GIET-VM / NIC Driver
GIET-VM / NIC Driver
Access Functions
- 1) unsigned int _nic_get_channel_register( unsigned int channel, …
- 2) void _nic_set_channel_register( unsigned int channel, …
- 3) unsigned int _nic_get_global_register( unsigned int index )
- 4) void _nic_set_global_register( unsigned int index, unsigned …
- 5) int _nic_global_init( unsigned int channels, unsigned int …
- 6) int _nic_channel_start( unsigned int channel, unsigned int …
- 7) int _nic_channel_stop( unsigned int channel, unsigned int is_rx )
- Interrupt Service Routines
Access Functions
The nic_driver.c and nic_driver.h files define the NIC driver.
This component is a multi-channels, giga-bit Ethernet network controller. It is an external, non replicated peripheral. The number of NIC_RX channels (packet receive) and the number of NIC_TX channels (packet send) are defined by the NB_NIC_CHANNELS parameter in the hard_config.h file. For a given channel index, the NIC_TX channel, and the NIC_RX channel use the same MAC address.
The SEG_NIC_BASE address must be defined in the hard_config.h file.
The addressable registers map is defined here.
Access Functions
1) unsigned int _nic_get_channel_register( unsigned int channel, unsigned int index )
This function returns the value contained in a channel register.
- channel : channel index
- index : register index
2) void _nic_set_channel_register( unsigned int channel, unsigned int index, unsigned int value )
This function writes a new value in a channel register.
- channel : channel index
- index : register index
- value : written value
3) unsigned int _nic_get_global_register( unsigned int index )
This function returns the value contained in a global register.
- index : register index
4) void _nic_set_global_register( unsigned int index, unsigned int value )
This function writes a new value in a global register.
- index : register index
- value : written value
5) int _nic_global_init( unsigned int channels, unsigned int vis, unsigned int bc_enable, unsigned int bypass_enable )
This function initializes the global registers.
- channels : number of active channels
- vis : bit vector(one bit per active channel)
- bc_enable : broadcast packets accepted if non zero
- bypass_enable : TX -> RX bypass supported if non zero
This function is used only by the boot code, and return always 0.
6) int _nic_channel_start( unsigned int channel, unsigned int mac4, unsigned int mac2 )
This function activates a NIC_TX or NIC_RX channel:
- channel : channel index
- is_rx : boolean (RX type if non zero).
- mac4 : 32 LSB bits of the MAC address.
- mac2 : 16 MSB bits of the MAC address.
It returns always 0.
7) int _nic_channel_stop( unsigned int channel, unsigned int is_rx )
This function desactivates a NIC_TX or NIC_RX channel. It returns always 0.
Interrupt Service Routines
8) void _nic_rx_isr( unsigned int irq_type, unsigned int irq_id, unsigned int channel )
This interrupt Service Routine handles IRQs from a NIC_RX channel. WARNING : Not fully implemented yet : no IRQ acknowledge...
9) void _nic_tx_isr( unsigned int irq_type, unsigned int irq_id, unsigned int channel )
This interrupt Service Routine handles IRQs from a NIC_TX channel. WARNING : Not fully implemented yet : no IRQ acknowledge...