Changeset 24

Apr 18, 2009, 4:36:12 PM (16 years ago)

Sync with trunk, avoid warning about pointer soup

3 edited


  • branches/with_autoconf/src/sc_int.h

    r8 r24  
    1818#include <sc_logic.h>
    1919#include <sc_bv.h>
     20#include <cstdlib>
    2122// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    135136  sc_int()                 { val = 0; }
    136137//  sc_int(data_type val_)  { val = 0; write (val_); }
    137   sc_int (const char *a)   { val = 0; write (atoi (a)); }
     138  sc_int (const char *a)   { val = 0; write (std::atoi (a)); }
    138139  sc_int (unsigned short a){ val = 0; write (a); }
    139140  sc_int (short a)         { val = 0; write (a); }
    198199  // arithmetic
    199   template <typename T>
    200   inline sc_int& operator <<= (T v)
    201   { vf.valW <<= v; return *this; }
    202   template <typename T>
    203   inline sc_int& operator >>= (T v)
    204   { vf.valW >>= v; return *this; }
    205   template <typename T>
    206   inline sc_int& operator += (T v)
    207   { vf.valW += v; return *this; }
    208   template <typename T>
    209   inline sc_int& operator -= (T v)
    210   { vf.valW -= v; return *this; }
    211   template <typename T>
    212   inline sc_int& operator *= (T v)
    213   { vf.valW *= v; return *this; }
    214   template <typename T>
    215   inline sc_int& operator /= (T v)
    216   { vf.valW /= v; return *this; }
    217   template <typename T>
    218   inline sc_int& operator %= (T v)
    219   { vf.valW %= v; return *this; }
    220   template <typename T>
    221   inline sc_int& operator &= (T v)
    222   { vf.valW &= v; return *this; }
    223   template <typename T>
    224   inline sc_int& operator |= (T v)
    225   { vf.valW |= v; return *this; }
    226   template <typename T>
    227   inline sc_int& operator ^= (T v)
    228   { vf.valW ^= v; return *this; }
     200#define DEFINE_OPERATOR(OPER)        \
     201  template <typename T>              \
     202  inline sc_int& operator OPER (T v) \
     203  { vf.valW OPER v; return *this; }
     205  DEFINE_OPERATOR(<<=)
     206  DEFINE_OPERATOR(>>=)
     207  DEFINE_OPERATOR(+=)
     208  DEFINE_OPERATOR(-=)
     209  DEFINE_OPERATOR(*=)
     210  DEFINE_OPERATOR(/=)
     211  DEFINE_OPERATOR(%=)
     212  DEFINE_OPERATOR(&=)
     213  DEFINE_OPERATOR(|=)
     214  DEFINE_OPERATOR(^=)
     215#undef DEFINE_OPERATOR
    229217  inline sc_int_bit_ref& operator [] (int v)
    230218  { return (vf.valW >> v) & 1; }
  • branches/with_autoconf/src/sc_signal.h

    r20 r24  
    8282        size_t size = (sizeof (T)-1) / sizeof (base_type);
    8383        size_t i = 0;
    84         const base_type *pvalue = (const base_type*)(&value_);
     84        const base_type *pvalue = (const base_type*)(void*)(&value_);
    8585        do {
    8686#if 0
    9696        if (sizeof (T) > sizeof (base_type)) {
    9797#if 0
    98     cout << "sizeof (T) = " << sizeof (T) << " (base_type = " << sizeof
    99 (base_type) << "\n";
     98  std::cout << "sizeof (T) = " << sizeof (T)
     99            << " (base_type = " << sizeof (base_type) << "\n";
    101101                post_multiwrite (pointer_,value_);
    171171  typedef T  data_type;
    172172  typedef sc_signal < T >  this_type;
    173174        ///////////
    174175        // Internal
    175176        public: void init ();
    176177        ///////////
    177179//  virtual void update ();
    178180  void check_writer ();
  • branches/with_autoconf/src/sc_uint.h

    r20 r24  
    184184  // arithmetic
    185   template <typename T>
    186   inline sc_uint& operator <<= (T v)
    187   { vf.valW <<= v; return *this; }
    188   template <typename T>
    189   inline sc_uint& operator >>= (T v)
    190   { vf.valW >>= v; return *this; }
    191   template <typename T>
    192   inline sc_uint& operator += (T v)
    193   { vf.valW += v; return *this; }
    194   template <typename T>
    195   inline sc_uint& operator -= (T v)
    196   { vf.valW -= v; return *this; }
    197   template <typename T>
    198   inline sc_uint& operator *= (T v)
    199   { vf.valW *= v; return *this; }
    200   template <typename T>
    201   inline sc_uint& operator /= (T v)
    202   { vf.valW /= v; return *this; }
    203   template <typename T>
    204   inline sc_uint& operator %= (T v)
    205   { vf.valW %= v; return *this; }
    206   template <typename T>
    207   inline sc_uint& operator &= (T v)
    208   { vf.valW &= v; return *this; }
    209   template <typename T>
    210   inline sc_uint& operator |= (T v)
    211   { vf.valW |= v; return *this; }
    212   template <typename T>
    213   inline sc_uint& operator ^= (T v)
    214   { vf.valW ^= v; return *this; }
     185#define DEFINE_OPERATOR(OPER)        \
     186  template <typename T>              \
     187  inline sc_uint& operator OPER (T v)\
     188  { vf.valW OPER v; return *this; }
     190  DEFINE_OPERATOR(<<=)
     191  DEFINE_OPERATOR(>>=)
     192  DEFINE_OPERATOR(+=)
     193  DEFINE_OPERATOR(-=)
     194  DEFINE_OPERATOR(*=)
     195  DEFINE_OPERATOR(/=)
     196  DEFINE_OPERATOR(%=)
     197  DEFINE_OPERATOR(&=)
     198  DEFINE_OPERATOR(|=)
     199  DEFINE_OPERATOR(^=)
     200#undef DEFINE_OPERATOR
     202#if 0
     203#define DEFINE_OPERATOR(OPER)                                              \
     204  friend bool operator OPER (const data_type& a, const data_type& b);
     205//  { return (a.valW) OPER (b.valW); }
     207  DEFINE_OPERATOR(==)
     208  DEFINE_OPERATOR(!=)
     209  DEFINE_OPERATOR(>=)
     210  DEFINE_OPERATOR(<=)
     211#undef DEFINE_OPERATOR
    215213  inline sc_uint_bit_ref operator [] (int v)
    216214  { return (vf.valW >> v) & 1; }
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