15 years |
nipo |
15 years |
nipo |
15 years |
nipo |
Use proper namespaces
15 years |
nipo |
Use proper namespaces
15 years |
nipo |
Use proper namespaces
15 years |
gao |
Debug infos deleted
15 years |
gao |
Active caches
15 years |
gao |
bug correction
15 years |
alain |
modifying the chek in the constructor to accept up to 4096 sets.
15 years |
guthmull |
Fix partial instruction updates
15 years |
guthmull |
Fix a bug with uncached reads, add more debug capabilities
15 years |
guthmull |
SC don't generate invalidations and cleanup any more, add treatment of …
15 years |
guthmull |
Fix a bug in SC, add start cycle debug
15 years |
bouyer |
Remove debug output
15 years |
gao |
15 years |
bouyer |
Make it build with systemcass.
15 years |
gao |
Activity counter update
15 years |
gao |
Activity counter update
15 years |
gao |
Activity counter update
15 years |
gao |
Activity counter update
15 years |
alain |
15 years |
alain |
15 years |
alain |
Introducing an improved memory consistency in the multi-write-buffer: …
15 years |
nipo |
Fix namespace usage
15 years |
guthmull |
Don't generate the software
15 years |
guthmull |
Add a pf similar to the fpga one
15 years |
gao |
Special for cc_vcache and cc_vcache_multi
15 years |
gao |
cc_vcache_multi added
15 years |
gao |
old file delete
15 years |
gao |
cc_vcache added
15 years |
gao |
Bug correction
15 years |
simerabe |
fixing bug : missing include file
15 years |
simerabe |
fixing bug : multi-inclusion control
15 years |
simerabe |
fixing bug : (cast after shift) rsrcid
15 years |
simerabe |
fixing bug : case of non initiator or non target
15 years |
guthmull |
Add SC randomization to V1
15 years |
guthmull |
Fix an issue in the select function
15 years |
nipo |
Fix netlist
15 years |
nipo |
Fix metadata
15 years |
nipo |
Set outdir to '.' to make sccom happy
15 years |
guthmull |
Add v1 phys platform
15 years |
guthmull |
Update metadata
15 years |
nipo |
Uniformize 40 bit addresses
15 years |
nipo |
Remove loggers
15 years |
nipo |
Add non coherent platform
15 years |
bouyer |
Fix CPU address
15 years |
nipo |
Add DSX-based platform definition
15 years |
nipo |
Update DSX metadata
15 years |
guthmull |
Fix uninitialized variable
15 years |
gao |
Bug correction
15 years |
simerabe |
updating lib components
15 years |
simerabe |
updating lib components
15 years |
simerabe |
changing broadcast parameters
15 years |
simerabe |
fixing bug related to broadcast
15 years |
bouyer |
Fix build with systemcass (add .read() on register access)
15 years |
gao |
bug correction
15 years |
simerabe |
adding trace for debugging
15 years |
simerabe |
changing broadcast offset on vci_ring_initiator
15 years |
simerabe |
updating multi-cluster platform
15 years |
simerabe |
new ring components for systemcass
15 years |
guthmull |
Fix same deadlock issue as in V4
15 years |
guthmull |
Fix the deadlock also for SC requests
15 years |
guthmull |
Fix a deadlock issue on the coherency network
15 years |
nipo |
Forgot the vci_cc_vcache_wrapper2_multi
15 years |
nipo |
Import platforms
15 years |
nipo |
Import TSAR modules in TSAR's own svn
15 years |
nipo |
Create a directory for tsar modules