Apr 6, 2012, 11:24:24 AM (12 years ago)
1 edited


  • papers/FDL2012/framework.tex

    r84 r86  
    66attached to each component. This set refers to the specification of the
    77component. We would like to verify whether a concrete model, $M$ presumably
    8 big sized and composed of several components, satisfies a global ACTL property $\Phi$. 
     8big sized and composed of several components, satisfies a global ACTL property $\Phi$.
    99%Due to state space combinatorial explosion phenomenon that occurs when verifying huge and complex systems, an abstraction or approximation of the concrete model has to be done in order to be able to verify the system with model-checking techniques.
    1010Instead of building the product of the concrete components, we replace each concrete component by an abstraction of its behavior derived from a subset of the CTL properties it satisfies. Each abstract component represents an over-approximation of the set of behaviors of its related concrete component \cite{braunstein07ctl_abstraction}.
    127127\begin{definition} An \emph{Abstract model} $\widehat{M}$ is obtained by
    128 synchronous composition of components abstractions. Let $n$ be the number of components in the model and $m$ be the number of selected verified properties of a component; 
     128synchronous composition of components abstractions. Let $n$ be the number of components in the model and $m$ be the number of selected verified properties of a component;
    129129let $C_j$ be a component of the concrete model $M$ and $\varphi_{j}^k$ is a CTL formula describing a satisfied property of component $C_j$. Let $AKS (\varphi_{C_j^k})$ the AKS generated from $\varphi_j^k$. We have $\forall j \in [1,n]$ and $\forall k \in [1,m]$:
    185 Let $s = (s_i,s_{\varphi_j^k})$ be a state in $S_{i+1}$, such that $s_i\in S_i$ 
     185Let $s = (s_i,s_{\varphi_j^k})$ be a state in $S_{i+1}$, such that $s_i\in S_i$
    186186and $s_{\varphi_j^k} \in S_{\varphi_j^k}$.
    187 The label of $s_{i+1}$ is obtained by applying the Belnap logic operator and
    188 to values of variables in $s_i$ and $s_{\varphi_j^k}$. For all $p \in
     187The label of $s_{i+1}$ is obtained by applying the Belnap's logic operators to four-valued values of variables in $s_i$ and $s_{\varphi_j^k}$. For all $p \in
    189188AP_i \cup AP_{\varphi_j^k}$ we have the following label~:
    197196(resp. $s_{\varphi_j^k}$).
    199 By property \ref{prop:concrete}, $M_{i+1}$ is more concrete than $M_i$ and by 
    200 the property of parallel composition, 
     198By property \ref{prop:concrete}, $M_{i+1}$ is more concrete than $M_i$ and by
     199the property of parallel composition,
    201200$\widehat{M_i} \sqsubseteq \widehat{M}_{i} \parallel AKS(\varphi_j^k$).
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