Changeset 57 for papers/FDL2012

Mar 9, 2012, 3:31:35 PM (13 years ago)

biblio et utf8

3 edited


  • papers/FDL2012/abstraction_refinement.tex

    r56 r57  
    4747\item  $\sigma$ is not a path of the concrete system $M$: $\exists k$ such
    4848that $(s_{k}, s_{k+1}) \not\in R$.
  • papers/FDL2012/framework.tex

    r56 r57  
    115115As the abstract model $\widehat{M}$ is generated from the conjunction of verified properties of the components in the concrete model $M$, it can be seen as the composition of the AKS of each property.
    116 The AKS composition has been defined in \cite{these_braunstein}; it extends
     116The AKS composition has been defined in \cite{braunstein_phd07}; it extends
    117117the classical synchrounous composition of Moore machine to deal with
    118118four-valued variables.
  • papers/FDL2012/myBib.bib

    r48 r57  
    4343   author = "E. M. Clarke and  O. Grumberg and S. Jha and Y. Lu and H. Veith",
    4444   title = "{Counterexample-guided Abstraction Refinement}",
    45    booktitle = "Computer Aided Verification (CAV '00)",
     45   booktitle = "Computer Aided Verification (CAV'00)",
    4646   address = "Chicago, IL",
    4747   year = 2000,
    8686    author = "H. S. Jin and M. Awedh and F. Somenzi",
    8787    title = "{CirCUs: A Satisfiablilty Solver Geared Towards Bounded Model Checking}",
    88      booktitle = {16th Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV '04)},
     88     booktitle = {16th Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV'04)},
    8989    pages = {519-522},
    9090    year = 2004,
    111111@article{ bara08abs_composant,
    112112    author = "A. Bara",
    113     title = "{Abstraction de Composant pour la Vérification par Model-Checking}",
    114     journal = {Mémoire de DiplÃŽme Universitaire OMP - LIP6-SOC},
     113    title = "{Abstraction de Composant pour la Vérification par Model-Checking}",
     114    journal = {Mémoire de DiplÎme Universitaire OMP - LIP6-SOC},
    115115    year =  2008
    143143   author = "H. Peng and Y. Mokhtari and S. Tahar ",
    144144   title = "{Environment Synthesis for Compositional Model Checking} ",
    145    booktitle = "In ICCD’02 : Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computer Design",
     145   booktitle = "In ICCD'02 : Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computer Design",
    146146   pages = {70-75},
    147147   address = "Freiburg, Germany",
    154154   author = "M. Schickel  and V. Nimbler and M. Braun and H. Eveking ",
    155155   title = "{On Consistency and Completeness of Property-Sets: Exploiting the Property-Based Design Process} ",
    156    booktitle = "In FDL’06: Proceedings of  Forum on specification and Design Languages",
     156   booktitle = "In FDL'06: Proceedings of  Forum on specification and Design Languages",
    157157   year = 2006
    161161@conference{ CiardoLS00mdd_async,
    162    author = "G.Ciardo and G. LÃŒttgen and R. Siminiceanu",
     162   author = "G.Ciardo and G. LÌttgen and R. Siminiceanu",
    163163   title = "{ Efficient symbolic state-space construction for asynchronous systems} ",
    164164   booktitle = "In Proc. of ICATPN '2000",
    184184   author = "T. A. Henzinger and S. Qadeer and S. K. Rajamani",
    185185   title = "{ You Assume, We Guarantee : Methodology and Case Studies} ",
    186    booktitle = "CAV â€™98 : Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification",
     186   booktitle = "CAV'98 : Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification",
    187187   volume = 1427,
    188188   pages = {440-451},
    206206@conference{ GrafSaidi97abstract_construct,
    207    author = "  S. Graf and H. Saïdi",
     207   author = "  S. Graf and H. Saïdi",
    208208   title = "{ Construction of Abstract State Graphs with PVS} ",
    209    booktitle = " In CAV â€™97: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification",
     209   booktitle = " In CAV'97: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification",
    210210   volume = 1254,
    211211   year = 1997,
     293  author = {C.~Braunstein},
     294  title = {"Conception Incrémentale, Vérification de Composants Matériels et
     295        Méthode d'abstraction pour la Vérification de SystÚmes Intégrés sur
     296        Puce"},
     297  school = {{Universitée Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6)}},
     298  year = {2007},
     299  address = {LIP6/SOC},
     300  owner = {cecile},
     301  timestamp = {2007.04.16}
    293304@misc{ patanshnik88bibtex,
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