Jul 19, 2012, 11:44:48 AM (12 years ago)


1 edited


  • papers/FDL2012/introduction.tex

    r95 r101  
    1 The embedded systems correspond to the integration into the same electronic circuit, a huge number of complex functionalities performed by several heterogenous components. Current SoC (System on Chips) contain multiple processors executing numerous cooperating tasks, specialized co-processors (for particular data treatment or communication purposes), Radio-Frequency components, etc. These systems are usually submitted to safety and robustness requirements. Depending on their application domains, their failure may induce serious damages and catastrophic consequences.
     1The embedded systems correspond to the integration into the same electronic circuit, a huge number of complex functionalities performed by several heterogeneous components. Current SoC (System on Chips) contain multiple processors executing numerous cooperating tasks, specialized co-processors (for particular data treatment or communication purposes), Radio-Frequency components, etc. These systems are usually submitted to safety and robustness requirements. Depending on their application domains, their failure may induce serious damages and catastrophic consequences.
    30  Xie and Browne have proposed a method for software verification based on composition of several components \cite{XieBrowne03composition_soft}. Their main objective is developing components that could be reused with certitude that their behaviors will always respect their specification when associated in a proper composition. Therefore, temporal properties of the software are specified, verified and packaged with the component for possible reuse. The implementation of this approach on software has been succesful and the application of the assume-guarantee reasoning has considerably reduced the model checking complexity. A comprehensive approach to model-check component-based systems with abstraction refinement technique that uses verified properties as abstractions has been presented in \cite{LiSunXieSong08compAbsRef}.
     30 Xie and Browne have proposed a method for software verification based on composition of several components \cite{XieBrowne03composition_soft}. Their main objective is developing components that could be reused with certitude that their behaviors will always respect their specification when associated in a proper composition. Therefore, temporal properties of the software are specified, verified and packaged with the component for possible reuse. The implementation of this approach on software has been successful and the application of the assume-guarantee reasoning has considerably reduced the model checking complexity. A comprehensive approach to model-check component-based systems with abstraction refinement technique that uses verified properties as abstractions has been presented in \cite{LiSunXieSong08compAbsRef}.
    33 In \cite{PMT02compositional_MC}, Peng, Mokhtari and Tahar have presented a possible implementation of assume-guarantee approach where the specification are in ACTL. Moreover, they managed to perform the synthetisation of the ACTL formulas into Verilog HDL behavior level program. The synthesized program can be used to check properties that the system's components must guarantee. Since, there have been other works on construction of components from interval temporal logic properties which could be used to speed up verification process \cite{SNBE06property_based} \cite{Kunz_al11ipc_abs}.
     33In \cite{PMT02compositional_MC}, Peng, Mokhtari and Tahar have presented a possible implementation of assume-guarantee approach where the specifications are in ACTL. Moreover, they managed to perform the synthetisation of the ACTL formulas into Verilog HDL behavior level program. The synthesized program can be used to check properties that the system's components must guarantee. Since, there have been other works on construction of components from interval temporal logic properties which could be used to speed up verification process \cite{SNBE06property_based} \cite{Kunz_al11ipc_abs}.
    3535%In 2006, Hans Eveking and al. introduced a technique of normalizing properties and transforming those normalized properties into an executable design description \cite{SNBE06property_based}. The generation of abstraction from PSL/Sugar specification language could then be used in the verification process to speed up the operation. This technique also allows the tests of specifications without having to build an implementation first.
    53 \textbf{\emph{Contribution :}} In this paper we present a strategy to exploit the properties of verified component in the goal of verifying complex systems with a good initial abstraction and eventually being conclusive in minimal refinement iterations. We propose a technique to classify component properties according to their pertinency towards the global property, thus, enabling a better selection of properties for the initial abstraction generation. Futhermore, in the case where the verification is not conclusive, we propose a technique guided by the counterexample given by the model-checker to select supplementary properties to improve the abstraction.   
     53\textbf{\emph{Contribution :}} In this paper we present a strategy to exploit the properties of verified component in the goal of verifying complex systems with a good initial abstraction and eventually being conclusive in minimal refinement iterations. We propose a technique to classify component properties according to their pertinency towards the global property, thus, enabling a better selection of properties for the initial abstraction generation. Furthermore, in the case where the verification is not conclusive, we propose a technique guided by the counterexample given by the model-checker to select supplementary properties to improve the abstraction.   
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