Jul 19, 2012, 11:44:48 AM (12 years ago)


1 edited


  • papers/FDL2012/abstraction_refinement.tex

    r93 r101  
    2626$\widehat{M}_i$ ensure item 2. Concretization can be performed by
    2727modifying the AKS of $\widehat{M}_i$ by changing some abstract value to
    28 concrete ones. However, this approach is rude : in order to ensure item 1,
     28concrete ones. However, this approach is rude: in order to ensure item 1,
    2929the concretization needs to be consistent with the sequences of values in the concrete system. The difficulty resides in defining the proper abstract variable to concretize, at which precise instant, and with which Boolean value.
    3030%Another way to concretize some variables at selected instants is to compose
    3333We propose to compose the abstraction with another AKS to build a good refinement
    34 according to definition \ref{def:goodrefinement}.
    35 We have  several options. The most straightforward consists in building
    36 an AKS representing all possible executions except the  spurious counterexample ; however the AKS representation may be huge and the process is not guaranteed to converge. A second possibility is to build an AKS with additional CTL properties of the components ; the AKS remains small but item 3 is not guaranteed, hence delaying the convergence. The final proposal combines both previous ones : first local CTL properties eliminating the spurious counterexample are determined, and then the corresponding AKS is synchronized with the one of $\widehat{M}_i$.
     34according to Definition \ref{def:goodrefinement}.
     35We have several options. The most straightforward method consists in building
     36an AKS representing all possible executions except the  spurious counterexample; however the AKS representation may be huge and the process is not guaranteed to converge. A second possibility is to build an AKS with additional CTL properties of the components; the AKS remains small but item 3 is not guaranteed, hence delaying the convergence. The final proposal combines both previous ones: first local CTL properties eliminating the spurious counterexample are determined, and then the corresponding AKS is synchronized with the one of $\widehat{M}_i$.
    4343counterexample given by the model-checker, the variable configuration in each
    4444state is Boolean. We name $\widehat{L_i}$ this new labeling.
    45 The spurious counterexample $\sigma$ is defined such that :
     45The spurious counterexample $\sigma$ is defined such that:
    4747Let $\sigma$ be a \emph{spurious counterexample} in $\widehat{M}_i =\langle \widehat{AP}_i, \widehat{S}_i, \widehat{S}_{0i},
    7070counterexample negation} $AKS(\overline{\sigma}) = \langle \widehat{AP}_{\overline{\sigma}}, \widehat{S}_{\overline{\sigma}}, \widehat{S}_{0{\overline{\sigma}}},
    7171\widehat{L}_{\overline{\sigma}}, \widehat{R}_{\overline{\sigma}},
    72 \widehat{F}_{\overline{\sigma}} \rangle$ is such that :
     72\widehat{F}_{\overline{\sigma}} \rangle$ is such that:
    9898The labeling function of $s_i'$ represents (concrete) configuration of state $s_i$ and state $\bar{s_i}$  represents all
    9999configurations {\it but} the one of $s_i$. This last set may not be representable by
    100 the labeling function defined in def \ref{def-aks}. State labeling is treated
     100the labeling function defined in Definition \ref{def-aks}. State labeling is treated
    101101in the second step. $s_T$ is a state where all atomic propositions are {\it unknown}.
    102102%The size of this structure is linear with the size of the counter-example.
    139139model. The strengthening of the abstraction $\widehat{M}_i$ with the
    140140addition of AKS of already verified local CTL properties eliminates sets of
    141 behaviors and guarantees the over-approximation (property
     141behaviors and guarantees the over-approximation (Property
    142142\ref{prop:concrete_compose}) but does not guarantee the elimination of the counterexample. We present in the following section a strategy to select sets of CTL properties eliminating the spurious counterexample.
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