Mar 15, 2012, 1:43:45 PM (13 years ago)
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  • papers/FDL2012/abstraction_refinement.tex

    r67 r68  
    9 \begin{definition} An efficient \emph{refinement} verified the following properties:
     9\begin{definition} An efficient \emph{refinement} verifies the following properties:
    1111\item The new refinement is an over-approximation of the concrete model: $\widehat{M}_{i+1} \sqsubseteq \widehat{M}$.
    2929\subsection{Refinement by negation of the counterexample}
    31 \TODO{Mettre la def avant ?}
    32 \TODO{Rafinement par négation du contre-exemple}
    3331The counterexample at a refinement step $i$, $\sigma$ is a path in the
    3432abstract model $\widehat{M}_i$ which dissatisfy $\Phi$.  In the counterexample given by the model-checker, the variables value in each states are boolean.
    53 2. Negation of states in an AKS
     51The construction of the AKS representing all executions except the one described by the spurious counter-example is done in two steps.
     52\subsubsection{step 1 : Build the structure of the AKS.}
     53Let us denote $AKS(\overline{\sigma})$ this AKS. $AKS(\overline{\sigma}) = \langle \widehat{AP}_{\overline{\sigma}}, \widehat{S}_{\overline{\sigma}}, \widehat{S}_{0{\overline{\sigma}}},
     54\widehat{L}_{\overline{\sigma}}, \widehat{R}_{\overline{\sigma}}, \widehat{F}_{\overline{\sigma}} \rangle$.
     56\item The set of atomic propositions coincides with the one of $\sigma$ : $AP_{\overline{\sigma}} = {AP}_i$
     57\item Build a state $s_T$, and for each state $s_i$ in $\sigma$, build two states $s'_i$ and $s"_i$.  $s_T \in S_{\overline{\sigma}}$ and forall $i$ in $[0..n-1]$ : $s'_i \in S_{\overline{\sigma}}$ and $s"_i \in S_{\overline{\sigma}}.$
     58\item State labeling : $s'_i$ represents the (concrete) configuration of state $s_i$ and state $s"_i$  represents all configurations but the one of $s_i$. This last set may not be representable by the labeling function defined in def \ref{def-aks}. State labeling is treated in the second step.
     59\item States $s'_0$ and $s"_0$ are initial states.
     60\item Transitions : Forall $i$ in $[1..n-1]$, connect $s'_i$ and $s"_i$ to their predecessor state $s'_{i-1}$: $(s'_{i-1},s'_i) \in R_{\overline{\sigma}}$ and $(s'_{i-1},s"_i) \in R_{\overline{\sigma}}$ and connect all $s"$ states as predecessor of the $s_T$ state : $(s"_i,s_T) \in R_{\overline{\sigma}}$.
     61\item \TODO{FAIRNESS}
     63The size of this structure is linear with the size of the counter-example, however it is not a strict AKS since the representation of the set of configurations in states $s"$ may lead to a union of labels.
    55 a) An (abstract) configuration in a state of the AKS represents a (convex ?) set of states of the concrete component.
     65\subsubsection{Step 2 : Expand state configurations representing the negation of a concrete configuration.}
     66We return back to the labeling of states of $AKS(\overline{\sigma})$. As states $s'$ are associated with the same (concrete) configuration as their corresponding state in $\sigma$, their labeling is straightforward : $\forall i \in [0..n-1], {L}_{\overline{\sigma}}(s'_i) = \widehat{L}_{i}(s_i)$.
     67The set of configurations associated with a state $s"_i$ represents the negation of the one represented by ${L}_{\overline{\sigma}}(s'_i)$. This negation is not representable by the label of a single state but rather by a union of $\mid AP \mid$ labels.
    57 b) The negation of an configuration may be represented by a set of abstract configurations
     69\emph{Example}. Assume $AP = \{v_0,v_1,v_2\}$ and $\sigma = s_0 \rightarrow s_1, \ldots$ and $\widehat{L}(s_0) = \{\mathbf{f},\mathbf{f},\mathbf{f}\}$ meaning the configuration associated with $s_0$ assigns false to each variable. The negation of this configuration represents a set of seven concrete configurations which are covered by three (abstract) configurations: $\{\{\mathbf{t},\top,\top\},\{\mathbf{f},\mathbf{t},\top\},\{\mathbf{f},\mathbf{f},\mathbf{t}\}\}$.
    59 c) building the AKS of a spurious counter-example may lead to a blow-up of the number of states of the AKS
     71To build the final AKS representing all sequences but spurious counter-example $\sigma$, one replaces in $AKS(\overline{\sigma})$ each state $s"_i$ by $n = \mid AP_{\overline\sigma} \mid$ states $s"_i^k$ with $k \in [0..n-1]$ and assigns to each of them a label of $n$ variables $\{v_0, \ldots, v_{n-1}\}$ defined such that : ${L}(s"_i^k) = \{\forall l \in [0..k], v_l = \neg  {L}_{i}(s'_i)[v_l], \forall l \in [k+1..n-1], v_l = \top\}$.
     72\TODO{connexion des $s"_i^k$}
     74This final AKS presents a number of states which is linear with the length of the counter-example and the number of atomic propositions.
     76\TODO{Revoir notation def 3 pour f,t,top et introduire notation ${L}_{i}(s'_i)[v_l]$}
     78Removing the spurious counter-example only has little chance to converge.
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