GIET-VM / SIM Driver
The sim_driver.c and sim_driver.h files define the SIM driver.
This driver supports the vci_sim_helper component, that is a pseudo hardware component available in the SoCLib library, and providing a monitoring service in a virtual prototyping environment.
There is at most one such component in the architecture.
The SEG_SIM_BASE address must be defined in the hard_config.h file.
The addressable registers map, defining the possible operations is defined here.
void _sim_helper_access( unsigned int register_index, unsigned int value, unsigned int* retval );
This function accesses the Simulation Helper registers:
- If access is on SIMHELPER_SC_STOP, the simulation will stop.
- If access is on SIMHELPER_CYCLES, value is written in retval buffer.
Last modified 10 years ago
Last modified on Oct 15, 2014, 11:32:57 AM