Apr 4, 2012, 3:21:25 PM (12 years ago)

typos et texte un peu allégé

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  • papers/FDL2012/ordering_filter_properties.tex

    r79 r81  
    10 The ordering of the properties is based on the variable dependency graph
    11 where the roots are primary variables.
    12 The variables in the model are weighted according to their dependency level
    13 \emph{vis-à-vis} primary variables and the properties is weighted according to the sum of the weights
    14 of the variables present in it. We want to select the properties specifying
    15 behaviors that may have an impact on the global property. We observed that
     10%The ordering of the properties is based on the variable dependency graph
     11%where the roots are primary variables.
     12%The variables in the model are weighted according to their dependency level
     13%\emph{vis-à-vis} primary variables and the properties is weighted according to the sum of the weights
     14%of the variables present in it. We want to select the properties specifying
     15%behaviors that may have an impact on the global property.
     16We observed that
    1617the more closer a variable is from the primary
    1718variable the more it affects the primary variable. Hence, a property
    3233we consider the minimum depth.
    3334\item Give a weight to each variable (see algorithm  \ref{algo:weight}).
    34 \item Compute the weight of properties for each component.
     35\item Compute the weight of properties for each component~: sum of the
     36property variables weight.
    131 Each properties  pertinence is evaluated by adding the weights of all the variables in it.
     133%Each properties  pertinence is evaluated by adding the weights of all the variables in it.
    132134It is definitely not an exact pertinence calculation of properties but provides a good indicator
    133135of their possible impact on the global property.
    140142\subsection{Filtering properties}
    141143The refinement step consists of adding new AKS of properties selected according to
    142 their pertinence. This refinement respects items 1 and 2 of definition
    143 \ref{def:goodrefinement}. The first item comes from AKS definition and the
    144 composition property \ref{prop:concrete_compose}.
    145 Adding a new AKS in the abstraction leads to an abstraction where more behaviors
    146 are characterized. Hence there is more constrains behavior and more concretize
    147 states.
     144their pertinence.
     145%This refinement respects items 1 and 2 of definition
     146%\ref{def:goodrefinement}. The first item comes from AKS definition and the
     147%composition property \ref{prop:concrete_compose}.
     148%Adding a new AKS in the abstraction leads to an abstraction where more behaviors
     149%are characterized. Hence there is more constrains behavior and more concretize
    150151Unfortunately, this refinement does not ensure that the spurious counterexample
    151152is evicted.
    155156In order to reach this objective, a Abstract Kripke structure of the counterexample $\sigma$, $K(\sigma)$
    156157is generated. $K(\sigma)$ is a succession of states corresponding to the counterexample path which dissatisfies
    157 the global property $\Phi$ as show in figure \ref{AKSNegCex}. In case where
    158 the counter-example exibits a bounded path, we add a last
     158the global property $\Phi$
     159%as show in figure \ref{AKSNegCex}.
     160In case where the spurious counter-example exhibits a bounded path, we add a last
    159161state $s_T$ where all variable are free({\it unknown}). The tree starting from this
    160162state represents all the possible future of the counterexample.
    183185\item $S_{\sigma} = \{s_{i}|s_i\in \sigma\}\cup\{s_T\}$
    184186\item $S_{0\sigma} = \{s_{0}\}$
    185 \item $L_{\sigma} = \check{L}_i$
     187\item $L_{\sigma} = \widehat{L}_i$
    186188\item $R_{\sigma} =  \{(s_{k}, s_{k+1})|(s_{k}\rightarrow s_{k+1})\in
    217 \begin{figure}[h!]
    218    \centering
    220 \begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',shorten >=1.5pt,auto,node distance=2cm,
    221                     thick]
    222   \tikzstyle{every state}=[fill=none,draw=blue,text=black, minimum size=1.1cm]
    224   \node[initial,state] (A)                    {$s_{0}$};
    225   \node[state]         (B) [below of=A]       {$s_{1}$};
    226   \node[node distance=1.5cm]       (C) [below of=B]       {$\ldots$};
    227   \node[state,node distance=1.5cm]       (D) [below of=C]     {$s_{n-1}$};
    228   \node[state]         (E) [below of=D]     {$s_T$};
    230   \path (A) edge node {} (B)
    231         (B) edge node {} (C)
    232         (C) edge node {} (D)
    233         (D) edge node {} (E)
    234         (E) edge[loop right] node {} (E);
    236 \end{tikzpicture}
    238    \caption{\label{AKSNegCex} Kripke Structure of counterexample $\sigma$, $K(\sigma)$}
    239 \end{figure}
     220%   \centering
     222%\begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',shorten >=1.5pt,auto,node distance=2cm,
     223%                    thick]
     224%  \tikzstyle{every state}=[fill=none,draw=blue,text=black, minimum size=1.1cm]
     226%  \node[initial,state] (A)                    {$s_{0}$};
     227%  \node[state]         (B) [below of=A]       {$s_{1}$};
     228%  \node[node distance=1.5cm]      (C) [below of=B]       {$\ldots$};
     229%  \node[state,node distance=1.5cm]       (D) [below of=C]     {$s_{n-1}$};
     230%  \node[state]         (E) [below of=D]     {$s_T$};
     232%  \path (A) edge node {} (B)
     233%        (B) edge node {} (C)
     234%        (C) edge node {} (D)
     235%        (D) edge node {} (E)
     236%        (E) edge[loop right] node {} (E);
     240%   \caption{\label{AKSNegCex} Kripke Structure of counterexample $\sigma$, $K(\sigma)$}
    241243All the properties available for refinement are then model-checked on $K(\sigma)$. If the
    242244property holds then the property will not discriminate the counterexample.
    243245Hence this property is not a good candidate for refinement.
    244 Therefore all properties that are satisfied are chosen to be
     246Therefore all properties that are not satisfied are chosen to be
    245247integrated in the next step of refinement. At this stage, we already have a
    246248list of potential properties that definitely eliminates the current counterexample $\sigma$ and might converge the abstract model towards a model sufficient to verify the global property $\Phi$.
    262264$AKS(\varphi)$, thus $\sigma$ is not a possible path in $AKS(\varphi)$
    263265otherwise $AKS(\varphi)\not\models \varphi$ that is not feasible due to AKS
    264 definition and the composition with $M_i$ with $AKS(\varphi)$ will eleiminate
     266definition and the composition with $M_i$ with $AKS(\varphi)$ will eliminate
    269 The property at the top of the list (not yet selected and excluding the properties
    270 which are satisfied by $K(\sigma)$) is selected to be integrated in the generation of $\widehat{M}_{i+1}$.
    271 We ensure that our refinement respects the definition \ref{def:goodrefinement}.
    272 Moreover, the time needed to build an AKS is neglectible and building the
    273 next abstraction is just a parallel composition with the previous one. Thus the refinement
    274  we propose is not time consuming.
     271The propose approach ensure that the refinement excludes the counter-example
     272and  respects the definition \ref{def:goodrefinement}.
     273We will show in our experiments that first the time needed to build an AKS is
     274negligible and secondly the refinement converges rapidly.
     275%The property at the top of the list (not yet selected and excluding the properties
     276%which are satisfied by $K(\sigma)$) is selected to be integrated in the generation of $\widehat{M}_{i+1}$.
     277%We ensure that our refinement respects the definition \ref{def:goodrefinement}.
     278%Moreover, the time needed to build an AKS is neglectible and building the
     279%next abstraction is just a parallel composition with the previous one. Thus the refinement
     280% we propose is not time consuming.
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