        UNLOCK(locks->idlock)
    81      */
    83     procid = *ptr_procid;
    84     ressqr = lev_res[numlev - 1] * lev_res[numlev - 1];
    86 #if defined(MULTIPLE_BARRIERS)
    87     BARRIER(bars->sl_prini, nprocs)
    88 #else
    89     BARRIER(bars->barrier, nprocs)
    90 #endif
    91 /* POSSIBLE ENHANCEMENT:  Here is where one might pin processes to
    92    processors to avoid migration. */
    93 /* POSSIBLE ENHANCEMENT:  Here is where one might distribute
    94    data structures across physically distributed memories as
    95    desired.
    97    One way to do this is as follows.  The function allocate(START,SIZE,I)
    98    is assumed to place all addresses x such that
    99    (START <= x < START+SIZE) on node I.
    101    long d_size;
    102    unsigned long g_size;
    103    unsigned long mg_size;
    105    if (procid == MASTER) {
    106      g_size = ((jmx[numlev-1]-2)/xprocs+2)*((imx[numlev-1]-2)/yprocs+2)*siz
    107 eof(double) +
    108               ((imx[numlev-1]-2)/yprocs+2)*sizeof(double *);
    110      mg_size = numlev*sizeof(double **);
    111      for (i=0;i<numlev;i++) {
    112        mg_size+=((imx[i]-2)/yprocs+2)*((jmx[i]-2)/xprocs+2)*sizeof(double)+
    113                 ((imx[i]-2)/yprocs+2)*sizeof(double *);
    114      }
    115      for (i= 0;i<nprocs;i++) {
    116        d_size = 2*sizeof(double **);
    117        allocate((unsigned long) psi[i],d_size,i);
    118        allocate((unsigned long) psim[i],d_size,i);
    119        allocate((unsigned long) work1[i],d_size,i);
    120        allocate((unsigned long) work4[i],d_size,i);
    121        allocate((unsigned long) work5[i],d_size,i);
    122        allocate((unsigned long) work7[i],d_size,i);
    123        allocate((unsigned long) temparray[i],d_size,i);
    124        allocate((unsigned long) psi[i][0],g_size,i);
    125        allocate((unsigned long) psi[i][1],g_size,i);
    126        allocate((unsigned long) psim[i][0],g_size,i);
    127        allocate((unsigned long) psim[i][1],g_size,i);
    128        allocate((unsigned long) psium[i],g_size,i);
    129        allocate((unsigned long) psilm[i],g_size,i);
    130        allocate((unsigned long) psib[i],g_size,i);
    131        allocate((unsigned long) ga[i],g_size,i);
    132        allocate((unsigned long) gb[i],g_size,i);
    133        allocate((unsigned long) work1[i][0],g_size,i);
    134        allocate((unsigned long) work1[i][1],g_size,i);
    135        allocate((unsigned long) work2[i],g_size,i);
    136        allocate((unsigned long) work3[i],g_size,i);
    137        allocate((unsigned long) work4[i][0],g_size,i);
    138        allocate((unsigned long) work4[i][1],g_size,i);
    139        allocate((unsigned long) work5[i][0],g_size,i);
    140        allocate((unsigned long) work5[i][1],g_size,i);
    141        allocate((unsigned long) work6[i],g_size,i);
    142        allocate((unsigned long) work7[i][0],g_size,i);
    143        allocate((unsigned long) work7[i][1],g_size,i);
    144        allocate((unsigned long) temparray[i][0],g_size,i);
    145        allocate((unsigned long) temparray[i][1],g_size,i);
    146        allocate((unsigned long) tauz[i],g_size,i);
    147        allocate((unsigned long) oldga[i],g_size,i);
    148        allocate((unsigned long) oldgb[i],g_size,i);
    149        d_size = numlev * sizeof(long);
    150        allocate((unsigned long) gp[i].rel_num_x,d_size,i);
    151        allocate((unsigned long) gp[i].rel_num_y,d_size,i);
    152        allocate((unsigned long) gp[i].eist,d_size,i);
    153        allocate((unsigned long) gp[i].ejst,d_size,i);
    154        allocate((unsigned long) gp[i].oist,d_size,i);
    155        allocate((unsigned long) gp[i].ojst,d_size,i);
    156        allocate((unsigned long) gp[i].rlist,d_size,i);
    157        allocate((unsigned long) gp[i].rljst,d_size,i);
    158        allocate((unsigned long) gp[i].rlien,d_size,i);
    159        allocate((unsigned long) gp[i].rljen,d_size,i);
    161        allocate((unsigned long) q_multi[i],mg_size,i);
    162        allocate((unsigned long) rhs_multi[i],mg_size,i);
    163        allocate((unsigned long) &(gp[i]),sizeof(struct Global_Private),i);
    164      }
    165    }
    167 */
    168     t2a = (double **) oldga[procid];
    169     t2b = (double **) oldgb[procid];
    170     for (i = 0; i < im; i++) {
    171         t1a = (double *) t2a[i];
    172         t1b = (double *) t2b[i];
    173         for (j = 0; j < jm; j++) {
    174             t1a[j] = 0.0;
    175             t1b[j] = 0.0;
    176         }
    177     }
    179     firstcol = 1;
    180     lastcol = firstcol + gp[procid].rel_num_x[numlev - 1] - 1;
    181     firstrow = 1;
    182     lastrow = firstrow + gp[procid].rel_num_y[numlev - 1] - 1;
    183     numcols = gp[procid].rel_num_x[numlev - 1];
    184     numrows = gp[procid].rel_num_y[numlev - 1];
    185     j_off = (*gp[procid].colnum) * numcols;
    187     /*
    188        if (procid > nprocs/2) {
    189        psinum = 2;
    190        } else {
    191        psinum = 1;
    192        }
    193      */
    195 /* every process gets its own copy of the timing variables to avoid
    196    contention at shared memory locations.  here, these variables
    197    are initialized.  */
    199     ttime = 0.0;
    200     dhour = 0.0;
    201     nstep = 0;
    202     day = 0.0;
    204     ysca1 = 0.5 * ysca;
    206     if (*gp[procid].lpid == MASTER) {
    208         f = (double *) G_MALLOC(oim * sizeof(double), procid);
    210         t1a = (double *) f;
    211         for (iindex = 0; iindex <= jmx[numlev - 1] - 1; iindex++) {
    212             y = ((double) iindex) * res;
    213             t1a[iindex] = f0 + beta * (y - ysca1);
    214         }
    215     }
    217     t2a = (double **) psium[procid];
    218     if ((gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1)) {
    219         t2a[0][0] = 0.0;
    220     }
    221     if ((gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1)) {
    222         t2a[im - 1][0] = 0.0;
    223     }
    224     if ((gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1)) {
    225         t2a[0][jm - 1] = 0.0;
    226     }
    227     if ((gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1)) {
    228         t2a[im - 1][jm - 1] = 0.0;
    229     }
    230     if (gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) {
    231         t1a = (double *) t2a[0];
    232         for (j = firstcol; j <= lastcol; j++) {
    233             t1a[j] = 0.0;
    234         }
    235     }
    236     if (gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) {
    237         t1a = (double *) t2a[im - 1];
    238         for (j = firstcol; j <= lastcol; j++) {
    239             t1a[j] = 0.0;
    240         }
    241     }
    242     if (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1) {
    243         for (j = firstrow; j <= lastrow; j++) {
    244             t2a[j][0] = 0.0;
    245         }
    246     }
    247     if (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1) {
    248         for (j = firstrow; j <= lastrow; j++) {
    249             t2a[j][jm - 1] = 0.0;
    250         }
    251     }
    253     for (i = firstrow; i <= lastrow; i++) {
    254         t1a = (double *) t2a[i];
    255         for (iindex = firstcol; iindex <= lastcol; iindex++) {
    256             t1a[iindex] = 0.0;
    257         }
    258     }
    259     t2a = (double **) psilm[procid];
    260     if ((gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1)) {
    261         t2a[0][0] = 0.0;
    262     }
    263     if ((gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1)) {
    264         t2a[im - 1][0] = 0.0;
    265     }
    266     if ((gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1)) {
    267         t2a[0][jm - 1] = 0.0;
    268     }
    269     if ((gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1)) {
    270         t2a[im - 1][jm - 1] = 0.0;
    271     }
    272     if (gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) {
    273         t1a = (double *) t2a[0];
    274         for (j = firstcol; j <= lastcol; j++) {
    275             t1a[j] = 0.0;
    276         }
    277     }
    278     if (gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) {
    279         t1a = (double *) t2a[im - 1];
    280         for (j = firstcol; j <= lastcol; j++) {
    281             t1a[j] = 0.0;
    282         }
    283     }
    284     if (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1) {
    285         for (j = firstrow; j <= lastrow; j++) {
    286             t2a[j][0] = 0.0;
    287         }
    288     }
    289     if (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1) {
    290         for (j = firstrow; j <= lastrow; j++) {
    291             t2a[j][jm - 1] = 0.0;
    292         }
    293     }
    294     for (i = firstrow; i <= lastrow; i++) {
    295         t1a = (double *) t2a[i];
    296         for (iindex = firstcol; iindex <= lastcol; iindex++) {
    297             t1a[iindex] = 0.0;
    298         }
    299     }
    301     t2a = (double **) psib[procid];
    302     if ((gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1)) {
    303         t2a[0][0] = 1.0;
    304     }
    305     if ((gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1)) {
    306         t2a[0][jm - 1] = 1.0;
    307     }
    308     if ((gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1)) {
    309         t2a[im - 1][0] = 1.0;
    310     }
    311     if ((gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1)) {
    312         t2a[im - 1][jm - 1] = 1.0;
    313     }
    314     if (gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) {
    315         t1a = (double *) t2a[0];
    316         for (j = firstcol; j <= lastcol; j++) {
    317             t1a[j] = 1.0;
    318         }
    319     }
    320     if (gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) {
    321         t1a = (double *) t2a[im - 1];
    322         for (j = firstcol; j <= lastcol; j++) {
    323             t1a[j] = 1.0;
    324         }
    325     }
    326     if (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1) {
    327         for (j = firstrow; j <= lastrow; j++) {
    328             t2a[j][0] = 1.0;
    329         }
    330     }
    331     if (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1) {
    332         for (j = firstrow; j <= lastrow; j++) {
    333             t2a[j][jm - 1] = 1.0;
    334         }
    335     }
    336     for (i = firstrow; i <= lastrow; i++) {
    337         t1a = (double *) t2a[i];
    338         for (iindex = firstcol; iindex <= lastcol; iindex++) {
    339             t1a[iindex] = 0.0;
    340         }
    341     }
    343 /* wait until all processes have completed the above initialization  */
    344 #if defined(MULTIPLE_BARRIERS)
    345     BARRIER(bars->sl_prini, nprocs)
    346 #else
    347     BARRIER(bars->barrier, nprocs)
    348 #endif
    349 /* compute psib array (one-time computation) and integrate into psibi */
    350         istart = 1;
    351     iend = istart + gp[procid].rel_num_y[numlev - 1] - 1;
    352     jstart = 1;
    353     jend = jstart + gp[procid].rel_num_x[numlev - 1] - 1;
    354     ist = istart;
    355     ien = iend;
    356     jst = jstart;
    357     jen = jend;
    359     if (gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) {
    360         istart = 0;
    361     }
    362     if (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1) {
    363         jstart = 0;
    364     }
    365     if (gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) {
    366         iend = im - 1;
    367     }
    368     if (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1) {
    369         jend = jm - 1;
    370     }
    372     t2a = (double **) rhs_multi[procid][numlev - 1];
    373     t2b = (double **) psib[procid];
    374     for (i = istart; i <= iend; i++) {
    375         t1a = (double *) t2a[i];
    376         t1b = (double *) t2b[i];
    377         for (j = jstart; j <= jend; j++) {
    378             t1a[j] = t1b[j] * ressqr;
    379         }
    380     }
    381     t2a = (double **) q_multi[procid][numlev - 1];
    382     if (gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) {
    383         t1a = (double *) t2a[0];
    384         t1b = (double *) t2b[0];
    385         for (j = jstart; j <= jend; j++) {
    386             t1a[j] = t1b[j];
    387         }
    388     }
    389     if (gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) {
    390         t1a = (double *) t2a[im - 1];
    391         t1b = (double *) t2b[im - 1];
    392         for (j = jstart; j <= jend; j++) {
    393             t1a[j] = t1b[j];
    394         }
    395     }
    396     if (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1) {
    397         for (i = istart; i <= iend; i++) {
    398             t2a[i][0] = t2b[i][0];
    399         }
    400     }
    401     if (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1) {
    402         for (i = istart; i <= iend; i++) {
    403             t2a[i][jm - 1] = t2b[i][jm - 1];
    404         }
    405     }
    407 #if defined(MULTIPLE_BARRIERS)
    408     BARRIER(bars->sl_psini, nprocs)
    409 #else
    410     BARRIER(bars->barrier, nprocs)
    411 #endif
    413     t2a = (double **) psib[procid];
    414     j = gp[procid].neighbors[UP];
    415     if (j != -1) {
    416         t1a = (double *) t2a[0];
    417         t1b = (double *) psib[j][im - 2];
    418         for (i = 1; i < jm - 1; i++) {
    419             t1a[i] = t1b[i];
    420         }
    421     }
    422     j = gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN];
    423     if (j != -1) {
    424         t1a = (double *) t2a[im - 1];
    425         t1b = (double *) psib[j][1];
    426         for (i = 1; i < jm - 1; i++) {
    427             t1a[i] = t1b[i];
    428         }
    429     }
    430     j = gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT];
    431     if (j != -1) {
    432         t2b = (double **) psib[j];
    433         for (i = 1; i < im - 1; i++) {
    434             t2a[i][0] = t2b[i][jm - 2];
    435         }
    436     }
    437     j = gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT];
    438     if (j != -1) {
    439         t2b = (double **) psib[j];
    440         for (i = 1; i < im - 1; i++) {
    441             t2a[i][jm - 1] = t2b[i][1];
    442         }
    443     }
    445     t2a = (double **) q_multi[procid][numlev - 1];
    446     t2b = (double **) psib[procid];
    447     fac = 1.0 / (4.0 - ressqr * eig2);
    448     for (i = ist; i <= ien; i++) {
    449         t1a = (double *) t2a[i];
    450         t1b = (double *) t2b[i];
    451         t1c = (double *) t2b[i - 1];
    452         t1d = (double *) t2b[i + 1];
    453         for (j = jst; j <= jen; j++) {
    454             t1a[j] = fac * (t1d[j] + t1c[j] + t1b[j + 1] + t1b[j - 1] - ressqr * t1b[j]);
    455         }
    456     }
    458     multig(procid);
    460     for (i = istart; i <= iend; i++) {
    461         t1a = (double *) t2a[i];
    462         t1b = (double *) t2b[i];
    463         for (j = jstart; j <= jend; j++) {
    464             t1b[j] = t1a[j];
    465         }
    466     }
    468 #if defined(MULTIPLE_BARRIERS)
    469     BARRIER(bars->sl_prini, nprocs)
    470 #else
    471     BARRIER(bars->barrier, nprocs)
    472 #endif
    474 /* update the local running sum psibipriv by summing all the resulting
    475    values in that process's share of the psib matrix   */
    477     t2a = (double **) psib[procid];
    478     psibipriv = 0.0;
    479     if ((gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1)) {
    480         psibipriv = psibipriv + 0.25 * (t2a[0][0]);
    481     }
    482     if ((gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1)) {
    483         psibipriv = psibipriv + 0.25 * (t2a[0][jm - 1]);
    484     }
    485     if ((gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1)) {
    486         psibipriv = psibipriv + 0.25 * (t2a[im - 1][0]);
    487     }
    488     if ((gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1)) {
    489         psibipriv = psibipriv + 0.25 * (t2a[im - 1][jm - 1]);
    490     }
    491     if (gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) {
    492         t1a = (double *) t2a[0];
    493         for (j = firstcol; j <= lastcol; j++) {
    494             psibipriv = psibipriv + 0.5 * t1a[j];
    495         }
    496     }
    497     if (gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) {
    498         t1a = (double *) t2a[im - 1];
    499         for (j = firstcol; j <= lastcol; j++) {
    500             psibipriv = psibipriv + 0.5 * t1a[j];
    501         }
    502     }
    503     if (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1) {
    504         for (j = firstrow; j <= lastrow; j++) {
    505             psibipriv = psibipriv + 0.5 * t2a[j][0];
    506         }
    507     }
    508     if (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1) {
    509         for (j = firstrow; j <= lastrow; j++) {
    510             psibipriv = psibipriv + 0.5 * t2a[j][jm - 1];
    511         }
    512     }
    513     for (i = firstrow; i <= lastrow; i++) {
    514         t1a = (double *) t2a[i];
    515         for (iindex = firstcol; iindex <= lastcol; iindex++) {
    516             psibipriv = psibipriv + t1a[iindex];
    517         }
    518     }
    520 /* update the shared variable psibi by summing all the psibiprivs
    521    of the individual processes into it.  note that this combined
    522    private and shared sum method avoids accessing the shared
    523    variable psibi once for every element of the matrix.  */
    525     LOCK(locks->psibilock);
    526     global->psibi = global->psibi + psibipriv;
    527     UNLOCK(locks->psibilock);
    529 /* initialize psim matrices
    531    if there is more than one process, then split the processes
    532    between the two psim matrices; otherwise, let the single process
    533    work on one first and then the other   */
    535     for (psiindex = 0; psiindex <= 1; psiindex++) {
    536         t2a = (double **) psim[procid][psiindex];
    537         if ((gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1)) {
    538             t2a[0][0] = 0.0;
    539         }
    540         if ((gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1)) {
    541             t2a[im - 1][0] = 0.0;
    542         }
    543         if ((gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1)) {
    544             t2a[0][jm - 1] = 0.0;
    545         }
    546         if ((gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1)) {
    547             t2a[im - 1][jm - 1] = 0.0;
    548         }
    549         if (gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) {
    550             t1a = (double *) t2a[0];
    551             for (j = firstcol; j <= lastcol; j++) {
    552                 t1a[j] = 0.0;
    553             }
    554         }
    555         if (gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) {
    556             t1a = (double *) t2a[im - 1];
    557             for (j = firstcol; j <= lastcol; j++) {
    558                 t1a[j] = 0.0;
    559             }
    560         }
    561         if (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1) {
    562             for (j = firstrow; j <= lastrow; j++) {
    563                 t2a[j][0] = 0.0;
    564             }
    565         }
    566         if (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1) {
    567             for (j = firstrow; j <= lastrow; j++) {
    568                 t2a[j][jm - 1] = 0.0;
    569             }
    570         }
    571         for (i = firstrow; i <= lastrow; i++) {
    572             t1a = (double *) t2a[i];
    573             for (iindex = firstcol; iindex <= lastcol; iindex++) {
    574                 t1a[iindex] = 0.0;
    575             }
    576         }
    577     }
    579 /* initialize psi matrices the same way  */
    581     for (psiindex = 0; psiindex <= 1; psiindex++) {
    582         t2a = (double **) psi[procid][psiindex];
    583         if ((gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1)) {
    584             t2a[0][0] = 0.0;
    585         }
    586         if ((gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1)) {
    587             t2a[0][jm - 1] = 0.0;
    588         }
    589         if ((gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1)) {
    590             t2a[im - 1][0] = 0.0;
    591         }
    592         if ((gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1)) {
    593             t2a[im - 1][jm - 1] = 0.0;
    594         }
    595         if (gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) {
    596             t1a = (double *) t2a[0];
    597             for (j = firstcol; j <= lastcol; j++) {
    598                 t1a[j] = 0.0;
    599             }
    600         }
    601         if (gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) {
    602             t1a = (double *) t2a[im - 1];
    603             for (j = firstcol; j <= lastcol; j++) {
    604                 t1a[j] = 0.0;
    605             }
    606         }
    607         if (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1) {
    608             for (j = firstrow; j <= lastrow; j++) {
    609                 t2a[j][0] = 0.0;
    610             }
    611         }
    612         if (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1) {
    613             for (j = firstrow; j <= lastrow; j++) {
    614                 t2a[j][jm - 1] = 0.0;
    615             }
    616         }
    617         for (i = firstrow; i <= lastrow; i++) {
    618             t1a = (double *) t2a[i];
    619             for (iindex = firstcol; iindex <= lastcol; iindex++) {
    620                 t1a[iindex] = 0.0;
    621             }
    622         }
    623     }
    625 /* compute input curl of wind stress */
    628     t2a = (double **) tauz[procid];
    629     ysca1 = .5 * ysca;
    630     factor = -t0 * pi / ysca1;
    631     if ((gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1)) {
    632         t2a[0][0] = 0.0;
    633     }
    634     if ((gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1)) {
    635         t2a[im - 1][0] = 0.0;
    636     }
    637     if ((gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1)) {
    638         sintemp = pi * ((double) jm - 1 + j_off) * res / ysca1;
    639         sintemp = sin(sintemp);
    640         t2a[0][jm - 1] = factor * sintemp;
    641     }
    642     if ((gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1)) {
    643         sintemp = pi * ((double) jm - 1 + j_off) * res / ysca1;
    644         sintemp = sin(sintemp);
    645         t2a[im - 1][jm - 1] = factor * sintemp;
    646     }
    647     if (gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) {
    648         t1a = (double *) t2a[0];
    649         for (j = firstcol; j <= lastcol; j++) {
    650             sintemp = pi * ((double) j + j_off) * res / ysca1;
    651             sintemp = sin(sintemp);
    652             curlt = factor * sintemp;
    653             t1a[j] = curlt;
    654         }
    655     }
    656     if (gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) {
    657         t1a = (double *) t2a[im - 1];
    658         for (j = firstcol; j <= lastcol; j++) {
    659             sintemp = pi * ((double) j + j_off) * res / ysca1;
    660             sintemp = sin(sintemp);
    661             curlt = factor * sintemp;
    662             t1a[j] = curlt;
    663         }
    664     }
    665     if (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1) {
    666         for (j = firstrow; j <= lastrow; j++) {
    667             t2a[j][0] = 0.0;
    668         }
    669     }
    670     if (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1) {
    671         sintemp = pi * ((double) jm - 1 + j_off) * res / ysca1;
    672         sintemp = sin(sintemp);
    673         curlt = factor * sintemp;
    674         for (j = firstrow; j <= lastrow; j++) {
    675             t2a[j][jm - 1] = curlt;
    676         }
    677     }
    678     for (i = firstrow; i <= lastrow; i++) {
    679         t1a = (double *) t2a[i];
    680         for (iindex = firstcol; iindex <= lastcol; iindex++) {
    681             sintemp = pi * ((double) iindex + j_off) * res / ysca1;
    682             sintemp = sin(sintemp);
    683             curlt = factor * sintemp;
    684             t1a[iindex] = curlt;
    685         }
    686     }
    688 #if defined(MULTIPLE_BARRIERS)
    689     BARRIER(bars->sl_onetime, nprocs)
    690 #else
    691     BARRIER(bars->barrier, nprocs)
    692 #endif
    694 /***************************************************************
    695  one-time stuff over at this point
    696  ***************************************************************/
    697     while (!endflag) {
    698         while ((!dayflag) || (!dhourflag)) {
    699             dayflag = 0;
    700             dhourflag = 0;
    701             if (nstep == 1) {
    702                 for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    703                     gp[procid].steps_time[i] = 0;
    704                 }
    705                 if (procid == MASTER) {
    706                     CLOCK(global->trackstart)
    707                 }
    708                 if ((procid == MASTER) || (do_stats)) {
    709                     CLOCK(t1);
    710                     (*gp[procid].total_time) = t1;
    711                     (*gp[procid].multi_time) = 0;
    712                 }
    713 /* POSSIBLE ENHANCEMENT:  Here is where one might reset the
    714    statistics that one is measuring about the parallel execution */
    715             }
    717             slave2(procid, firstrow, lastrow, numrows, firstcol, lastcol, numcols);
    719 /* update time and step number
    720    note that these time and step variables are private i.e. every
    721    process has its own copy and keeps track of its own time  */
    723             ttime = ttime + dtau;
    724             nstep = nstep + 1;
    725             day = ttime / 86400.0;
    727             if (day > ((double) outday0)) {
    728                 dayflag = 1;
    729                 iday = (long) day;
    730                 dhour = dhour + dtau;
    731                 if (dhour >= 86400.0) {
    732                     dhourflag = 1;
    733                 }
    734             }
    735         }
    736         dhour = 0.0;
    738         t2a = (double **) psium[procid];
    739         t2b = (double **) psim[procid][0];
    740         if ((gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1)) {
    741             t2a[0][0] = t2a[0][0] + t2b[0][0];
    742         }
    743         if ((gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1)) {
    744             t2a[im - 1][0] = t2a[im - 1][0] + t2b[im - 1][0];
    745         }
    746         if ((gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1)) {
    747             t2a[0][jm - 1] = t2a[0][jm - 1] + t2b[0][jm - 1];
    748         }
    749         if ((gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1)) {
    750             t2a[im - 1][jm - 1] = t2a[im - 1][jm - 1] + t2b[im - 1][jm - 1];
    751         }
    752         if (gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) {
    753             t1a = (double *) t2a[0];
    754             t1b = (double *) t2b[0];
    755             for (j = firstcol; j <= lastcol; j++) {
    756                 t1a[j] = t1a[j] + t1b[j];
    757             }
    758         }
    759         if (gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) {
    760             t1a = (double *) t2a[im - 1];
    761             t1b = (double *) t2b[im - 1];
    762             for (j = firstcol; j <= lastcol; j++) {
    763                 t1a[j] = t1a[j] + t1b[j];
    764             }
    765         }
    766         if (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1) {
    767             for (j = firstrow; j <= lastrow; j++) {
    768                 t2a[j][0] = t2a[j][0] + t2b[j][0];
    769             }
    770         }
    771         if (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1) {
    772             for (j = firstrow; j <= lastrow; j++) {
    773                 t2a[j][jm - 1] = t2a[j][jm - 1] + t2b[j][jm - 1];
    774             }
    775         }
    776         for (i = firstrow; i <= lastrow; i++) {
    777             t1a = (double *) t2a[i];
    778             t1b = (double *) t2b[i];
    779             for (iindex = firstcol; iindex <= lastcol; iindex++) {
    780                 t1a[iindex] = t1a[iindex] + t1b[iindex];
    781             }
    782         }
    784 /* update values of psilm array to psilm + psim[2]  */
    786         t2a = (double **) psilm[procid];
    787         t2b = (double **) psim[procid][1];
    788         if ((gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1)) {
    789             t2a[0][0] = t2a[0][0] + t2b[0][0];
    790         }
    791         if ((gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1)) {
    792             t2a[im - 1][0] = t2a[im - 1][0] + t2b[im - 1][0];
    793         }
    794         if ((gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1)) {
    795             t2a[0][jm - 1] = t2a[0][jm - 1] + t2b[0][jm - 1];
    796         }
    797         if ((gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) && (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1)) {
    798             t2a[im - 1][jm - 1] = t2a[im - 1][jm - 1] + t2b[im - 1][jm - 1];
    799         }
    800         if (gp[procid].neighbors[UP] == -1) {
    801             t1a = (double *) t2a[0];
    802             t1b = (double *) t2b[0];
    803             for (j = firstcol; j <= lastcol; j++) {
    804                 t1a[j] = t1a[j] + t1b[j];
    805             }
    806         }
    807         if (gp[procid].neighbors[DOWN] == -1) {
    808             t1a = (double *) t2a[im - 1];
    809             t1b = (double *) t2b[im - 1];
    810             for (j = firstcol; j <= lastcol; j++) {
    811                 t1a[j] = t1a[j] + t1b[j];
    812             }
    813         }
    814         if (gp[procid].neighbors[LEFT] == -1) {
    815             for (j = firstrow; j <= lastrow; j++) {
    816                 t2a[j][0] = t2a[j][0] + t2b[j][0];
    817             }
    818         }
    819         if (gp[procid].neighbors[RIGHT] == -1) {
    820             for (j = firstrow; j <= lastrow; j++) {
    821                 t2a[j][jm - 1] = t2a[j][jm - 1] + t2b[j][jm - 1];
    822             }
    823         }
    824         for (i = firstrow; i <= lastrow; i++) {
    825             t1a = (double *) t2a[i];
    826             t1b = (double *) t2b[i];
    827             for (iindex = firstcol; iindex <= lastcol; iindex++) {
    828                 t1a[iindex] = t1a[iindex] + t1b[iindex];
    829             }
    830         }
    831         if (iday >= (long) outday3) {
    832             endflag = 1;
    833         }
    834     }
    835     if ((procid == MASTER) || (do_stats)) {
    836         CLOCK(t1);
    837         (*gp[procid].total_time) = t1 - (*gp[procid].total_time);
    838     }
    839 }
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.