| 40 | If the vci_cc_xcache_wrapper_v4 will not be maintained from now, all these plateforms can be deleted. |
| 41 | '''NOTE: These plateforms must be modified to support the new cleanup specification'''. |
| 42 | |
| 43 | * '''tsarv4_generic_ring''' (virtual dspin as global interconnect and vci_local_ring as local interconnect) |
| 44 | * '''tsarv4_generic_xbar''' (virtual dspin as global interconnect and vci_local_crossbar as local interconnect) |
| 45 | * '''tsarv4_vgmn_generic_32''' (vgmn as global interconnect and vci_local_crossbar as local interconnect) |
| 46 | * This plateform uses the ''old components'' vci_dma_tsar_v2 and vci_block_device_tsar_v2 |
| 47 | * '''caba-ring-ccxcachev4_memcachev4-mips32el''' (vci_simple_ring_fast as direct, coherence and external interconnect) |
| 48 | * Mono cluster plateform (the external interconnect is useless) |
| 49 | * No DMA or Block Device |
| 50 | |
| 51 | == Plateforms using old TSAR versions (v1,v2,v3) |
| 52 | |
| 53 | * '''almos-tsarv3-platforms''' |
| 54 | * '''caba-new_vdspin-test''' |
| 55 | * '''caba-ring-ccxcachev1_memcachev1-mipsel''' |
| 56 | * '''caba-ring-ccxcachev1_memcachev3-mipsel''' |
| 57 | * '''caba-ring-vcache2_memcache-mipsel''' |
| 58 | * '''caba-tsar-v0''' |
| 59 | * '''caba-vdspin-vci_synthetic_initiator''' |
| 60 | * '''caba-vgmn-ccxcachev1_memcachev3-mipsel''' |
| 61 | * '''caba-vgmn-memcache-mipsel''' |
| 62 | * '''caba-vgmn-vcache2_memcache-mipsel''' |
| 63 | * '''caba-xxx-ccxcachemulti-mipsel''' |
| 64 | * '''dsx''' |
| 65 | * '''fpga_3_tsar_v1''' |
| 66 | * '''tsarv1_mono_ring''' |
| 67 | * '''tsarv2_mutekh''' |