Mar 27, 2012, 5:24:35 PM (13 years ago)


1 edited


  • papers/FDL2012/FDL2012.tex

    r66 r75  
    49 Embedded systems are usually composed of several components and in practice, these components generally have been independently verified to ensure that they respect their specifications before being integrated into a larger system. Therefore, we would like to exploit the specification (i.e. verified CTL properties) of the components in the objective of verifying a global property of the system. A complete concrete system may not be directly verifiable due to the state explosion problem, thus abstraction and eventually refinement process are required. In this paper, we propose a technique to select properties in order to generate a good abstraction and reduce refinement iterations. We have tested this technique on a set of benchmarks which shows that our approach is promising in comparison to other abstraction-refinement techniques.
     49Embedded systems are usually composed of several components and in practice, these components generally have been independently verified to ensure that they respect their specifications before being integrated into a larger system. Therefore, we would like to exploit the specification (i.e. verified CTL properties) of the components in the objective of verifying a global property of the system. A complete concrete system may not be directly verifiable due to the state explosion problem, thus abstraction and eventually refinement process are required. In this paper, we propose a technique to select properties in order to generate a good abstraction and reduce refinement iterations. We have conducted several preliminary experimentations which shows that our approach is promising in comparison to other abstraction-refinement techniques implemented in VIS.
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