Changeset 52 for sources/src/sc_int.h

Jan 22, 2013, 4:23:22 PM (12 years ago)

Code formatting in all source files.

1 edited


  • sources/src/sc_int.h

    r27 r52  
    3636typedef sc_int<1> sc_int_bit_ref_r;
    38 //
    3939#define MASK32(W) ((~ (const uint32)0) >> (sizeof (uint32) * 8 - W))
    4040#define MASK64(W) ((~ (const uint64)0) >> (sizeof (uint64) * 8 - W))
    41 //
    43 template<int W> struct s_int_type { typedef int64 int_type;};
     42template<int W> struct s_int_type { typedef int64 int_type; };
    4444#define DECLAR_INT_TYPE(W) template<> struct s_int_type<W> { typedef smallest_int int_type; } // not declared as in8 because << operator threats like a character
    45 DECLAR_INT_TYPE( 1);
    46 DECLAR_INT_TYPE( 2);
    47 DECLAR_INT_TYPE( 3);
    48 DECLAR_INT_TYPE( 4);
    49 DECLAR_INT_TYPE( 5);
    50 DECLAR_INT_TYPE( 6);
    51 DECLAR_INT_TYPE( 7);
    52 DECLAR_INT_TYPE( 8);
    5353#undef DECLAR_INT_TYPE
    5455#define DECLAR_INT_TYPE(W) template<> struct s_int_type<W> { typedef int16 int_type; }
    5556DECLAR_INT_TYPE( 9);
    6364#undef DECLAR_INT_TYPE
    6466#define DECLAR_INT_TYPE(W) template<> struct s_int_type<W> { typedef int32 int_type; }
    8688// Used for range, concat functions
    88 class sc_int_subref_r
    89 {
    90   template <int W> friend class sc_dt::sc_int;
    91   int       left, right;
    92   public : int64    val;
    93   sc_int_subref_r (int64 val_, int left_, int right_)
    94   {
    95     val = val_; left = left_; right = right_;
    96   }
    97   public:
    98   inline int64 read () const { return val; }
    99   inline const sc_int_subref_r& operator | (const sc_int_subref_r &v) const
    100   { print_warning (); return *this; }
    102   private :void print_warning () const;
     90class sc_int_subref_r {
     92    template <int W> friend class sc_dt::sc_int;
     93    int left, right;
     95    public :
     96    int64 val;
     97    sc_int_subref_r(int64 val_, int left_, int right_) {
     98        val = val_; left = left_; right = right_;
     99    }
     101    inline int64 read () const { return val; }
     102    inline const sc_int_subref_r& operator | (const sc_int_subref_r &v) const {
     103        print_warning ();
     104        return *this;
     105    }
     107    private :
     108    void print_warning () const;
    111118template< int W /* = SC_INTWIDTH */>
    112 class sc_int
    113 {
    114   /***********************/
    116   /***********************/
    117   typedef sc_int<W>                         this_type;
    118   typedef typename s_int_type<W>::int_type  data_type;
    120   typedef data_type sc_int_subref;
    121 //typedef data_type sc_int_subref_r;
    122     /* removed since "operator ," was going wrong */
    124 // internal
    125         union {
    126     val_field<W,(sizeof (data_type) * 8) - W,data_type> vf; /* To compute */
    127                 data_type val;          /* To return an int reference (read function) */
    128 //        data_type valW:W; /* works with little endianess only */
    129 //  bool      valB[W]; /* removed since 1 bool takes 1 byte */
    130         };
    132   /***********************/
    133   /*        L R M        */
    134   /***********************/
    135 public:
    136   sc_int()                 { val = 0; }
    137 //  sc_int(data_type val_)  { val = 0; write (val_); }
    138   sc_int (const char *a)   { val = 0; write (std::atoi (a)); }
    139   sc_int (unsigned short a){ val = 0; write (a); }
    140   sc_int (short a)         { val = 0; write (a); }
    141   sc_int (unsigned long a) { val = 0; write (a); }
    142   sc_int (long a)          { val = 0; write (a); }
    143   sc_int (unsigned int a)  { val = 0; write (a); }
    144   sc_int (int a)           { val = 0; write (a); }
    145   sc_int (int64 a)         { val = 0; write (a); }
    146   sc_int (uint64 a)        { val = 0; write (a); }
    147   sc_int (double a)        { val = 0; write (a); }
    149   template <int W2> sc_int (const sc_int<W2> &val_) { val = 0; write (;}
    150   /* this template doesn't redefine default copy constructor of sc_int.
    151    * So, we define by this way
    152    */
    154   sc_int (const sc_int &val_) { val = val_.val; }
    155   sc_int (const sc_int_subref_r &a) { val = 0; write (a); }
     119class sc_int {
     121    /***********************/
     122    /* SYSTEMCASS SPECIFIC */
     123    /***********************/
     124    typedef sc_int<W> this_type;
     125    typedef typename s_int_type<W>::int_type data_type;
     127    typedef data_type sc_int_subref;
     129    // internal
     130    union {
     131        val_field<W, (sizeof (data_type) * 8) - W,data_type> vf; /* To compute */
     132        data_type val;          /* To return an int reference (read function) */
     133    };
     136    /***********************/
     137    /*        L R M        */
     138    /***********************/
     139    public:
     140    sc_int()                  { val = 0; }
     141    sc_int (const char * a)   { val = 0; write (std::atoi (a)); }
     142    sc_int (unsigned short a) { val = 0; write (a); }
     143    sc_int (short a)          { val = 0; write (a); }
     144    sc_int (unsigned long a)  { val = 0; write (a); }
     145    sc_int (long a)           { val = 0; write (a); }
     146    sc_int (unsigned int a)   { val = 0; write (a); }
     147    sc_int (int a)            { val = 0; write (a); }
     148    sc_int (int64 a)          { val = 0; write (a); }
     149    sc_int (uint64 a)         { val = 0; write (a); }
     150    sc_int (double a)         { val = 0; write (a); }
     152    template <int W2> sc_int (const sc_int<W2> &val_) { val = 0; write (;}
     153    /* this template doesn't redefine default copy constructor of sc_int.
     154     * So, we define by this way
     155     */
     157    sc_int (const sc_int &val_) { val = val_.val; }
     158    sc_int (const sc_int_subref_r & a) { val = 0; write (a); }
    156159    /* the user needs to cast explicitly result of range () method. */
    158   /***********************/
    160   /***********************/
     162    /***********************/
     163    /* SYSTEMCASS SPECIFIC */
     164    /***********************/
     166    // read/write
     167    inline const data_type& read() const { return val; }
     168    inline void write(data_type val_)    { vf.valW = val_; }
     169    template <int W2> inline void write (const sc_int<W2> val_) { write ( ()); }
     170    inline void write (const sc_int_subref_r& s) { write (; }
     172    /***********************/
     173    /*        L R M        */
     174    /***********************/
     176    // operators
     177    inline operator const data_type & () const {
     178        return read ();
     179    }
     181    template <typename T> inline sc_int& operator = (const T& val_) {
     182        write (val_);
     183        return *this;
     184    }
     186    inline sc_int & operator = (const sc_int_subref_r& a) {
     187        write (a);
     188        return *this;
     189    }
     191    // explicit conversions
     192    inline uint32 to_uint()   const { return val & MASK32(W); }
     193    inline int32  to_int()    const { return val & MASK32(W); }
     194    inline uint64 to_uint64() const { return val & MASK64(W); }
     195    inline int64  to_int64()  const { return val & MASK64(W); }
     197    // explicit conversion to character string
     198    const sc_string to_string(sc_numrep numrep = SC_DEC) const {
     199        return sc_dt::to_string (val, W, numrep);
     200    }
     201    const sc_string to_dec() const { return to_string (SC_DEC); }
     202    const sc_string to_bin() const { return to_string (SC_BIN); }
     203    const sc_string to_oct() const { return to_string (SC_OCT); }
     204    const sc_string to_hex() const { return to_string (SC_HEX); }
     206    // arithmetic
     207#define DEFINE_OPERATOR(OPER)           \
     208    template <typename T>               \
     209    inline sc_int & operator OPER (T v) \
     210    { vf.valW OPER v; return *this; }
     212    DEFINE_OPERATOR(<<=)
     213    DEFINE_OPERATOR(>>=)
     214    DEFINE_OPERATOR(+=)
     215    DEFINE_OPERATOR(-=)
     216    DEFINE_OPERATOR(*=)
     217    DEFINE_OPERATOR(/=)
     218    DEFINE_OPERATOR(%=)
     219    DEFINE_OPERATOR(&=)
     220    DEFINE_OPERATOR(|=)
     221    DEFINE_OPERATOR(^=)
     222#undef DEFINE_OPERATOR
     224    inline sc_int_bit_ref & operator [] (int v) {
     225        return (vf.valW >> v) & 1;
     226    }
     227    inline sc_int_bit_ref_r & operator [] (int v) const {
     228        return (vf.valW >> v) & 1;
     229    }
     231    template <int W2>
     232    inline sc_int<W + W2> operator , (const sc_int<W2> & b) const {
     233        sc_int<W + W2> res = read() << W2; res +=;
     234        return res;
     235    }
     237    inline sc_int<W + 1> operator , (bool b) const {
     238        sc_int<W + 1> res = read(); res <<= 1; res += b;
     239        return res;
     240    }
     242    template <int W2>
     243    inline sc_int<W2> operator , (const sc_int_subref_r &v) const {
     244        std::cerr << "Warning : \n";
     245        return sc_int<W2> (;
     246    }
     248    inline sc_int_subref range (int left, int right) {
     249        return (data_type)((data_type) (((data_type)~(0)) >> (sizeof (data_type) * 8 - left - 1)) & val) >> right;
     250    }
     252    inline sc_int_subref_r range (int left, int right) const {
     253        return sc_int_subref_r (((data_type) (((data_type)~(0)) >> (sizeof (data_type) * 8 - left - 1)) & val) >> right, left, right);
     254    }
    161255#if 0
    162   bool is_negative () const {
    163     return (valW >> (W-1)) == 1;
    164   }
     256    std::cerr << "range(" << left << "," << right << ")\n";
     257    std::cerr << "val = " << val << "\n";
     258    std::cerr << "~0 >> " << (sizeof (data_type) * 8 - left - 1) << " = " << (data_type) (((data_type)~(0)) >> (sizeof (data_type) * 8 - left - 1)) << "\n";
     259    std::cerr <<  ((data_type) ((((data_type)~(0)) >> (sizeof (data_type) * 8 - left - 1)) & val) >> right) << "\n";
     260    std::cerr << "data_type = " << sizeof (data_type) << "\n";
    166   // read/write
    167   inline const data_type& read() const { return val; }
    168   inline void write(data_type val_)    { vf.valW = val_; }
    169   template <int W2> inline void write (const sc_int<W2> val_) { write ( ()); }
    170 //inline void write (const sc_int<W> val_) { write (; };
    171   inline void write (const sc_int_subref_r& s) { write (; }
    173   /***********************/
    174   /*        L R M        */
    175   /***********************/
    176   // operators
    177   inline operator const data_type& () const { return read (); }
    178 //  inline void write(int64 val_) { val = val_ & MASK64(W); }
    179 //  inline void write(signed int val_)   { val = val_ & MASK32(W); }
    180         template <typename T> inline sc_int& operator = (const T& val_)
    181   { write (val_); return *this; }
    182         inline sc_int& operator = (const sc_int_subref_r& a)
    183   { write (a); return *this; }
    185   // explicit conversions
    186   inline uint32         to_uint   () const {return val & MASK32(W);};
    187   inline int32          to_int    () const {return val & MASK32(W);};
    188   inline uint64         to_uint64 () const {return val & MASK64(W);};
    189   inline int64          to_int64  () const {return val & MASK64(W);};
    191   // explicit conversion to character string
    192   const sc_string to_string       ( sc_numrep numrep = SC_DEC ) const
    193   { return sc_dt::to_string (val, W, numrep); }
    194   const sc_string to_dec() const  { return to_string (SC_DEC); }
    195   const sc_string to_bin() const  { return to_string (SC_BIN); }
    196   const sc_string to_oct() const  { return to_string (SC_OCT); }
    197   const sc_string to_hex() const  { return to_string (SC_HEX); }
    199   // arithmetic
    200 #define DEFINE_OPERATOR(OPER)        \
    201   template <typename T>              \
    202   inline sc_int& operator OPER (T v) \
    203   { vf.valW OPER v; return *this; }
    205   DEFINE_OPERATOR(<<=)
    206   DEFINE_OPERATOR(>>=)
    207   DEFINE_OPERATOR(+=)
    208   DEFINE_OPERATOR(-=)
    209   DEFINE_OPERATOR(*=)
    210   DEFINE_OPERATOR(/=)
    211   DEFINE_OPERATOR(%=)
    212   DEFINE_OPERATOR(&=)
    213   DEFINE_OPERATOR(|=)
    214   DEFINE_OPERATOR(^=)
    215 #undef DEFINE_OPERATOR
    217   inline sc_int_bit_ref& operator [] (int v)
    218   { return (vf.valW >> v) & 1; }
    219   inline sc_int_bit_ref_r& operator [] (int v) const
    220   { return (vf.valW >> v) & 1; }
    222   template <int W2>
    223   inline sc_int<W+W2> operator , (const sc_int<W2> &b) const
    224   { sc_int<W+W2> res = read() << W2; res +=; return res; }
    225 #if 0
    226 std::cerr << "[" << to_bin() << "," << b.to_bin() << " = " << res.to_bin() << "]\n";
    227 #endif
    229   inline sc_int<W+1> operator , (bool b) const
    230   { sc_int<W+1> res = read(); res <<= 1; res += b; return res; }
    231 #if 0
    232 std::cerr << "[" << to_bin() << "," << b.to_bin() << " = " << res.to_bin() << "]\n";
    233 #endif
    235   template <int W2>
    236   inline sc_int<W2> operator , (const sc_int_subref_r &v) const
    237   { std::cerr << "Warning : \n"; return sc_int<W2> (; }
    239   inline sc_int_subref range (int left, int right)
    240   { return (data_type)((data_type) (((data_type)~(0)) >> (sizeof (data_type) * 8 - left - 1)) & val) >> right; }
    242   inline sc_int_subref_r range (int left, int right) const
    243   { return sc_int_subref_r (((data_type) (((data_type)~(0)) >> (sizeof (data_type) * 8 - left - 1)) & val) >> right, left, right); }
    244 #if 0
    245 std::cerr << "range(" << left << "," << right << ")\n";
    246 std::cerr << "val = " << val << "\n";
    247 std::cerr << "~0 >> " << (sizeof (data_type) * 8 - left - 1) << " = " << (data_type) (((data_type)~(0)) >> (sizeof (data_type) * 8 - left - 1)) << "\n";
    248 std::cerr <<  ((data_type) ((((data_type)~(0)) >> (sizeof (data_type) * 8 - left - 1)) & val) >> right) << "\n";
    249 std::cerr << "data_type = " << sizeof (data_type) << "\n";
    250 #endif
    254 inline std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream &o, const sc_int_subref_r& s)
    255 { return o << s.val; }
     265inline std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream &o, const sc_int_subref_r & s) {
     266    return o << s.val;
     269#undef MASK32
     270#undef MASK64
    257272} /* end of sc_dt namespace */
    259274#endif /* __SC_INT_H__ */
     277# Local Variables:
     278# tab-width: 4;
     279# c-basic-offset: 4;
     280# c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0));
     281# indent-tabs-mode: nil;
     282# End:
     284# vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4
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